inequality: the cause of all crime?


convince me or convict me
Registered Senior Member
due to crime being societys fault (according to some) what is it about society that produces criminals.

perhaps it isnt Stephen Ayres fault he doesnt have a high IQ, and perhaps it isnt his fault he doesnt know the difference between right and wrong.

maybe he is just a lazy bastard who couldnt be bothered to make anything of himself, even if he was capable - but lets not blame him, all he has done is rape and kill, im sure i am the same as every single other account on this board when i say i would be happy for him to be released and for him to move into the house next door to me.

yeah right!

some people are clever, some people arent, some people are more capable at manual skills than others, some individuals are athletic, whilst others specialise in literature, or medicine or engineering and the list goes on.

But some individuals are killers, they kill people, usually innocent members of the public, others like to rape adults and some also like to rape children...

...i find such criminal behaviour inexcusable and utterly wrong, i cannot turn a blind eye to such crimes, and pretending it isnt the perpatrators fault whilst looking for someone or something to blame only encourages some of these psychopaths.

We are not all the same, we are not all equal, but i will be damned if i accept that as a reason for breaking the law.
people only turn out the way they do because of how their environment has affected them. a person might have a tendancy towards one ideal or another, but that tendancy can either be shunned by the environment or it can be strengthened by it. how a person was raised during childhood has much to do with how they end up in society. i think that, even with tendancies like this man had, they're still able to become productive and moral individuals if given the right treatment and environment while growing up and forming ideals. but at this point in his life, he might be too far gone to change what has been imprinted on his mind.

we are all the same in that we all have our differences.
RoyLennigan said:
people only turn out the way they do because of how their environment has affected them. a person might have a tendancy towards one ideal or another, but that tendancy can either be shunned by the environment or it can be strengthened by it. how a person was raised during childhood has much to do with how they end up in society. i think that, even with tendancies like this man had, they're still able to become productive and moral individuals if given the right treatment and environment while growing up and forming ideals. but at this point in his life, he might be too far gone to change what has been imprinted on his mind.

we are all the same in that we all have our differences.

people only turn out the way they do because of how their environment has affected them. a person might have a tendancy towards one ideal or another, but that tendancy can either be shunned by the environment or it can be strengthened by it.

personal responsibility, surely the individual has to accept the blame.

case 1. society didnt kill that police woman, a person pulled the trigger
case 2. society didnt rape anyone, that man made a choice and should pay.
case 3. society didnt ram a broken glass into a persons face, that man did, and he should pay.

PAYMENT, in blood, in full.
RoyLennigan said:
people only turn out the way they do because of how their environment has affected them. a person might have a tendancy towards one ideal or another, but that tendancy can either be shunned by the environment or it can be strengthened by it. how a person was raised during childhood has much to do with how they end up in society. .

based on personal experience I have to disagree, without said experience maybe I would agree

Case 1) A very close relative one of 7 went wrong, very wrong. In prison from age 12. He had same upbringing as his other 6 siblings, he was the only one who turned out like this.

Case 2) My brother, a wrong 'un. Always a difficult child. Lives on other side of the law. Had same upbringing as myself. I am supremely honest, he is a compulsive liar.
Note: If you asked my bro (who is very intelligent) why he is the way he is, he will tell you it is you who is the fool, why pay taxes, insure your car, work 9-5 when you don't have too? he thinks wea re all nuts. Basically he just is not a compliant follower and lives by his own rules. I have it within me to follow rules. Somewhere in this is the reason why some do and some do, it is a way of thinking and not all environment.

Also note, that crime occurs in all walks of life, the only difference is the type of crime. High brow peeps commit high brow crimes. Fraud for example.

There will always be an element of low intelligence and poverty spawning more criminals, but this is not the whole story, there is more to it than that. A persons individual character does play a part, a clever crook will always blame their environment though!
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