Increase you life span get Castrated



Castrated men live longer, says study. 48104.jpeg

Research analyzed historical data on 81 eunuchs who lived in South Korea. A study based on historical data in South Korea revealed that castrated men live on average 19 years longer than other men of the same social stratum. The research, published this week in the journal Current Biology, examined data from hundreds of years of eunuchs in S. Korea

A study based on historical data in South Korea revealed that castrated men live on average 19 years longer than other men of the same social stratum.

The research, published this week in the journal Current Biology, examined data from hundreds of years of eunuchs in South Korea

The eunuchs had special roles in the societies of eastern China and Korea, especially in the Joseon dynasty, that ruled the Korean empire in the centuries 14-19. They guarded the gates of castles, the food and were the only people outside the royal family with access to the palaces at night.

The researcher, Cheol-Koo Lee, of the Korea University in Seoul, analyzed data from 81 eunuchs who lived in 1556 and 1861. Their average lifepan was 70 years, 19 more than those not castrated of the same social caste. A study also revealed that one of the eunuchs lived 109 years.

The average lifespan for men of the Korean royal family, in the same period, was only 45 years. Many noble Koreans reached a maximum of between 50 and 60 years of age.


Castration performed before puberty prevents boys from becoming totally transformed into men, in biological terms.

"The historical specimens show that the eunuchs had feminine appearance. They had no mustaches, had large breasts, wide hips and fine voices," said Cheol-Koo Lee
I thought you were crazy to say that, but now I see your nuts...
You may not live longer but it will certainly FEEL longer when your by yourself cause you can't pleasure your wife so can't GET A wife
Castration, by chemicals, is much more common than many think. I am currently "chemically castrated" by monthly injections of acetato de grosserrelina (Portuguese spelling, Trade name Zoladex) as keeping my testosterone, T, near castration level as that controls my very aggresive prostate cancer. I switched to this expensive drug as my prior oral drug appeared to be losing some control.

I did a great deal of literature research when I first leaned my radical prostectomony had failed as a cure and found several diet items with solid scientific evidence that they help, individually taken, but now I take them all before each meal hoping for some synergistic effect too. Initially I took them only once per day (as even that is often for "chemo-therapy"). With these agents I could avoid all drug use for typically nearly three months after a month of drug use.

As it is free in Brazil, when off drug, I frequently measured both T & PSA and returned to drug use as PSA = 0.1 (Very low if you still have a prostate as, 4.0 is not cause for concern.) Normally that oral drug, in continuous use, losses effectiveness in about three years. I went almost four even with only a low duty cycle drug use but in last few cycles, the duty cycle of drug use was growing higher (month on & month off = 50% duty cycle). Much more impressive evidence that my diet helped is that when during an off drug period I increased the diet total and took it before each meal - my PSA actually dropped with change instead of the normal steady increase with time in all prior cycles. - This "dose effect" is very strong evidence by diet works, but it is not a cure.

I don´t like the idea that T is now held continuously near castration levels as that is not normal but was glad to learn in data available it added 19 years to life expectancy. I bet part of this is reduced deaths from prostate cancer. I just hope my diet also delays onset of CRPC (Cancer that even castration, the only treatment available a few decades ago, fails to stop.) The FDA has recently approved two new drugs for CRPC, but unfortunately they extend life expectancy by less than one year. Others are in P3 tests, however.

Like me, many reading males may, when they are old, be glad they can get reversibly "chemically castrated" while better drugs are developed. For never smoked males, death by prostate cancer is second only to heart disease.
I think the study should be redone observing castrated men in other cultures and in more recent time frames. Many Asian cultures are very honor oriented and back then men would kill each other over a woman. I may be going out on a limb here, but I doubt eunuchs often found themselves in battles with other men over the affections of a lady. Is there a way to follow men today, when killing for a girls affections are less common, so that they can compare natural life spans? Were the causes of death in the in tact males of the past taken into account? The study just doesn't seem very relevant to me.

They may also want to consider that it may not be the testosterone but all the lifestyle differences of someone who is a eunuch compared to someone that is in tact. Maybe having children shortens the lifespan, or being married? These are things most eunuchs of the past would not have had in their lives. Eunuchs today may very well be able to find an asexual woman to marry and adopt children. This would make the observation a more controlled situation.
Couldn't we use our pets as examples? I understand they live different lives, but wouldn't that lend some evidence?
Couldn't we use our pets as examples? I understand they live different lives, but wouldn't that lend some evidence?
That's a good question. I honestly don't believe a good study can be conducted with people. There are way too many factors that cannot be controlled without having people in prison or raised in a lab from the day they are born.
I wouldn't be surprised, the common belief is testosterone buffs up at the price of longevity.