Information: Human Anomalies


Registered Senior Member
Here and there I come across reports of Human skulls found with boney, almost horn like, protrusions...or a secondary row of teeth...or some other anomaly that tickles my interest. Now, I am wondering...Are there any good OBJECTIVE resources on the internet that have more information on this subject? Pictures? Scientific Investigations? While I remain skeptical, I believe in possibility...and the only references I have ever seen are brief snippets of text in dusty "Unexplained Mysteries" compendiums. Any help would be appreciated...

Hell, while we are at it, throw in some cryptozoology. Just for fun.

Note: I do not care about UFO's or Aliens. If I see anything about little grey men, or genetic engineering, or lost alien civilizations...I will ignore it. I just know there are people that have some how managed to lump all these things together into some form of "uber-phenomenon".
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I did see this documentary about a South American bunch that were big on head modification. They did a lot of crazy stuff. Trepanning (cutting holes in their skulls, some fairly large, inch+ in diameter). Head binding, they wrapped up the heads of infants, so they grew elongated, and as adults had egg shaped heads. They also implanted things into their skulls, which would cause a bone callous to form, and give the impression of a horn. I think this program was on the Discovery Channel, so maybe they'll have some reference on their web pages.

Not seen anything about the extra teeth though.
Speaking of horns, why does Michelangelo's Moses have them?

Some old greek coins depict Alexander the Great with horns, which supposedly symbolized his divinity.
Though rare, all manner of anomalous and deformed humans are born from time to time, most do not survive due to natural complications or by human intervention.
Circe said:
Speaking of horns, why does Michelangelo's Moses have them?

Some old greek coins depict Alexander the Great with horns, which supposedly symbolized his divinity.

Horns as a symbol were often, anciently, associated with leadership...kingship, and even divinity as you stated. Michelangelo Buonarotti's Moses may have been an intentional throwback to more classical representations of nobility...perhaps in a manner to show the "natural" divinity, or Godly influence, inherit in Moses as the bringer of Divine Law...or it may have had a "different" meaning. The statue wasn't destroyed or damaged by any religious body, so this might imply that this depiction was religiously acceptable to them...and so probably had a more commonly known meaning then. I am quite sure more information can be found out there on that work...information probably much more relevant then mine.


This is an interesting picture...but the captions associated with it have nothing to do with the actual image itself. Furthermore, the location of the skull pictured is contradictory. On one site it is said to be in a French Museum, and another site claims in it be in the Museum of London.
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If it's true that horns are associated with divinity, I find it ironic that the devil is often portrayed as a horned being. ;)
Tredlightly this is an interesting topic, I'm glad I'm not the only one to find these kinds of things fascinating.

Sorry I have no useful data on sites or books to add, I've only ever found brief mentions of things to do with this topic, just enough to whet my appitite for more, and then the book or program drops the subject.
That is one cool skull!

Here's a few more, can't remember where they're from tho. Kinda makes ya wonder if the brain grew in proportion or just sloshed around in there.
The enlongated skulls come from an area in South America...with the more extreme cases representing the height of this sort of body modification in the "bigger is better" fashion.

Contrary to those claiming "otherwise", there is nothing remotely alien about these skulls other then their appearance. There is possibly one interesting case though; that of the "starchild" skull. The conventional methods used to extract nuclear DNA, for testing, have so far failed (the last I heard). However, the mDNA that was isolated does show that the maternal lineage is definitely Ameri-Indian...I do not however believe that individual, that said skull belonged to, was any product of alien-human hybridization (as those orchestrating this investigation would like to believe).

The second image you have posted is quite a familiar one...and is often circulated in the circles of those purporting the alien hybrid theory. The reality is that the child more then likely suffered an ailment, possibly akin to water-on-the-brain or perhaps encephalitic oedema in a developing brain. Truthfully, it could be any number of diseases. Whatever it was, that is probably what led to the child's death; either naturally or through sacrifice. When I worked in Radiology, a little girl from Central America came in with a cancerous growth on the soft palate of her mouth. Since this was a life long ailment, it pushed her upper jaw outwards to an extreme degree...permanently deforming her skull. When the radiologist first saw the MRI, his immediate reaction was that it was a dog skull.
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ScRaMbLe said:
Never said they were alien, just wanted to know how the brain would sit inside em...

Oh, I know. Sorry if there was any confusion...I was attempting to reply to both your post, while directing certain comments toward another individual keeping an eye on this thread. He finds it less incriminating to PM his replies, rather then post them in public view.