Induce Preminitions?

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
Ok... Long story short...

I watch Alot of TV, but at one point in my life, I was once able to recall a entire show or part of a show before it was aired... or EVEN shown as a repeat.

It has been YEARS since I got these so called preminitions.

Ok Ok... Yes it is wierd that my "preminitions" tend to be based on TV I watch or WILL watch....

But why does this not happen to me anymore................?

Is there any way one can induce preminitions.....?

Let me rephrase...

Is there any way one CAN ATTEMPT to induce preminitions.....?
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From what you said, it seems that you have done nothing for those premonitions to appear except to concentrate on the shows and watch a lot of them. So, for you, that would be the one thing that works. Make yourself as interested as you were back then.

The "inducement" is a psychological trick that works via associations. I once read that sleeping on tarot cards induces ESP dreams, and, lo and behold, that's what happened to me (my mind associated tarot under the pillow with something that triggers premonitions). If you train your mind to associate premonitions with candles, then candles will be it for you.

Have fun!
Ive never had any natural premonitions, but from lucid dreaming ive had a few which have been so exact and detailed i cant deny them.
So lucid dreaming from (my) experience would be the way to go, perversely though if you try to lucid dream a premonition it never seems to happen. It wont come if you force it, probably the best way would be to lucid dream and let what ever comes come, and take a mental note of any images of sequences that come into your head or write them down afterward and see if they compare to anything you experience.

However, a big problem ive experienced with this is how do i know when exactly these premonitions are going to occur? i could lucid dream an event or image wait 2 weeks for them to occur and then disregard them as 'misses' but 2 years latter (by the time ive completely forgotten about them). They could have come to pass, for this reason i i think it probably is a good idea to write down or draw what comes to mind : p