Integrating ID Into The Science Class ...


Registered Senior Member
Excuse me, students, but we have a slight change in the curriculum. If you've been monitoring the news, you will know that we are now required to teach Intelligent Design in our science class.

While I'm sure that we'll refine our curriculum down the road, this seems like as good a time as any to introduce the new material. Please take notes - you can be sure that it will be on the test ....

According to Intelligent Design, God did it.

Now, I'd like to turn to a discussion of photosynthesis. This is ...

Excuse me, Professor, but is that all?

Yes, Robert, that pretty much sums it up. Now, as I was saying, photo ...

But Professor, what specifically did God do?

"It", Mary, God did "it". What that was, specifically, is a bit difficult to identify. Unlike photosynthesis, which is the means by which ...

Er ... Professor. When did God do it?

That's outside the scope of the ID Theory, Sue. Some say roughly 5766 years ago; some say a bit over 13 billion years ago. Let's say somewhere between 5 thousand and 15 billion years. After all, it's just a theory.

Now, photosynthesis, as I'm sure you ...

Excuse me, Professor, but which God did it?

I'm certainly not about to touch that one, Bill, but I think {wink} you all know which one they mean {/wink}.

Getting back now to pho ...

Professor, could you at least tell us how it was done?

Jill, how the hell am I suppose to do that? This is a science class. Go ask your priest. ... Now photosynthesis is the process whereby ... Damn it! There's the bell. Tomorrow we'll pick up where we left off, and perhaps spend some time discussing spells to ward off evil spirits. Have a good day.
Hmm...I've never heard of ID being actually taught in least not in Jefferson Country, Ky...
I think that's all they want, isn't it? ...just a symbolic foot of ignorance in the door of science.
Hi CA,

Nice to se you again.

Has any state anywhere actually approved this yet? I thought it was still being debated and atracting a lot of dissent.

But I like your play.
Cris said:
Hi CA,

Nice to se you again.
Thank you.

Cris said:
Has any state anywhere actually approved this yet? I thought it was still being debated and atracting a lot of dissent.
Dover is centerstage now. Good, blue-collar folks: the teachers reject ID and the electorate have voted the pro-ID Board members out of office. It's enough to make one hopeful! :)
Intelligent Design is neither intelligent nor design.
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