In Plain Sight


Registered Senior Member
My dad passed away last year. He was a very intelligent man, unlike myself. He worked for the government doing many odd jobs as well as being a Brown and Root design engineer. We used to discuss many things related to science. I would ask him "Wouldn't it be great if we had antigravity?" and he would reply "What makes you think we don't" and would'nt go further. He told me about how the US military got more from Germany than their top projects and their science experts. It was something he called a government within a government, that is, there is a government for the people and by the people, then there is a government run by the military. He wouldn't say much so I can't prove anything other than he told me to look around me. Hidden in plain sight was the other government. Big research companies, small ones, large banks and such. A lot of what I talked about with him I attributed to him being old and pulling my leg. Some of the things we talked about was:

Antigravity, been her for over 50 years.

UFO's are in the eye of the beholder, some know what they are, many do not, so its a UFO. Look at our new bombers, been around for some time and theres more to come.

Ether energy? I assumed he was talking about zero point energy. Also has been around for a long time.

There are many other things we discussed before he died. It's probably a lot of bullshit. Just wanted to let people know I do think that there is a government within a government within plain sight.
There is no anti-gravity device in operation at this time. We know this because there are experiments to detect gravity waves taking place, and we would have detected such a device with one.

Sorry, your dad was pulling your leg.
Just wanted to let people know I do think that there is a government within a government within plain sight.

There's always something within something else. That's an easy statement to make and can be proved as well. It is just that when it comes to anti gravity and zero point energy , there's no proof that it either can happen or has been accomplished already. Might I ask, why doesn't someone just show us all of these things? What is holding anyone back from realizing this information? Unless of course it really doesn't exist but that isn't a belief, that is a a fact. :)
There's a whole slew of material (print and Internet) on what was supposedly captured from the Nazis during Operation Paperclip.
Unfortunately there's no corroborating evidence.
There's a good number of faked (mostly from well after the war) documents purporting to show what they had, and quite a few "memoirs" - the most famous of course being Vesco's Intercept - But Don't Shoot which is a nice piece of fraudulent "evdence".
And even more recently the whole thing has been given some credence by Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point, unfortunately Cook also failed to check his sources.
I think the most recent "confirmation" is the so-called Me-271bz (Blitz Zerstorer/Lightning Destroyer) which shows absolutely that the Nazis had stealth and other highly-advanced technology.
Except that the thing is, upon investigation, another figment of someone's imagination.

There's reality, and there's conspiracy theory...

The really interesting part about conspiracy theories is that they are so secret, but somebody managed to find out and leak the information onto the net.
Hmm, I know damn well if I ran a secret world government there'd be the ocassional fatal accident well before anyone leaked anything.
They're claimed to be all-powerful and practically invisible, so how come they get exposed by sub-literate nerds roughly twice a week?
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I know damn well if I ran a secret world government there'd be the ocassional fatal accident well before anyone leaked anything.

So you would kill your employees before they leaked anything? Why would you kill them if they havent leaked anything? You must have a high turnover rate!:D

And the government DOES kill people for leaking information. Take this fellow for example...A geologist and engineer who has an amazing story about his work on US underground bases.

He was killed less than a year after making this speech...
So you would kill your employees before they leaked anything? Why would you kill them if they havent leaked anything? You must have a high turnover rate!:D
Secret governments are always ruthless, didn't you know?

And the government DOES kill people for leaking information. Take this fellow for example...A geologist and engineer who has an amazing story about his work on US underground bases.
This guy was going around in public for... how long?
At least two years that I know of.
So this secret government is so efficient that it took two years to find a guy who gave public lectures?
And then they're so incompetent that the "fact" he was "executed" is allowed out onto the net?
Well if this "secret government" has any vacancies I could improve their security considerably.

He was killed less than a year after making this speech...
More specifically, it has been claimed that he was killed, an alternative explanation is that it was auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Maybe we should check Michael Hutchence's body for traces of UFOs?
I was just going to add an edit and you got here before me.
That was going to be one question, another being: if he was killed by CIA (as has been claimed by one of the "in sources", wouldn't it be more effective to just make him disappear?
Kill him and lose the body somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic?
It's obviously not served any purpose in "executing" him, (supposing that's what happened) since the fuss (and subsequent back-up stories:rolleyes:) have caused far more publicity than he himself did.
Another two reasons why I consider it highly unlikely he was "executed".

Discredit or disappear but execute then let his body be found and cause more fuss?

PS I've just been reading some of the "supporting" evidence, including one from someone who claims he was "MI6 black-ops".
It's weird how an ex-British intelligence agent (hence very good university) writes using American phraseology and idioms...
And so many factual errors too. :)
So you would kill your employees before they leaked anything? Why would you kill them if they havent leaked anything? You must have a high turnover rate!:D

And the government DOES kill people for leaking information. Take this fellow for example...A geologist and engineer who has an amazing story about his work on US underground bases.

He was killed less than a year after making this speech...

Dude, that guy killed himself. He was clearly delusional. He's been discussed, and debunked on this very forum.