INDIGO Children


Staff member
This should go under Unexplained Phenomena

What do you think?

Saw on CNN last night. Gogoole has 2,960,000 links

Indigo Prophecy aka Fahrenheit (in the UK and Europe) is a pretty good video game, if a little short.
This should go under Unexplained Phenomena

What exactly is the unexplained phenomenon? The only mystery to my mind is how a person such as the author can simultaneously be intelligent enough create a website and retarded enough to use it to peddle such guff.

What do you think?

I think it should go in the cesspool. It certainly contains no science and does not even deserve the label 'pseudoscience'.

By the way, would someone who regards this sort of dross favourably like to define their understanding of the terms:


These words have specific scientific meanings and yet they are used in this kind of literature indiscriminately and inappropriately. I think perhaps they use them in an attempt to make it sound scientifically credible to the ignorant.
Laika said:
By the way, would someone who regards this sort of dross favourably like to define their understanding of the terms:


Certainly madame, allow me to avail myself. True in scientific terms these words most certainly do mean stuff - but that isn't important. What matters is "meaning" and "knowledge", two colours of the Energy Spectrum that surrounds and binds us all.

Now, you ask. What do we mean by Energy? Energy can be anything, from a small table lamp to a Volvo Estate, it's form is irredeemable, what matters is that we have knowledge of energy, and what it means.

Y'see? It's all terribly simple.

Evolution, Vibration, Stanna Stairlift, Dimension - these to are all words also we, the users of them, demand and comprehend in a vast supply and can call upon our wholesalers to furbish you with as many as you like at cost price - but this isn't the instant of the word Dimension, in shortness, it is it's very definition.

Thusly, if we clucksflabulate the pre-determinable entwhistle of our collective eye-sockets, we effectively consolidate our combined resources in to one, single, manageable loan with sustainable repayments at interest rates we can all afford - at the same time, expanding our bust lines, and achieving that deeper, fuller cleavage effect we all yearn for.

I myself was once a 6oz weakling, but after experiencing these words I now am the size of the Maxwell Building NY and regularly submit cities the size of Tokyo to reigns of building-squishing terror the likes of the Bard, William Shakespeare (himself a famous Raelion and former Captain of the USS Enterpise of considerable hight and dimension), could never have imagined.

By accepting these terms one is, of course, effectively pissing away any chance of having single free thought again in ones life, and in joining our Cult, in so doing, one is not likely to be going on tour and releasing any seminal rock albums anytime soon, but by adding our Vibrations we can effectively offset croup and reign in public sector spending - effects which will benefit each and everyone of us in ways we will never experience nor notice ever taking place.

That remains the explicit beauty of our beliefs. They say noting, mean even less yet full fill us in ways that don't actually happen yet actually feel that they do.

No wonder we are currently Goggles loon engine of choice!

Join us today and you too could be the proud owner of this incredible piece of purple twine - absolutely free!

Kurabarrah - kurabarrah! And if all else fails, we can always whip the horses eyes.

Y'see, perfectly simple.