
Don H

Registered Senior Member
Originally posted by Sublime Trigger
Deep :bugeye:

Maybe after you smoke some weed everything will make sense. At least as much sense as Don H can make out of.

Joeman, did Don run over your cat or piss in your cornflakes this
morning? This is the third thread where you've dirted all over him! :D

Everyone posts from their own point of view.
In Joe's case it is from the drug user and abuser point of view.

I am neither a user or abuser unless coffee counts.

In other comments he lacked any sense of propiety or comprehension of irony, parody or sarcasm.

The most immature (no matter what the chronological age) like Joe still need to be needed and heard.

I understand the dynamics of evolution so I believe there is no hope for Joe but perhaps his descendants will fare better.
Originally posted by Don H
In other comments he lacked any sense of propiety or comprehension of irony, parody or sarcasm.

Oh sure. I don't understand it because there is absolutely none. If you intended to write with irony or whatever, maybe you should learn how to write better.

Or you are just a troll.
Dude, that's some pretty harsh words. I particularly enjoy the work posted by Don H. I would interject the addage: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. He has obviously worked hard on his art. We should all respect his insight, whether we like it or not. If you don't like what you see, don't look.:cool:
Originally posted by ratbat
Dude, that's some pretty harsh words. I particularly enjoy the work posted by Don H. I would interject the addage: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. He has obviously worked hard on his art. We should all respect his insight, whether we like it or not. If you don't like what you see, don't look.:cool:

It is not the art I am commenting on. People have to earn my respect, and that is really not that difficult. It is easy. Maybe if he starts defending his posts, misunderstandings can be cleared away.

You know sometimes when I think someone is a weirdo, but when I start to communicate and try to understand what he is really saying and see where he is coming from, I would really start to think HEY!!!!, he is actually..................

Still a weirdo :D
Myself, I like the artwork. It shows promise. It looks to have taken some time to do. I'm not so hot on the poetry. Mainly because I have little talent in that not because there is not meaning.

Carl Sagan in my opinion was the last great poet astronomer and astrophysicist.

He built the most grand bridge from the common man to the stars.

(billions of em)