Inerrancy, Inspiration and the Bible

30 pages? <----- (Hey Tiassa?)

Heck go ahead and post it here... then Tiassa won't be the only over-poster. Hahaha!

I'm afraid the formast wouldn't mush. It may prove difficult and painful converting 30 pages (single spaced ) to a ubb readable format.

Actually, Mike


Actually, I've got 37 pages (30 text, 7 notes) or so coming soon. I keep doing minor rewrites when I read through it. I'll probably end up sticking it on a homepage at Apple, but I decided that if I was going to do that much research, I ought to be happy with it before I post it.

Let's put it this way: mercifully, it didn't get posted at one draft because that's just too much information for Internet Explorer to cope with in terms of posting.

There does come a point where putting the information on a web-page is just the kinder thing to do. With the bandwidth troubles Sciforums has experienced in the recent past, it would be unkind of me to drop that much information into a post for the servers to deal with.

Tiassa :cool:
Vinnie ....

I keep intending to read that, but there's a microcomedy taking place in the house right now. My brother, a firm believer in networking, pitches a fit every time I start shopping for printers. "We can network, we can network" he says. And every time his Windows boxes just can't serve a Mac. Nobody knows what the problem is. He keeps saying it should be easy, keeps downloading more and more, and so forth. But nothing ever works. Apple once updated the OS to make networking easier. It worked for a couple of days and then my brother changed to Win2k from W98, and Microsoft had managed to hack out the networking.

Nonetheless, despite furious arguments, he still insists that it's easy, despite the fact that it's only Apple's Rendevous technology that allows me easy networking with the Windows hunks. Unfortunately, I can't see the printer on the network, but when I went downstairs to print your article from one of the Windows boxes, I got my answer. The Win2kP OS operating on that machine is, for some reason, unable to print from the Internet Explorer. Perhaps, sir, you'll understand the irony if I say, "God love Bill Gates!"

However, I must admit that I don't look forward to reading all of that off a CRT.

I'll get to it in little chunks, or when I figure out what the hell MS's problem is, I'll print it out. The sooner the better.

In the meantime, I chose to not print the document from Word because I didn't wish to spend that much time deleting the extra characters and return-strokes displayed by the transfer back to the MS-Word environment. The document turned quite physically ugly and unwieldy when I tried to get Word to deal with it.

But I'm on it ... my only excuse is Microsoft and my brother. Oh, well. I learned to not buy bad products. Now I just need to learn to ignore bad advice. But that's my problem to deal with.

Tiassa :cool: