

un de plusieurs autres
Registered Senior Member
I found this site and it's full of religious nut jobs, I would be interested in what the theist here actually think of these nut jobs.
you will see what I mean by nut jobs, once you've reviewed the site.
please give me your thoughts thank you.
You want us to read all that stuff? How many days reading time do you think we have?

I took a quick look at the top 8 and the only name that i saw that rang a bell was Jack Chick. The rest i have never heard of. And most of the commentary was the writers view on Jack Chick not anything that Chick stands for?

Each and every person is reasonable for there own witness to the Gospel of Jesus. you can come to whatever conclusion you want on each individual shown on this site. But your really getting this information second hand through the eyes of the owner of this site.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
YEAH... that site was NOT worth exploring.. it was a joke site.

a site filled with humor,... with a religious slant... so what?

i didnt read even the home page.

adstar:so the site offended you, did it.
actually if you had looked deeper, you can link direct to Jack Chick's site, to see for yourself what Jack Chick stands for.
but thanks for the response, it was mainly those religious nut jobs they were refering too, I was interested in your opinion about.

mosheh: the sites opening statement reads thus "Welcome to Insolitology, the site about web oddities. Some people say that humour is only veiled derision - here at Insolitology, all of our derision is explicit. Choose a category below and enjoy this trip into the eye of the weird." they dont just pick on the religious, however most of the weird people and things they refer too, are religious in origin. it's funny in the saddest of ways, because some of the people have children, or are leading figures in there societies, and have influence over others.
audible i know there are a lot of religious nut jobs around, And there will always be a good supply of them until Jesus returns and sets them straight. That's the way of the world. Deceivers are everywhere we have them here, Leo volent and witnessjudgejury are two classic nut jobs.

I like to deal with specifics, specific questions on specific doctrines. I do not like making absolute judgements on peoples stances unless they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit like the two classic nut jobs i have noted above.

Jack chick might be eccentric and might have a few weird ideas. Some of his cartoons really make me cringe, But his stance against the catholic church and masonry i share. Although he is an embarrassment and his eccentricities only undermine credibility of those of us who hold anti catholicism and masonic stances.

Sometimes your worst enemy is a misguided ally.

As for the others i have never heard of any of them. They could be atheists sent out to acts like crazy Christians to undermine Christianity. I have heard of a lot of fake sites set up by anti christs posing as Christians and putting out lunacy to make Christianity look stupid. Maybe they are just Nut Jobs, at any rate i am only responsible for my witness to the Message of the Messiah Jesus. They will have to face God for their own witnessing. Jesus said that when he returns He will say to many who claim to be His followers. "I never knew you"

All Praise The Ancient Of Days