Infancy Gospel Of Thomas? EVIL JESUS??

The Gospel of Infancy Thomas

as translated by Harold Attridge & Ronald F. Hock in the book
The Complete Gospels, Harper Collins, ©1992

Boyhood deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ

1 I, Thomas the Israelite, am reporting to you, all my non-Jewish brothers and sisters, to make known the extraordinary childhood deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ - what he did after his birth in my region. This is how it all started:

2 When this boy, Jesus, was five years old, he was playing at the ford of a rushing stream. (2) He was collecting the flowing water into ponds and made the water instantly pure. He did this with a single command. (3) He then made soft clay and shaped it into twelve sparrows. He did this on the sabbath day, and many other boys were playing with him.
(4)But when a Jew saw what Jesus was doing while playing on the sabbath day, he immediately went off and told Joseph, Jesus' father: "See here, your boy is at the ford and has taken mud and fashioned twelve birds with it, and so has violated the sabbath."
(5)So Joseph went there, and as soon as he spotted him he shouted, "Why are you doing what's not permitted on the sabbath?"
(6)But Jesus simply clapped his hands and shouted to the sparrows: "Be off, fly away, and remembe' me, you who are now alive!" And the sparrows took off and flew away noisily.
(7)The Jews watched with amazement, then left the scene to report to their leaders what they had seen Jesus doing.

3 The son of Annas the scholar, standing there with Jesus, took a willow branch and drained the water Jesus had collected. (2)Jesus, however, saw what had happened and became angry, saying to him, "Damn you, you irreverent fool! What harm did the ponds of water do to you? From this moment you, too, will dry up like a tree, and you'll never produce leaves or root or bear fruit."
(3) In an instant the boy had completely withered away. Then Jesus departed and left for the house of Joseph. (4)The parents of the boy who had withered away picked him up and were carrying him out, sad because he was so young. And they came to Joseph and accused him: "It's your fault - your boy did this."

4 Later he was going through the village again when a boy ran and bumped him on the shoulder. Jesus got angry and said to him, "You won't continue your journey." (2)And all of a sudden, he fell down and died.
(3)Some people saw what had happened and said, "Where has this boy come from? Everything he says happens instantly!"
(4)The parents of the dead boy came to Joseph and blamed him saying, "Because you have such a boy, you can't live with us in the village, or else teach him to bless and not curse. He's killing our children!"

Vienna learned a lesson from above? :eek:
As Muslims we dont believe Jesus was an evil person, he is a prophet ( May Allah be pleased with him ), we muslims dont go as low as the christians in bashing jesus (pbuh ), Jesus is the prophet of Islam as well:
Proud_Muslim said:
As Muslims we dont believe Jesus was an evil person, he is a prophet ( May Allah be pleased with him ), we muslims dont go as low as the christians in bashing jesus (pbuh ), Jesus is the prophet of Islam as well:
PM. The gospel of Thomas is not accepted by the church. The above verses tend to suggest why. At the beginning of Christianity there was a lot of conflicting stories, some of them from the Gnostics read very much like the Greek mythology they had previously believed in. Some people still try to use this gospel but it’s best ignored.
skywalker said:
The Gospel of Infancy Thomas

as translated by Harold Attridge & Ronald F. Hock in the book
The Complete Gospels, Harper Collins, ©1992

Boyhood deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ

1 I, Thomas the Israelite, am reporting to you, all my non-Jewish brothers and sisters, to make known the extraordinary childhood deeds of our Lord Jesus Christ - what he did after his birth in my region. This is how it all started:

2 When this boy, Jesus, was five years old, he was playing at the ford of a rushing stream. (2) He was collecting the flowing water into ponds and made the water instantly pure. He did this with a single command. (3) He then made soft clay and shaped it into twelve sparrows. He did this on the sabbath day, and many other boys were playing with him.
(4)But when a Jew saw what Jesus was doing while playing on the sabbath day, he immediately went off and told Joseph, Jesus' father: "See here, your boy is at the ford and has taken mud and fashioned twelve birds with it, and so has violated the sabbath."
(5)So Joseph went there, and as soon as he spotted him he shouted, "Why are you doing what's not permitted on the sabbath?"
(6)But Jesus simply clapped his hands and shouted to the sparrows: "Be off, fly away, and remembe' me, you who are now alive!" And the sparrows took off and flew away noisily.
(7)The Jews watched with amazement, then left the scene to report to their leaders what they had seen Jesus doing.

3 The son of Annas the scholar, standing there with Jesus, took a willow branch and drained the water Jesus had collected. (2)Jesus, however, saw what had happened and became angry, saying to him, "Damn you, you irreverent fool! What harm did the ponds of water do to you? From this moment you, too, will dry up like a tree, and you'll never produce leaves or root or bear fruit."
(3) In an instant the boy had completely withered away. Then Jesus departed and left for the house of Joseph. (4)The parents of the boy who had withered away picked him up and were carrying him out, sad because he was so young. And they came to Joseph and accused him: "It's your fault - your boy did this."

4 Later he was going through the village again when a boy ran and bumped him on the shoulder. Jesus got angry and said to him, "You won't continue your journey." (2)And all of a sudden, he fell down and died.
(3)Some people saw what had happened and said, "Where has this boy come from? Everything he says happens instantly!"
(4)The parents of the dead boy came to Joseph and blamed him saying, "Because you have such a boy, you can't live with us in the village, or else teach him to bless and not curse. He's killing our children!"

Vienna learned a lesson from above? :eek:

Skywalker, I am Agnostic/Atheist - sometimes known as an Unorthodox Christian.

If you wish spew at Christianity then that is your problem, not mine.
Vienna said:
Skywalker, I am Agnostic/Atheist - sometimes known as an Unorthodox Christian.

If you wish spew at Christianity then that is your problem, not mine.

When vienna can't answer he becomes all of the above. LOL... what a joker. :D
skywalker said:
When vienna can't answer he becomes all of the above. LOL... what a joker. :D

Skywalker. I was a Christian for many years until I began to have doubts whether a God could exist - my belief in God is questionable.

However I will always try to defend Christianity and Christians. :)
So do muslims believe that christ performed miracles? If they believe that he walked on water and raised the dead and healed the sick etc etc, then they must realize that he was more than just a "prophet". What does the koran say about the deeds of jesus? Do they jive with the biblical stories about him (other than his crucifiction)? And if not, then how can two books that talk about the same man be so far apart on what he was and what he did?
mario said:
So do muslims believe that christ performed miracles? If they believe that he walked on water and raised the dead and healed the sick etc etc, then they must realize that he was more than just a "prophet". What does the koran say about the deeds of jesus? Do they jive with the biblical stories about him (other than his crucifiction)? And if not, then how can two books that talk about the same man be so far apart on what he was and what he did?

mario you need serious studies about prophets and God and Religions. Did you not hear about Moses? didn't you hear about his miracles? Did you not hear about Noah? etc etc and Bible is full with prophets and their miracles. Can you please start reading Bible first and then come back? :rolleyes:
Vienna said:
Skywalker. I was a Christian for many years until I began to have doubts whether a God could exist - my belief in God is questionable.

However I will always try to defend Christianity and Christians. :)

la la la....sweet music to my ears. :D
skywalker said:
la la la....sweet music to my ears. :D

More sweet music for you - The idea of Allah is nothing more than a cheap carbon copy of the Christian god; Allah degrades the idea of God and is fuel for Atheists.
Vienna said:
Skywalker. I was a Christian for many years until I began to have doubts whether a God could exist - my belief in God is questionable.

However I will always try to defend Christianity and Christians.
M*W: For God's sake, why?
Medicine Woman said:
Vienna said:
Skywalker. I was a Christian for many years until I began to have doubts whether a God could exist - my belief in God is questionable.

However I will always try to defend Christianity and Christians.
M*W: For God's sake, why?

I love the pun.. :D
Moses who? Ah yes. So other people performed miracles thru god's power. You can be good buddies with god, rub his back and he'll rub your back so to speak, but that doesn't mean that you are "the son of god". Ok I can see that. But what would it take to convince you that someone wasn't just a channeler of god's power but actually a direct descendent of god? Hey, I know. What about the immaculate conception of jesus? Is that how the koran says jesus was born? Not that I care. I'm just curious. I find all this belief in ancient stories kinda amusing.
hahaha, why would they want to use an unedited version of the bible when they have a better version that has had the removal of errata over the last 2000 years.
Proud_Muslim said:
we muslims dont go as low as the christians in bashing jesus (pbuh ),
:rolleyes: I don't think many Xians "bash" Jesus!

now us Atheists on the other hand . . . :D
Dear Skyraider,

You confuse Unbridled Justice with Evil. Little Jesus was not killing everybody. Little Jesus was only uninhibitatively killing people whom He perceived were Evil. And since Baby Jesus had the eye of the Holy Spirit even while that young, He was not likely to wrong in his assessment of people.

For instance, Baby Jesus never once killed his Step Father Joseph. Never struck down Mary. All of His close Relatives survived.

Yes, by the time Christ was twelve, he had learned the Politics of Restraint and He could visit the Temple without large groups of hypocrites keeling over dead.

Also, if we look at the Holy Spirit in History we can notice an interesting trend here. The first Manifestations of the Holy Spirit are likely to be expressed through a Supernatural violence. For instance, when the Mantel of Elijah was passed to Elias, the first incident was that a group of children who decided to pester him were killed by bear that appeared out of nowhere. Both Peter and Paul had attributed their murders and maimings on the Holy Spirit, though I believe they were probably lying, just their very lies indicate that the People were accustomed to think of the Holy Spirit in sometimes violent terms. It is said that Saint Patrick intimidated the Druids into Conversion En Mass. He challenged them to a 'debate', and ordered the first two opposing speakers to "drop dead" and they did. The third speaker was practical enough to ask Saint Patrick how a former Druid Priest may sign up to become a Catholic.

One of my favorite Saints -- Saint Francis of Paola, in Southern Italy, down on the 'toe of the boot' had heard that the Sultan of Turkey was assembling the largest Army ever in History in order to invade, subjudgate and convert Christendom to Islam. so Francis withdrew into his cell for two weeks and fasted and prayed. He agonized over exactly what to do. After the two weeks went by, he came out and said everything would now be okay. Later everybody learned that on that same day the Sultan of Turkey simply fell over dead. With the Sultan dead and no commander any longer sure of where the next Pay Check would come from, that Largest Army in History soon melted away. We may suspect that in the History of Human Conflict, never was so much owed by so many to one single person.

But there are those who think that any act of violence, even for the interests of the most pressing justice, is in itself evil. But, yes, it is awfully true that any Religious Doctrine that actually certifies and encourages acts of violence will only serve to strangle out any virtue that had once also been part of that Religion. I suppose if we need to draw the line somewhere, if should be that we be allowed to Pray to the Avenging Angels for Divine Justice, and then what the Avenging Angels decide is up to their Wisdom and Discernments. But as for what Religion should teach regarding the actions which men may commit with their own hands, it should only be commissions of labor and peace. Any Religious Endorcement of Violence is only likely to backfire, as it has on Islam, and as it will as The Religious Right of America now preaches its own brand of Holy Genocide.