In the words of Master Shake


Registered Senior Member
Why is anything anything?

I find it sad that athiest rather believe they are the creation of natural processes versus the creation of a higher intellect. They know nothing, but are quick to disown the idea of "God".

I say this. Come and talk to me when you have unlocked the Universe and can bend it to your will. Until then, shut the hell up.
Why is anything anything?

I find it sad that A thiest would rather believe he or she is the creation of a higher being with absolutely no evidence of ever existing versus the creation of natural processes which have been proven by scientists until a phew whit-less dumbasses decided to split the scientific term "evolution" into 2, shitty, loosely connected, and simpley put.. dumb.., terms: macro-evolution and micro-evolution in the attempt to claim evolution cannot be proven when it is very well-known that evolution has been proven and has overwhelming evidence of being true. They know nothing, but are quick to disown the idea of "no god" as impossible through their own ignorance and stupidity.

I say this. Come and talk to me when you have unlocked the Universe and have proven the existance of (a) god(s). Until then, shut the hell up!

Revised by Provita for a more intellectual discussion.

Boss Foxx said:
Maybe it's me, but that kind of comes off as a bit "Pot, meet Kettle."

Not so much the pot meeting kettle... but the poster meeting :m:

In the words of Master... silence you unintelligent misfit, this is sciforums, intelligent community. Id direct you to the Cesspool but you would ruin the fun there... so... go to a temple or church or some worshipping grounds that pay absolutely no taxes for absolutely no reason and stay there. Im sure God will happily allow you to reside in His residence... ha... I forgot... you cant, the priests wont let you. :rolleyes:

Run-ons are fun :D
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I find it sad that athiest rather believe they are the creation of natural processes versus the creation of a higher intellect. They know nothing, but are quick to disown the idea of "God".

I say this. Come and talk to me when you have unlocked the Universe and can bend it to your will. Until then, shut the hell up.

We have already unlocked the universe and bent it to our will. The computer that you are reading this on is good evidence of that. You say people know nothing, when knowledge is staring you in the face. Why deny the obvious?
Teetotaler said:
Why is anything anything?

I find it sad that athiest rather believe they are the creation of natural processes versus the creation of a higher intellect. They know nothing, but are quick to disown the idea of "God".

I say this. Come and talk to me when you have unlocked the Universe and can bend it to your will. Until then, shut the hell up.

I nominate this for lamest post of the week.
Teet got mad at Futurama (a cartoon that has no bearing on his life), so why not expect a philosophy such as expecting fictional characters to be effectual on humanity? - Couldn't help the comparison, it was obvious :)

I imagine it's been said to death, but proponents of the scientific process never claim to be omniscient. The scientific community is on a learning curve toward understanding the Universe.

Theists take an easy answer out to remain in a brainwashed comfort zone, not realising that such incomparable comments as "when you can bend the Universe to your will" are fallacy. Teet, you have no proof that any being can bend a universe to his or her will, the argument starts from a wild but admittedly popular assumption. Popularity does not equal accuracy.

And besides...Teet...athiests have the right to say what their ideas are anyway, I believe in the US it's called the First Amendment. How is it you can deign to tell anyone to 'shut up' just because they don't agree with your Man-limiting ideas?
Teetotaler said:
Yeah. Involuntary actions of the dumb tend to entertain the dumb.

Involuntary: Done other than in accordance with the conscious will of the individual. The opposite of voluntary. (

Obviously you dont even know that an involuntary action of a dumb person is no different than that of a smart person, since they cannot control it and their intelligence has nothing to do with it. Besides, i purposely made those run on sentences, for many reasons, but mainly because breaking it up into more sentences would have had less of a punch... or for me it would have, plus the whole lazy 3 am going to bed thing...

By the way, thanks for calling me dumb, im glad we can have a mature conversation. Doh! Your entire topic was immature, sorry, forgot. Dumb? You see Boss Fox? This is an example of kettle meets pot...

So...Teeter any real, sound arguments against what I said, or are you going to throw some more BS at us?
Why do you assume there is a higher power? Sure, there may be, but until there is even a shred of evidence, why be faithful to a religion that takes up your time and money?
Why is the sky?


Seriously, Master Shake has good philosophical quotes. ATHF pwnz.