Originally posted by ndrs
In contrary, fidelity is a weakness.
Most of the time, I noticed people develop crappy unbased relationships. They go for 2,3,4..rd best. When they are there, they don't want to change because of security they are getting.
I could blame this on social pressure (pressure to get laid). Although most people are social animals, so they have lots of possible partners to choose from (most social animals are similar in interests/etc). If you have lots of partners to choose from, sooner or later you will find someone whom you like more for the moment.
An individual is a different matter. If she/he finds a partner, he will not as easily find another one suitable. Therefore cheating is very difficult.But then who said relationship are supposed to last?
Of course there is a power factor as well. By cheating on a partner, you are playing him (thus you are more powerful). Sometimes people cheat just because their ego is afraid their partner might be cheating them, therefore they ensure that they are not at the bottom of the power equation.