In the beginning...


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I would like to present a new theory on A&E in the GoE. I think the GoE represents the universe (or the 12 signs of the zodiac). Adam was represented by the Constellation Bootes, and Eve was represented by the Constellation of Virgo. A&E therefore, were not human, and the 'fall of man' was not just literal, historical or symbolic, it was astrological.

The story of creation was interpreted by the ancients from their primitive understanding of their fear and awe of the skies and the elements.

As part of the zodiac (zoo) Adam was put in charge of the animals (zodiac). At the foot of and in between the constellations of Bootes and Virgo (A&E) lies the Constellation of Serpens (the Serpent). The Constellation of Virgo faces the Constellation of Bootes and appears as if 'Eve' is offering 'Adam' a piece of fruit. The Constellation of Serpens (the Serpent) lies directly beneath 'Eve's' feet as if she were leading Adam to eat the fruit.

The story of Virgo is repeated some 25 times throughout recorded history telling different versions of virgins giving birth to dying demigod saviors.

The ultimate high monotheistic god is, was, and always has been the Sun, the center of the zodiac, whose movements affects all the signs.

This is my understanding of the 'Word' as interpreted by early man.

DISCLAIMER: I, Medicine*Woman, do not endorse the belief of any deity or man-made religion as all religions are man-made, including astrology.
they that deny god destroys mans nobility

if god did not exist it would be necesary to invent him

it is impossible to govern the world without god

i fear god, and next to god i chiefly fear him that fears him not

the above was taken from "dictionary of thoughts"
personally i find it extremely difficult to believe in a supernatural force
out of the above qoutes i like voltaires the best
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The ultimate high monotheistic god is, was, and always has been the Sun, the center of the zodiac, whose movements affects all the signs.

At least that's his symbol, and an apt one it is!
its an interesting idea, mw.... is this your own musing, or did the idea come from somewhere else?
if it is not yours, could you state references so i could research more thoroughly?
KennyJC said:
That's funny. Today, it looks like you can not govern a world with God.

God (Christ) hardly exists today. What exists are people and their naive beliefs. The words of truth has turned into dogma. Why do people call themselves Christians, followers of Christ, if they don't live like him? What we see today is not 'Christianity', it is 'western Christianity'.

We are parts of the body of Christ. If one part is sick, the whole body is sick. Every bodypart must have a job which is suitable for it, otherwise it will become sick.
I would like to present a new theory on A&E in the GoE.

And with that, I fired up my astronomy software appy (Orion's, TheSky) in order to get a clear perspective.

Adam was represented by the Constellation Bootes...

Interesting observation, although Adam was not mentioned in Bootes mythology. However, since Bootes was considered a hunter or herdsman, or essentially the image of a man, one could assign any male name, ie. Adam.

Eve was represented by the Constellation of Virgo...

The same could apply to that constellation as well. Again, another interesting observation.

At the foot of and in between the constellations of Bootes and Virgo (A&E) lies the Constellation of Serpens (the Serpent).

Some clarity, Serpens does indeed lie between Bootes and Virgo, however it is off to one side.

The Constellation of Virgo faces the Constellation of Bootes and appears as if 'Eve' is offering 'Adam' a piece of fruit.

Quite frankly, it actually looks as if Virgo is offering a different kind of 'fruit.'

Virgo looks like she is lying down in the traditional missionary position, knees and arms up towards Bootes, who appears to be tilted such that he is looking down on Virgo with one arm up, perhaps ready to mount Virgo. Serpens appears just behind them looking on - the three stars that make up the head of the serpent can be viewed as if they were looking at either Bootes or Virgo.

The Constellation of Serpens (the Serpent) lies directly beneath 'Eve's' feet as if she were leading Adam to eat the fruit.

Absolutely, one could easily infer that.

The story of Virgo is repeated some 25 times throughout recorded history telling different versions of virgins giving birth to dying demigod saviors.

From your observations, one could come up with any number of stories. Perhaps Bootes and Virgo had already conceived and Serpens was their offspring. hehe
The Devil Inside said:
its an interesting idea, mw.... is this your own musing, or did the idea come from somewhere else?
if it is not yours, could you state references so i could research more thoroughly?
M*W: Well, it was not my idea first, if that's what you mean. I got the idea to look at the constellations from the many references in the bible about stars, signs, movements, etc., then I looked up the constellations and found Serpens, the serpent constellation between Bootes and Virgo. It seemed to be more than a coincidence. It also became very clear to me how early man could have made-up stories about the stars.
(Q) said:
I would like to present a new theory on A&E in the GoE.

And with that, I fired up my astronomy software appy (Orion's, TheSky) in order to get a clear perspective.

Adam was represented by the Constellation Bootes...

Interesting observation, although Adam was not mentioned in Bootes mythology. However, since Bootes was considered a hunter or herdsman, or essentially the image of a man, one could assign any male name, ie. Adam.

Eve was represented by the Constellation of Virgo...

The same could apply to that constellation as well. Again, another interesting observation.

At the foot of and in between the constellations of Bootes and Virgo (A&E) lies the Constellation of Serpens (the Serpent).

Some clarity, Serpens does indeed lie between Bootes and Virgo, however it is off to one side.

The Constellation of Virgo faces the Constellation of Bootes and appears as if 'Eve' is offering 'Adam' a piece of fruit.

Quite frankly, it actually looks as if Virgo is offering a different kind of 'fruit.'

Virgo looks like she is lying down in the traditional missionary position, knees and arms up towards Bootes, who appears to be tilted such that he is looking down on Virgo with one arm up, perhaps ready to mount Virgo. Serpens appears just behind them looking on - the three stars that make up the head of the serpent can be viewed as if they were looking at either Bootes or Virgo.

The Constellation of Serpens (the Serpent) lies directly beneath 'Eve's' feet as if she were leading Adam to eat the fruit.

Absolutely, one could easily infer that.

The story of Virgo is repeated some 25 times throughout recorded history telling different versions of virgins giving birth to dying demigod saviors.

From your observations, one could come up with any number of stories. Perhaps Bootes and Virgo had already conceived and Serpens was their offspring. hehe
M*W: Well, this is not exactly rocket science, and it is certainly open to interpretation. I am in no way endorsing this as a real religion or anything. I'm just trying to put myself in the mind's eye of the ancient humans who originally created the myths. My only purpose in studying bible astrology is to make religionists aware from where their "faith in god" was spawned.
My only purpose in studying bible astrology is to make religionists aware from where their "faith in god" was spawned.

And I whole-heartedly agree with your purpose as well as your observations. Kudos!
In Chinese mythology, Scorpius represents the body of a curled up dragon (Cang Long - Green Dragon). Antares (Scorpius) is the heart of the Dragon. Spica (Virgo) and Arcturus (Bootes) form the dragon’s two long horns.
(Q) said:
In Chinese mythology, Scorpius represents the body of a curled up dragon (Cang Long - Green Dragon). Antares (Scorpius) is the heart of the Dragon. Spica (Virgo) and Arcturus (Bootes) form the dragon’s two long horns.
M*W: As I understand it, the Dragon (Draco) also represents the Serpent. The myth continues with the dragon and the damsel in distress and the white knight (light?) coming to save her (virginity?) from the beast (but then we have the same myth in Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, King Kong, Pygmalian, My Fair Lady, etc).
M*W you could end up developing a whole new religion and becoming a godess.
when was the last time you were called a godess?
M*W the godess queen of the new sciforums religion!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: As I understand it, the Dragon (Draco) also represents the Serpent.

"Obviously", the dragon, serpent and the scorpion all represent the same thing. Ancient people thought of the sexual energy (life force) as a scorpion which apparently kills itself but then resurrects, since its own venom can't kill it. The sexual energy is like a powerful and dangerous animal, but if it is controlled, it serves us with a great power.

The scorpion sign should more correctly be called 'scorpion-eagle'. Christ also fakes his death and then he resurrects (awakens spiritually). In Egyptian mythology, the eagle called Horus, the creative principle, is the same as Christ.

Judas and Christ are opposites, and opposites are always connected. Judas betrays the son of man with a kiss. He betrays and kills the divine creative principle in him by using the life force for physical pleasures. Excessive use of the sexual energy will lead to mental destruction, because this energy is also the creative forces and life itself.

At the same time, when Christ dies, Judas, the sexual energy, commits suicide, because when the sexual energy is converted, the sexual desires die. You might know it, but the 30 silver talents given to the scorpion are 30 degrees in the Zodiac.

"For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods."

If the sexual energy (serpent) is not used for sexual pleasure it can be transformed to wisdom, which is represented with a rod (since wise ancient kings always had rods by which they did great "miracles")

That Moses' "rod" swallowed the other serpents means that he was wiser and had greater arguments than the selfish pharaoh.

At one place in the Bible, Moses lifted up a serpent in the wilderness, and everyone who looked at the serpent, that is, everyone who listened and accepted the things he said, were cured. Those who did not accept his words were bitten by snakes. They became sick, just as many people now will become sick by following their dead beliefs.

(but then we have the same myth in Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, King Kong, Pygmalian, My Fair Lady, etc).

Are you trying to say that the story is "false"?
leopold99 said:
M*W you could end up developing a whole new religion and becoming a godess.
when was the last time you were called a godess?
M*W the godess queen of the new sciforums religion!
M*W: It's been a while, my dear.