India may disclose contact with ETs

It looked like an editor of India Daily has some sort of agenda to me.... Indian politics is infamous for starting vairious rumours and murmors to stir the populace.

They've gone so far as to misrepresent archaeological data in favor of supporting religious dogma/doctrine, become violent with critics of religious texts, incite riots on scientists, etc.

Note the article mentions nothing in the way of supportable fact... only hearsay/anecdote that the reader is expected to simply accept as true. Even a citation or source of the claim that "locals report seeing" spaceships in the Himalyas would have boosted this to "interesting."

I'm not sure I classify "India Daily" as a "mainstream Indian newspaper," it's not even listed here:
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Along with skinwalker I am skeptical about the credibility of that newspaper.

I have seen on the discovery channel that certain european goverments actually have made brochures and protocols in the event of a ETI attack..... These came after supposedly UFOS were seen over the white house.

But the fact that these protocols exist doesnt mean that ETI's exist.. It may just be a "just in case" deal..
Most interesting this thread is to me and FieryIce as it ties in with our research about earthquakes that may be construction of underground facilities by thermonuclear charges.

Yes, most interesting this is. :D

Disclosure is inevitable.

I think disclosure by any other country than the USA would be prudent. On the respectability scale even the USA’s own civilians do not respect or trust the information coming from their own government. Not to say that I personally have a high regard for any one country or their governing body but I do give Mexico one bar on the scale for their disclosure of the incident in their air space.

If countries are concerned about economic issues as a result of disclosure, they should do a study of Cuba but factor in proper civilian treatment and it would be evident that many countries still deal with Cuba despite the USA.

If countries are concerned over the safety of civilians in highly populated areas then study global response.

The sociological studies are done.

Disclosure is not a pretty picture particularly for those countries that have keep it quiet for so many years, for example childless mothers, I don’t think I need to elaborate.

Some nation some where is going to have to step up to the plate, bite the bullet and start full disclosure, in that respect the first nation to do this will most likely get the most flack from other nations but I would have a guess that disclosure would hamper the numbers those childless mother types from increasing.

It seems us humans will continue to be used as cannon fodder so lets get this woe over with.
Scientist on December 10, 1961, near Carlsbad, New Mexico were doing testing to compare the seismic readings from kiloton explosions underground to earthquake seismic readings.
The film clip titled "Post-Test" from U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Nevada Support Facility web site illustrates the interesting results of this test called Project Gnome.
The scientist working on Project Gnome found not only did a subsurface 3-kiloton explosion result in a seismic reading but resulted in the creation of a huge subsurface cavity 170 feet high by 90 feet wide.

Nuclear Weapons Test Film Description - Gnome Project
Thank you for being completely off topic. Let us not all forget your idiocy.
No Persol it is right on topic.

China and India both know about underground UFO base in the Himalayan border area deep into the tectonic plates

Wouldn't any country be concerned how those bases got there particularly when hot air rises or bad water runs downhill or dealing with the amazingly arrogant bad ET attitude?

I heard an interesting idea today, any bad ET's found on the surface are fair game or dead meat and any bad ET's peeking their heads out of their rabbit holes get to taste your steel toed shoes.
So, hopefully no one is thinking that these UFOs belong to the people that are in hybernation during the Mahabharat War and peeking out of their rabbit holes every 50 years - right? :D
I heard an interesting idea today, any bad ET's found on the surface are fair game or dead meat and any bad ET's peeking their heads out of their rabbit holes get to taste your steel toed shoes.

What's an "amazingly arrogant bad ET attitude"? The prerogative to probe a planetary system of an interstellar corridor, but without an especially civil sense of obligation or "duty" towards it's near-200, merchant-type governments riddled in small print, wearing bullet-proof, speaking in double bytes, and habitually pulling at each other's hair every other day, while claiming their precious "sovereignty" -- territorial turfs, sea borders, and airspaces that could never possibly leave the planet surface?