Information Wave Collapse Paradox


The stigma:

There is no uniqueness with the human collapsing the wave function as there is when compaired with a single atom coherence (decoherence).

How many have said this round here? I've tried to remember, but atleast 9 people have made this claim: Here is my response; and empiracle and incontravertible proof that this claim is false.


Imagine a bare eye looking through a powerful telescope... not computerized... but your eye looking through transparent glass... isn't there not a direct observation?

Decoherence is retarded, because it collapses in a state that is not unique. I see no reason why this should be in the cesspool. And to proove my point, i will document this thread to Dr of physics, to simply show you (skeptics of Reiku's work) that i am indeed talking the truth. Anyone here with a PhD? If one agreed with me, should i not deserve for this to be replaced into physics?


1. The decoherency allows one energetic or corporeal subatomic confuguration to compute a solid confiduration.

2. The human collapses the wave without any energetic conflamation or physical contribution, since the observer and the observed have no physical attachment, apart from the few 10^27 particles rushing through us in about 0.11% to 0.19% of a second... funnily enough, and totally irrelevant, is that the brain consists of 10^27 particles... any...way:

Using the above proof, let me see a counterarguement, and let me debate back for a while, without immediate shun.
Human is not collapsing anything. The Copenhagen interpretation does not include consiousness.
..decoherence is retarded, because it collapses in a state that is not unique..
Sorry, I don't see any meaning in this sentence. Do you? Try to explain this single sentence and nothing else as thoroughly, as you can.