Increasing Lucidity By Consuming Food Article


Registered Senior Member
Hi everyone on

I'm a new memeber. I hope my first message will be of something important.

I come from many different forums.
dot com extentions. One is for paranormals, and the second is for lucid dreamers.
two very interesting sites for people like you guys.

A tip on increasing lucidity, or increasing the chance of having lucid dreams is to eat bananas. Scientifically, Bananas have vitamin B, so that somehow helps with more vivid dreams.

Eat a banana before sleeping, wake up at 4:33 exactly (or 5-6 hours later from when you slept), now tell yourself "I will have a lucid dream, I will have a lucid dream.", until you sleep.

You'll have one.

I can almost guarantee it 100%.

I reccommend everyone interested to try this and post back tommorow. ! :rolleyes:
Are you kidding me? Lucid dreaming is one of the best experiences ever. It's more than just okay. Dont YOU wish you could f*** any girl you want without legal complications or moral issues?

Well now's your chance with lucid dreaming. The problem with lucid dreaming is the fact that it's hard to get into.

So my bannana suggestion was something that I hope will help people.
You can free your mind and do it consciously. Ever take mushrooms? I don't dwell on it or desire it, it's just something that happens sometimes like deja-vu. I find if the more conscious control you try to have on the direction of activity, the more it slips away.
Scientifically, Bananas have vitamin B, so that somehow helps with more vivid dreams.

Assuming that's true... and I am skeptical... what does having more vivid dreams have to do with achieving lucidity?

Eat a banana before sleeping, wake up at 4:33 exactly (or 5-6 hours later from when you slept), now tell yourself "I will have a lucid dream, I will have a lucid dream.", until you sleep.

If I were a betting man, I would put my money on the above process having the same result without the banana (and I agree that it works).

On a sidenote, the other night I went to sleep after being up for around 39 hours. I slept for 9 hours, woke up (alarm), went back to sleep (snooze), and zipped right into a lucid dream. Knowing my alarm was going to go off shortly, I decided to practice my strongest unusual dream skill... the ability to command things to unlock, open, and start. Cars/Car doors, building doors, gates, electronics, you name it. I almost had perfect success but one car didn't start the first time (it was the only car that had someone in it already). I told it "I S A I D Start!" and then it started. My alarm went off again and I got up.