insurance scams

would you report someone or mind your own business?

  • report

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • mind my own business

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters


if you knew someone who was commiting an insurane related scam, would you report them or mind your own business?
Aye, good luck to 'em if they can get away with it.

Theft from individuals is mean, but theft from faceless corporations...fair play!
theft from faceless corporations results in increased pricing and might as well be from people.

theft is wrong. - regardless of how it is looked at.
so you are saying that if you owned a corporation you would not mind people stealing from it? its not you, its the corp.
I would encourage people to scam me so that I can scam my own insurances as a company I have with other firms .

Ofcourse Id mind peoples rip me off , duh . Does minding it make it immoral ? I dont think so . Insurance coorporations are immoral objects . Its like robbing the robber , thats something to be admired . Perhaps the immoral factors are rather implicated with what you do with your theft , rather than the mere fact that it is theft .

Why should theft be immoral ?

theft is wrong. - regardless of how it is looked at.

Why ? Why ? Why ?

On what base ?

theft from faceless corporations results in increased pricing and might as well be from people.

If everybody would rip off incoorporations they couldnt remain existent , rather the mass-theft results in an act of morality by killing the original act of robbery , one that ways so much more than civillian theft from such companies . We should rather argue the morality on those companies , than the robbing of them .

Your reasoning goes like : The thief robs me , I shouldnt take mine back because then he will rob others (including me) more by spreading the losses , instead of just taking it out on me ?

Also , you do understand that when I am the only one who robs this company , no prices will rise . Im sure you're now ready to prose your Kantianism as : What if everybody would do it
Thats not in question necesarily .

Furthermore , what other grounds do you base the absolute in "theft is wrong" ? Something itself can never be wrong or right , it is us who create wrong or right in it . So unless you have a solid theory on why exactly you have created wrong into the absolute phenomena of stealing , you're dismissed .

Do you realize that whole point of insurance companies? I know a lot of people see it like they are a faceless corporation that should be put into bankruptcy...blah blah blah... You know that if you have a building worth 100,000 and your insurance is only $1,200 a year to protect you from accidents that could leave you in a completely financial ruin that you would pay for the insurance. That is the whole point. To protect the customer from financial ruin.

I think most companies would feel more secure to know that if something were to happened, then they would be protected from financial ruin. Everybody wants to groan and complain but have you seen the amount of litigation out there these days. It is sure to leave most companies in a financial ruin if they do not have coverage.
You know Quigly , Im not expecting you to understand this but I consider : to leave most companies in a financial ruin

Jihad, What do you expect people to do for work if there were no companies? I work with a lot of Mom and Pop shops and they have started a company in order to make something of themselves and their family. Why would you want to see people like that in financial ruin. Do you have a job or a company? What would people do if they didn't have a means for income? I guess that is part of the US society. To work and provide for the family and that sort but seriously, do you understand the implications to the statement of leaving most companies in a financial ruin? I will agree that there are corrupt companies that are money hungry and have a dog eat dog mentality, but I believe the majority of the companies are good folks that are just trying to provide for themselves and there family.
What do you expect people to do for work if there were no companies?

Look this is a political question , I dont support the system in which these peoples function .

Mom and Pop shops

Yes well you're probably very well aware its not Mom and Pop stores that emphasize the meaning of capitalism today , its not them i have moral problems with .

I guess that is part of the US society. To work and provide for the family and that sort


I will agree that there are corrupt companies that are money hungry and have a dog eat dog mentality, but I believe the majority of the companies are good folks that are just trying to provide for themselves and there family.

Its all about multi-nationals and the such my friend , lets get serious here for a moment . Peoples providing for themselves doesnt make them good folks , and I dont consider the system they operate in to provide this or that a morally appreciated one based on Utilitarianism .
crookedness is all i can say. remember, you have to look yourself in the eye in the mirror in the morning. the day you stop being able to do that without any sort of guilt after theft is the day you have decensitized yourself from the rest of the world.

as for being dismissed, i did not gain anything from your "stoned philosophy". maybe you should look at your roots and see if your parents brought you up to be this way, who knows, maybe they smoked dope too. maybe when your mom was pregnant she smoked weed or did acid, now you are a mess and the rest of the world has to make up for your insufficiencies. please refer to your childhood for answers to your problems.
Hey Doofus , I dont know what crack you are on but who the hell are you to start criticizing my mother punk !

Your immaturity shows when you are not even capable to discuss ethics , you emotionally abused idiot ! Go back to bed man , get out of here .

You cant even provide some sound ethical theory in what you proove your right or wrong , you just "feel" some way , go back to school mister ethics 101 wasnt a succes .

you have to look yourself in the eye

You're the one in here making up right from wrong without even knowing why or how , I am perfectly conscious of my reasoning unlike you . Damn wanker .......

the dark side is calling you! look at your anger and frustration then go to the pond and search for the ripple that does not stop. here and only here will you find the answers to your anger and frustration.
Who's angry & frustrated , you ? Im LOL at you with your sorry-ass moral-emotions you dodo :p

Now go stuff that nasty head back up that ass of yours conversations over


You're so silly in assuming moral objection against scamming insurance , you even consider acting out against it like the good citizen you might be .

if you knew someone who was commiting an insurane related scam, would you report them or mind your own business?

And all that based on your emotional sense of things ?

Go read some Ethics 101

then come back and tell me what is wrong with scamming insurance and why . Bye Bye
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Allahs/Jihad sez:

Insurance coorporations are immoral objects

Insurance companies are simply a going concern, like any other business. When you buy their services, you are gambling that you’re going to die and they are wagering you’re going to live. Please explain why you consider that immoral?

Why should theft be immoral ?

Do you even know the meaning of immoral? Violating principles of right and wrong.

Actually, I’m not at all surprised that you have no idea why theft is wrong – you’ve quite often exhibited a criminal element and parasitic tendencies in your thinking process.

Furthermore , what other grounds do you base the absolute in "theft is wrong" ? Something itself can never be wrong or right , it is us who create wrong or right in it . So unless you have a solid theory on why exactly you have created wrong into the absolute phenomena of stealing , you're dismissed .

You really have no clue, do you?

Look at it this way: productive/right vs. non-productive/wrong.

Society works to produce so that you can enjoy things like the computer you use, the internet, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and so on…

If all society became non-productive, we would go back to living in caves.

But since society is productive, then people like you who choose to leech off the labors of society and choose to be non-productive add to the burden of society and the ever-increasing costs of those services. The producer will need to take action to eliminate the non-producer.

Therefore, since you choose to be non-productive, society has created a cave for you to live in: prison.
Q : If I may ask , why this "Allahs/Jihad" , not that I mind , but what is your point ?

Insurance companies are simply a going concern, like any other business. When you buy their services, you are gambling that youÂ’re going to die and they are wagering youÂ’re going to live. Please explain why you consider that immoral?

They are immoral because they scam peoples for profit . If insurance companies would be non-profit organization they would be wonderfull .

Do you even know the meaning of immoral? Violating principles of right and wrong.

Ehm ....... Im sure my ethical knowledge isnt much less than yours Q . The question is WHY to you choose a certain principle to be right or wrong , do you have any backing theory ?

Actually, I?m not at all surprised that you have no idea why theft is wrong ? you?ve quite often exhibited a criminal element and parasitic tendencies in your thinking process.

See you bring in""criminal" proving your biased understandings of morality as implemented by todays society , and Im only parasiting on the peoples that I dont consider worth much , like you . Im happy to parasite off of you , toobad you're so far away .

You really have no clue, do you?


Society works to produce so that you can enjoy things like the computer you use, the internet, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and so on?

Indeed . But what if I dont agree on grounds of social contract ? What moral plight do I have then against society ? None buddy

If all society became non-productive, we would go back to living in caves.

If all ....are we getting Kantian on me now ? If everybody in the West would stop producing in the system they are producing I would consider my parasiting immoral as I would agree on their moral attitude toward the world , and as such should I behave towards them as well . Since that is not the case , and I dont respect it in any way , thats not gonna be the case .

But since society is productive, then people like you who choose to leech off the labors of society and choose to be non-productive add to the burden of society and the ever-increasing costs of those services. The producer will need to take action to eliminate the non-producer.

Oh its much worse than that pops , thing is no action can be taken because they have not the intelligence to solve their problems .

Therefore, since you choose to be non-productive, society has created a cave for you to live in: prison.

But in the meantime Im rich and home


What they gonna do about it ? Man you are so simplistic , you can only view your world as your western-centric piece of shit-society that needs to be protected , hey well Im not wanting its protection , rather its destruction .

So whats your point ? I suggest you follow the advise I gave dibbles over there and go learn some ethics 101 .

Provide a solid theory that proves your rights and wrongs or just shut up .

They are immoral because they scam peoples for profit .

That’s ridiculous, they provide a service for a fee, just like any other company.

If insurance companies would be non-profit organization they would be wonderfull

Wow! You have no business sense whatsoever. What would be the point of being in business if not to profit? Why don’t you start a non-profit insurance company and see how far you get?

See you bring in""criminal" proving your biased understandings of morality as implemented by todays society , and Im only parasiting on the peoples that I dont consider worth much , like you .

A parasite is a parasite; regardless of what you may think of those you sponge. This is not a biased view of society – it is a very simple premise that you apparently are unable to comprehend.

Im happy to parasite off of you , toobad you're so far away .

Gee, that’s a surprise.

But what if I dont agree on grounds of social contract ?

Quite simple – get rid of all of your belongings (especially your internet connection) and go live in a cave far away from society. No one is putting a gun to your head to force you to agree with anything society has to offer. But, I’m more inclined to believe you’d much rather be a parasite.

Since that is not the case , and I dont respect it in any way , thats not gonna be the case

Then go away and live in a cave.

no action can be taken because they have not the intelligence to solve their problems

Oh really? And you do? Don’t be so naïve to think your actions will not catch up with you someday. It may take time, but you will be dealt with in due process.

But in the meantime Im rich and home

Yeah, sure you are.

Im not wanting its protection , rather its destruction .

Yes, I know. You’ve confirmed your delusional megalomania several times already.

So whats your point ?

One that apparently and not surprisingly goes right over your head - your failure to understand anything aside from strapping dynamite to your body and pressing a button is considerable.

Provide a solid theory that proves your rights and wrongs or just shut up .

I believe that nothing anyone would have to say would satisfy you. Delusional megalomaniacs are only interested in the sound of their own voice.
That?s ridiculous, they provide a service for a fee, just like any other company.

profit=theft . Because you normalize into your vision of society doesnt make this any different . You simply allow some theft and not allow other . The service they provide is over-payed into their billions of profit .

Wow! You have no business sense whatsoever. What would be the point of being in business if not to profit? Why donÂ’t you start a non-profit insurance company and see how far you get?

No business sense whatsover , lol . Im richer than you thats all i gotta say on this one point .

I am fully aware how the insurance system works , and how one starts businesses for profits , the morality-question I preent is based on the system in which this is possible . What idiot starts a non-profit company , in ANY sense , in a capitalistic society ? The smartest thing to do for self-profit doesnt mean its a morally right thing to do on a global scale (and I think global scales based on Utilitarianism and the knowledge that the planet is bigger than my own country) .

A parasite is a parasite; regardless of what you may think of those you sponge. This is not a biased view of society ? it is a very simple premise that you apparently are unable to comprehend.

So a slave not willing to work for his master would be a parasite ? Great , no moral problems with parasites then .
You dont seem to comprehend the social-contract theory ......

Quite simple ? get rid of all of your belongings (especially your internet connection) and go live in a cave far away from society.

Why would I want to do that ? Does it change the situation that causes my refusal for the social contract ?

You'd have to be a real retard to make yourself suffer like that without even achieving anything .........

Then go away and live in a cave.

Im not refusing the product because I dont like the producer , God you're so simplistic . I guess you already live in a cave huh ?

Oh really? And you do? Don’t be so naﶥ to think your actions will not catch up with you someday. It may take time, but you will be dealt with in due process.

Yes I do , and whats gonna catch up ? Im not in any kind of riskfull situation so ........
Wishfull thinking pops ....

Yeah, sure you are.

Richer than you thats for sure , and you know it and cant stand it MUHAHAHAHAHA , you're probably stuck to your veterans-pession or whatever you got there ....

Yes, I know. YouÂ’ve confirmed your delusional megalomania several times already.


One that apparently and not surprisingly goes right over your head - your failure to understand anything aside from strapping dynamite to your body and pressing a button is considerable.

I rather strap them around your body

I believe that nothing anyone would have to say would satisfy you.

Then you obviously not observe whats going on here , oh well no big surprise ........

Still havent heard a sound theory though .........
Q, let me remind you that this "jihadfag" has his priciples and ethics in the gutter. this makes sense because it is where his mommy and daddy live.

need i bother anymore with a "jihadjaggof"
You really don't know the diffrence between trading and theft? If you want to destroy the insurance company don't buy from them.