Intelligent design not so smart.


Valued Senior Member
If a creator designed DNA to run life why does it stuff up so often. An endless list of problems occur because of the imperfections of DNA replication. 100's of million humans suffer from bad design.

Approx 1 in 10 people suffer from a birth defect, and about the same in nature. Intelligent design not so smart.
I've seen the Virgin Mary appear in a grilled cheese sandwich, but I ain't never seen no intelligent life spontaneously evolving out of peanut butter.
So we healthy ones can appreciate what we have. God makes good and bad things happen to us. Good and bad in order to try us (as persons, parents, brothers etc...).
"Intelligent design" is the not-so-intelligent nom de guerre given to an abstraction ill understood.
If a creator designed DNA to run life why does it stuff up so often. An endless list of problems occur because of the imperfections of DNA replication. 100's of million humans suffer from bad design.

Approx 1 in 10 people suffer from a birth defect, and about the same in nature. Intelligent design not so smart.
one could also argue that the world is not intelligently designed, since we are frequently razed by bush fires, tumbled by gale force winds etc.

IOW as long as one is possessed by the value that the needs, interests and concerns of (conditioned) living entities stand at the pinnacle of any consideration of intelligent design, there is ample evidence for it not to be so.
So we healthy ones can appreciate what we have. God makes good and bad things happen to us. Good and bad in order to try us (as persons, parents, brothers etc...).

Yeah he's just funny that way. Happy Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa everyone! (that's a genetic disease that makes your skin fall off at the slightest touch) :confused:

one could also argue that the world is not intelligently designed, since we are frequently razed by bush fires, tumbled by gale force winds etc.
You are correct, it isn't.
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For some people, things are perfect exactly the way they are, and forest fires and cataclysms are just part of the overall natural balance. They will call this perfection and proof of intelligent design. In that case, all they're doing is resolving to call everything perfect regardless of what it turns out to be- at that point all we're doing is playing word games, so what's the point in even bothering?
I've seen the Virgin Mary appear in a grilled cheese sandwich, but I ain't never seen no intelligent life spontaneously evolving out of peanut butter.
You need to buy a branded peanut butter, not one of these chain store economy versions.
for as long as one is possessed by the value that the needs, interests and concerns of (conditioned) living entities stand at the pinnacle of any consideration of intelligent design, isn't it.

That is the premise though. I didn't invent it.
I remember a couple of years ago, someone on these forums was arguing against evolution by pointing out we hadn't found life on other planets yet. Fool didn't realize Captain Kirk isn't born for another 250 years!
For some people, things are perfect exactly the way they are, and forest fires and cataclysms are just part of the overall natural balance. They will call this perfection and proof of intelligent design. In that case, all they're doing is resolving to call everything perfect regardless of what it turns out to be-
... or alternatively, alluding that a higher principle of the design lies in something other than the (unchallenged) pursuit of happiness by the (conditioned) living entity.
"pursuit of happiness" What....

Most animals live on the edge of starvation. Most suffer agonizing painful death. Nature as it is seen is in a constant struggle for survival.

Many humans will not find happiness even despite there own wants or rights..
"pursuit of happiness" What....

Most animals live on the edge of starvation. Most suffer agonizing painful death. Nature as it is seen is in a constant struggle for survival.

Many humans will not find happiness even despite there own wants or rights..
hence you cite all these as evidence of a design bereft of intelligence, yes?