"insane" murderers


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
Just saw one criminal program. There was told about one guy who had killed 80+ children (russia). They found 80 pairs of little children shoes, but proved the death of only 15. His mother took the sliced children out of the house in buckets! she was charged 15 years. Her son was sent to insane asylum. The irony is that before he had also been in that asylum but released as CURED.
What will happen when he is cured next time?

the problem here is that the most dangerous murderers, maniacs are told by the court to be insane and thus sent to asylums for curing- not for the whole life.

Then I could also follow the plan- kill someone , but to be released faster and live in more comfortable conditions make the murder to look as horrible as possible.

You all may say that arabs are mad with their laws, but one mass child killer in one of the Middle Asia countries was sentenced to a death sentence by slicing him in small parts and putting already sliced in a tank of acid. That should be the way to treat these kind of "people" not put them in insane asylums.
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Ooohhh, this one really gets me mad. Like the chick who drowned her 5 children? Ya, she was mentally insane. Or the guy in South America who killed 200 or somewhat children. Ya, these people are sick, but they dont need to be treated any different than anyone who is out looking for people to kill. Whats the difference? No one in their right mind would kill someone so cruelly right? So these people are out of their friggin mind, true, but they know exactly what they are doing. If they didnt, they couldnt come up with schemes to lure these children somewhere to kill them. God this pisses me off. These people should die the same death that they imposed on these children. Get the same finality they decided to give these poor children/people. Now, lets everyone argue what poor and mentally disturbed people these murderers are and how it would be so cruel to give these people what they deserve - DEATH!:rolleyes:

Take care
Actually strgrl, legal insanity means they don't understand what they're doing. If someone walks in thinking he's Napolean and kills a man for not obeying his commands what do you think will do more good; a jail or an asylum? Send him to jail and he'll do hard time and come out still thinking he's Napolean. Send him to the asylum and he'll come out (hopefully, and not necessarily ever) thinking he's Joe Blow.

You choose.
So Avatar, is there no such thing as putting these insane people at the availability of the state? (I am sorry, I do not know the right word in English).

It is so that when a person does something like this killings, he/she goes to a hospital for mentally sick and are not released till there are some real solid changes on all kind of levels. This takes years most of the times. At any time, the state (country) makes up a report and they look at the records of these people. They will not be released in any way. Always there is first the very thorough examination of such a person and it can really take the biggest part, if not all, of his/her life before they finally get released.

I am with you on the slicing up and put these people in acid while hurting and still very conscious. I'm sorry to say so, it is the only solution in my book. A death penalty is to easy, to quick.

That is exactly why I am for life sentences in prison and against the death penalty, that's another topic though.

Into the acid with them...
You go girl!

f someone walks in thinking he's Napolean and kills a man for not obeying his commands what do you think will do more good; a jail or an asylum? Send him to jail and he'll do hard time and come out still thinking he's Napolean.

Ya, but Napolean would still know that killing is wrong. I understand some people are completely looney, but unless your mentally retarded, you know right from wrong. And has anyone actually been cured from mentally insanity? I mean, the really real mental insanity, not freaking out and committing a crime of passion and say "Hey, I would never do that, I must of went insano for a moment!" I agree that there may be a few cases out there where the person is indeed insane. But, the majorityj of theses cases nowadays are not true insanity cases. How can someone be truelly insane and cut up 80 friggin kids? Is there a doc in here? Does anyone know of traits relating to true insanity? Can someone that is truelly insane, plan and implement some of these crimes committed? I honestly dont know, but I know people that were diagnosed (2 people) as scizophrenic (sp?), and I know them personally, and I know if they killed someone, they would still know what they were doing and should be held liable for their actions. Even if they are off their rocker a bit.

Take care
Schizophrenia does not fall under legal insanity. Legal insanity actually means someone who does not know right from wrong. So your comment 'but these people know right from wrong!' means about as much to me as saying that an African tribe knows English fluently. It's just a contradiction because legal insanity means, by definition, someone who cannot know right from wrong.
Its funny, who determines what is sane and insane? See, your mind is soo fragile, it only takes a stroke or a major disruption to the brain for someone's 'personality' to do a 180. And then they are not 'themselves'. I think my point os, that people are constantly changing, literally one person can behave one way on day and then another the next. We describe a person by their history and connect to the 'present'. So what is someone? Is someone how they act? if so, being that this is so fragile, how can we be so ceratin as to clain 'who' someone is?

to connect this to the question, people must take responsibillty for their actions, even though they may not rememebr. they may not have been conscious of their actions or may nto have been in a state where they were conscious of their actions..... but we punish the present being for something that the past being did... I am not saying these people should get away with it, but realise that the line is not so cut and dry between good and bad.
I think people like described in Avatars first post, are not really "insane". This murderer even had help from his mother. Now, that's not normal, is it? I do not think this man or others like him (or hers, if it's a woman) are really "insane".They are having a good part of their braincells laying across, that's for sure. These kind of people are "black" in their hearts. They, most of the times, know pretty well what they are doing. Very conscious they are. No consideration here, into the acid with them. And I mean it.

Schizophrenia is something different I think. Often, people with this disorder, have developed multiple personalities and one does not know, consciously, what the other does. There are programs/treatments to discover this particular disorder (if that is the correct word) and other mental disorders. For these people there are mental hospitals...
Originally posted by Agent@5
But as we know, majority are not always right!

That is certainly true. So what are you implying here? That this murderers should go free?

It is a case of norms, ethics and moralities on which behaviour is based. Someone who kills children, or others, the way as descibed here, is absolutely out of line.

Let's say it another way then. Is it behaviour like you would see happen in this world? Jesus, the world is slipping...
Avatar: Please post your sources. What was this criminal program you speak of?
Insane or not, this is murder. They should be executed. Try to cure them? Please they aren't enough resources in the world to cure sick bastards like this. They don't deserve to live. There have been many cases of supposedly "cured" people let out only to kill again.
It's a program at rtr (or ntv) television. At their program they tell about different case closed crimes and explain everything from begining to the end. If you doubt my words , then I can't help you. All the information I suspect would be in Russian. So yes- I can't veritify my sources, but I'm not making things up. He was put in the asylum again some 2 years ago.
Originally posted by Banshee

That is certainly true. So what are you implying here? That this murderers should go free?

No, not at all, that the be evaluated on their expeiences and the;r state of mind, and be punished accordingly, I understand that in the end murder is murder, but as easy as that is to say, thingsa rent always that black and whie

It is a case of norms, ethics and moralities on which behaviour is based. Someone who kills children, or others, the way as descibed here, is absolutely out of line.
No denying, I would want to kill anyone who touched anyone i loved. But if we all act on or emotions, we have very irrational consuquences, such as murder. Howvere, murder can be based on just the opposite aswell.

Let's say it another way then. Is it behaviour like you would see happen in this world? Jesus, the world is slipping...
"Insane or not, this is murder. They should be executed. Try to cure them? Please they aren't enough resources in the world to cure sick bastards like this. They don't deserve to live. There have been many cases of supposedly "cured" people let out only to kill again."

Ug. You don't understand the basic idea behind what you're saying. There HAVE been cases of supposedly cured legally insane people who kill again (though I would love to see your sources). But if you put them in jail.......? They will ALL come out still legally insane.

Like I said, put a guy who thinks he's Napolean in jail and he'll come out thinking he's Napolean. His years in jail will have done him or society no good except to keep him off the street for a while.
I remembered this joke, when you spoke of Napoleon!:)

A man is being released from asylum.
Doctor: congradulations!, you are now completely cured, doesn't that feel good?:)
Man: yeah?:mad: , when I got here I was Napoleon and I had armies under my command.
Now I'm just a street cleaner named Joe:rolleyes: :eek:
Big thanx, doctor!:bugeye:
actually, not all murderers are insane.

sociopathological murderers are perfectly sane. They just either do nto have a conscience, have a conscience but dont care what it tells them, or have a conscience but cant hear it. These people are have egocentric personalities and lack emotions towards other people. Generally of course. They do not feel they are harming society, for they feel, even though they no right and wrong, they are acting on what They would like to do. Some say it is a adult version of childish behaviour, and more extreeme.

Psyhcotic murderers are the ones who have hallucionations about voices telling them to kill people. These people are insane, and is most often caused my genetics.

The first has claimed to be environmental factors. I think the main difference is the first has a reasonable choice, the second has no concept of reality or what is right or wrong. When you have no grounding like this, how are you expected to conform to the rules of society? I am NOT condoning murder, very obviously they are not fit to live amongst mainstream society and must take responsibility for their actrions, I am just saying that they do not have to benefit of a 'fit and stable' mind like you and I. Its very easy to brand people good and evil, it makes things easier to deal with, but think in the mind of this person. This is what they know, and do you not stick to what u know? Its disgusting, and sick, and they should not live amongst 'normal' people, but life may be ours to create but is not to say it is ours to take away.