In the Black Hole We Trust: the Black Hole is Our True God

You're either crazy, or this is leading up to some major spam.

Yes, I am very genetically crazy and a waste of oxygen.

But this is not spam: all life originated in the Big Bang, which was the original black hole in the beginning of time that exploded and cooled to form all the elementary particles that make up all life on Earth. Therefore, it is the true God, the creator of all life.
Yes, I am very genetically crazy and a waste of oxygen.

But this is not spam: all life originated in the Big Bang, which was the original black hole in the beginning of time that exploded and cooled to form all the elementary particles that make up all life on Earth. Therefore, it is the true God, the creator of all life.
That is a misunderstanding. First of all there probably wasn't a singularity. Secondly, a black hole is a warping of space-time, which wouldn't have existed yet. And let's leave the God baggage out of it.
The Creator of all life is the Original Black Hole.

I suppose "the original black hole" refers to the big-bang.

Life didn't originate in the big-bang. It's believed to have appeared here on earth, by some as yet unknown process, billions of years after that. (Obviously similar events might have been occurring elsewhere.)

It is an interesting question though why, if all of the mass in the universe was condensed into a mathematical point, the big-bang didn't have the mother of all event horizons. So how did the big-bang ever occur?

I'm guessing that it had to do with cosmic 'inflation' or something. (eek, another monetary term!) Ok, so why can't the same thing happen inside conventional black holes?

It would be kind of sad if our expanding universe had the destroyed remnants of another prior universe smashed up around its edges, from when it burst out of one of the black-holes in that universe in what we call the big-bang. Maybe new universes emerging from black-holes in big-bangs destroy old universes all the time and we've been lucky to have as much time as we've had.

I'm not really suggesting that, but it's an interesting science-fiction speculation.