Instinct and Knowledge and Health


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I was just watching my cat who was sleeping at the highest point in the room. Now, my cat is extremely dim yet instinct has taught her that sleeping on high ground is safer.

So firstly what is instinct? Is it always innate knowledge designed to preserve and duplicate life? So is instinct really just subconscious knowledge?

If humans have developed this system designed for preservation then why is it so common that people ignore health advice that fulfill this same role if adhered too?

I was also reading a news article the other day that effectively said most people would rather die then exercise. But I am sure that instinctively none of these people would walk in front of a bus.

So maybe my question here is: How are we in theory so intellectually advanced, when most people when it comes to the most important aspect of life (health) behave little better than my stupid cat?

Also does anyone see a tangible bridge between instinct and knowledge?
I was just watching my cat who was sleeping at the highest point in the room. Now, my cat is extremely dim yet instinct has taught her that sleeping on high ground is safer.

So firstly what is instinct? Is it always innate knowledge designed to preserve and duplicate life? So is instinct really just subconscious knowledge?

If humans have developed this system designed for preservation then why is it so common that people ignore health advice that fulfill this same role if adhered too?

I was also reading a news article the other day that effectively said most people would rather die then exercise. But I am sure that instinctively none of these people would walk in front of a bus.

So maybe my question here is: How are we in theory so intellectually advanced, when most people when it comes to the most important aspect of life (health) behave little better than my stupid cat?

Contrary to the beliefs of a a few on the very fringe, there's no evidence at all that a human is born with any instincts beyond that of suckling. They even have to be taught to fear which parents spend a great deal of effort on during the child's first four or five years.

And before anyone even asks, there's also NO evidence whatsoever that there's such a thing as "race or genetic memory."
Contrary to the beliefs of a a few on the very fringe, there's no evidence at all that a human is born with any instincts beyond that of suckling.

funny how the development of a child goes through distinct time points that correspond with showing typical new behaviour that is present in all children.

Don't confuse your own belief with common belief or reality.

The lack of instincts in humans comes from sociology. It is an ideological dogma putting the human being on a pedestal.
There was once a study made about children and diets. They chose a population of children, and they let them eat wharever the hell they wanted, and when they wanted to eat. No adult was allowed to even hint to the kids what to eat.
The results were amazing, children only eat exactly what their body needs, and when they were sick, they stopped eating certain foods that were eventually proven to be bad for the correspondant sickness.
Conclusion: With just pure instinct, children knew better than any adult would have told them about what to eat or not, and when to eat it.

Our society is just damaging the children by forcing them to eat what their parents tell them to eat, and when their parents tell them to. The natural diet has proven to be the best, instinct is better than knowledge because knowledge is fake, learned.