Impotence of human thought


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Do you think that man can really know anything? Maybe it's just his arrogance that lets him think he can have true knowledge. Do you think that he can actually achieve anything that matters? Maybe it’s all just an illusion, and nothing at all is real anyway, in which case we’re all looking pretty stupid to the divine, aren’t we? Certainly if anything can be known or done, it’s not by us, we’re forever in debt, and below the divine. Life is suffering.
Do you think that man can really know anything? Maybe it's just his arrogance that lets him think he can have true knowledge.

You confuse the boundries. True knowledge is unemperical and is not factual. It is not recorded in books and memorized in the mind. True knowledge comes from the heart and from within.
All this 'true' knowledge exists in it's infinitely raw form outside of the boundries of time and space. As for factual knowledge, every bit of 'emperical' scientific evidence exists EVERYWHERE within time and space. You think answers on how to split the atom were created when man learned them, or were they there all along and it was only man who finally reached that threshold? Do you think we have ALL the answers now? In answering a question with science, another question is created in it's wake. It never ends. Science, as reliable and as much as it has built our world up, look at our 'stable' our world is, this is the basic crutch of it, as solid as it is, it contains NO HEART, which is TRUE knowledge.

Do you think that he can actually achieve anything that matters?

Do you think you can achieve anything that matters? Does letting someone have a smile on their face due to your unabashed and unmotivated altruism achieve anything? Does donating food to a shelter or your time to a cause, help someone? Is that achieving something? Is bringing light and joy and love to someone's hard achieving something? In my eyes it is, as it brings about the sharing of TRUE knowledge, of HEART.

Maybe it’s all just an illusion, and nothing at all is real anyway, in which case we’re all looking pretty stupid to the divine, aren’t we?

Reality does not exist, only those who know this, and those who don't, and those who don't are therefor being manipulated by those who do. You think if we're looking pretty stupid to the divine, the divine doesn't also have the utmost love and compassion for our idiocy and stupidity?

Certainly if anything can be known or done, it’s not by us, we’re forever in debt, and below the divine. Life is suffering.

Its not by us? We're forever in debt? So if we can't do anything, may I ask, how will this debt ever vacate? We're below the divine? God created man in his image I thought? We're just living at awfully shallow potentials in comparison to that. Is God's image lust-driven sex, alcohol fueled rage, and natural resource wasting consumerism? It's not our fault, but may I point a finger at science? It's god's image but, theres two sides of everything, and thats just the empty low and unfull side. There is a side of fullness, happiness and highness. Tthere is a FLIP side to science. You can use things like the internet, and transportation, and all sorts of scientific revolutionary breakthroughs to the advantage of the earth and of humanity. I'm not saying you have to live in the woods and eat grass to be holy. Think of the medical equipment and advances these days that are available for HELPING people. Be it there are more ailments than there EVER was in time, but is that maybe just a reaction to poor spiritual state of the world? Think of poor people. What is their biggest hurdle in life. People in the ghetto? Think if you gave them thousands of dollars its going to FIX ANYTHING?? WRONG. They need education. They need information. Visually learning is the easiest way.. Imagine the capabilities of TV if it was used only for positive mental stimulation and information and not passive un-interactive programming mixed with engaging sales promotional ads?

Mystech, sounds like YOUR life is suffering. You don't speak for the collective of humanity in ANY of your words. It sounds like you're pretty unhappy with life as you see it. It sounds like you want to fight and argue cause you don't know how to listen, learn, and help. Sounds like you have self-pity, or want people to pity you. I pity you. I love you also. Understand I'm sure you've got an intelligent mind and passions in life that range outside of material. Do you like to travel? How does the sunset make you feel? Do you enjoy reading books? How about magazines? Discover? National Geographic, Scientific American? How do you feel about your family? Would you defend them? Would you turn you back from them? What about a relaionship you had with someone, perhaps it ended in a way that made you unhappy and left you feeling hurt? Explain that hurt with science, if its just some chemicals that cause 'love'. Felt pretty real huh? Wouldn't you long for someone again? Perhaps you have them now, do you cherish each and every moment with them? Do you take them for granted? Do you appreciate them but are you with them for your own benefit and security? Do you like computers? Do you enjoy knowing about the functioning of their hardware, the latest and greatest microprocessors? Be it material, it does not mean it is without value. Just these values must be balanced and with perspective...

I have faith that you can not be so doubting of the world and of yourself, do you have this faith?
on the subject of mystech.

Originally posted by GlacialImprint

Reality does not exist, only those who know this, and those who don't, and those who don't are therefor being manipulated by those who do.

Explain that hurt with science, if its just some chemicals that cause 'love'. Felt pretty real huh?

At the risk of incriminating myself I'm going to say that ive known Mystech for a long time (and if you are thinking that that isnt as mysterious or interesting as i just tried to make it sound, you are correct). Im chiming in here to let you know that you just fell into one of his jokes hook line and sinker just how he wanted it. His favorite philosopher is Ayn Rand. Reading Ayn Rand has left him all but completely incapable of communicating with people in terms they understand because of how she takes words you know, and through deep philosophical exploration of them and grooming them to be used in disgussing Objectivism (Ayn Rand's philosophy) they take on significantly different meanins. He was trying to have a laugh by seeing who he could get to agree with his first post, by his thinking, and the thinking of objectivism this person would be a horribly deranged mental case.

i dont see it that harsly but you did step into his trap just about perfectly (Except for your skill in recognizing that the Divine is not something that inherently is superior to and distainful of humanity)

I put the quote of your post there because i found it funny myself. First reality does not exist, then love and pain exist. You contradict yourself.

That was probably something Mystech laughed at too. He cant stand anything that sounds like nihilism like the idea that "there are some things man was not meant to know" or "Reality does not exist"

Reality does exist why? Because you are reading my post thats why, and thats something. Even if reality were an illusion reality still exists. why? Because you are sitting in front of a computer and thats something, even a thought about something fake is still a real thought.

so... yeah thats a little insight on mystech i hope.
Heh, yeah ok, that's pretty much It :p and yes, I was very amused when Glacial took a tone as if trying to refute what I'd said, but then took those very ideas out to almost absurd (and I'll admit, more universaly understandable) extreems, only one he managed to miss was the idea of origional sin, a nice effort, that, I'll say at least.

Haha, no my life isn't suffering, don't worry, the Mystech is just fine with his little games, he gets quite a smile now and again. And don't worry, Glacial, No, I don't have faith, it's the closest thing to sin that exists in my books. Know something, don't just have faith in it.
You guys are both sick.

Would you laugh at seeing a baby stabbed? How about woman and children being beaten?

Oh no you say, thats not funny?

Oh so you're objective in your comparison of the lesser of two evils?

So its okay to 'set a trap' for me to fall into. I'm the one who spent time giving mystech a thoughtful reply for his hopeless and dreary questioning.

Am I the one who loses out here? NOPE! :) You are the one who took the time to read my words and let them inflitrate your mind. My words are powerful and they are positive, but obviously both of you are locked into negative. Sounds like thats what reading his books has done for him. The reason I responded to his post is cause he was HATE MONGERING on my friends in a different post. Shame on him. Why does he feel a need to cut down others? Is it so he can get a sense of self-validation? Is laughing 'at' me only validating his own insecurity?

Of course I contradict myself. I believe that is the duality of having faith. It's kind of a contradiction with everything you know, and it's trusting in it and living with this that you can realize-one-ness, can merge the duality.

Why don't you guys go to the "analytical mechanized low-self-esteem, outwardly critical little boys forum'

This ain't the place for you, plain and simple. Be weary, if I met you in real life I'd push you off a cliff, and rescue you one inch above the ground.
Yeah im really sorry about that baby killing crack i made... oh wait...

I was telling you not to take mystech seriously because he dosnt even know how to talk to people like you. Any dissagreement on certain things in boards like this is alwayse interpreted in dissgusting hostility isnt it. Your "oneness" being able to "Merge the duality" sounds a lot like you dont know what you are talking about, and since you arnt willing to explain your possition on that youre just going to respond with hostility like saying you would like to push me off a cliff just to see me squirm. congradulations on making a very spiritual and enlightened point.
I said push you off a cliff and rescue you one inch before you hit the ground, as in, not cause you ANY HARM. Only give you a psychological realization so that you may realize your own mortality.

Obviously mystech does not know how to talk to people like me because he is not in touch with himself.

Yes most people cannot accept the merging of duality and the realization that there is no duality, however I have. It's not a pleasent or exactly HAPPY and FUN light hearted experience. There is much trauma and pain with it. It's in recognizing your own imperfection and mortality, and feeling that crushing blow destroy the ego you know, that you will emerge as one combined.

Look up information on shamanism, although that term is awfully, well... I would rather SPEAK and not have to point people to look up factual information in order that I may validate myself.

You think setting a trap and getting a laugh out of one person's 'misfortune' on here is any different than laughing at someone's misfortune in real life? Or are you going to be relative here and hop around on me?

The baby statement was only trying to show that when comparing the lesser of two wrongs, you're still dealing with wrongs.

actually the subject of this original threat sums it up all pretty well.

Human thought is impotent, because it is ONLY THOUGHT. It is only mind.
It lacks the potency, integrity, passion, and spiritual sustinence of HEART.


Later Alligator!
Don't worry I'll right a longer reply to all of this in just a little while, as for right now, I wanted to ask you this:

Excuse me sir, but did you reallize that your whole life (and philosophy) is a joke? Haha! Honestly, thanks for all of this, I'm really going to have to get others in on this, it's to rediculous!

I live my life as carefree as a joke, not so locked into it as you are. But I care about each and every moment of it...just I am not at the mercy of each and every moment.

Perhaps the joke is on you?

Show this to as many people as possible. I know for fact my words, like all words have vibrational power. The vibrational power of my words is very high, but there is no limit. When I dance I can speak volumes with the flip of my hand. When you read my words, seeds are planted within your subconscious psyche, beckoning for your unconscious to comeforth.

The more people that read this, the more people I have spread my message of love, peace, harmony, and light.

Haha, you do realize that you've just written a whole paragraph and managed to say nothing, right? I'm now quite under the impression that not even you know what the hell you're talking about, quit pulling stuff out of your ass, it's not cute.
..i thought

this was supposed to be YOUR CUTE idea of a joke.. are the laughing bothering you now? I mean.. don't you still just get a big laugh at everything I say.. if so why would you EVER want me to quit 'talking out my ass'

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you present me with many questions
Damn, where's the big ass post I wrote just before leaving? Ahhh, crap, well i'll rewrite it tomorow or something.
Originally posted by GlacialImprint
I said push you off a cliff and rescue you one inch before you hit the ground, as in, not cause you ANY HARM. Only give you a psychological realization so that you may realize your own mortality.

Ha ha, well great, thanks, you're a real humanitarian, Glacial. Now why exactly did you think that it'd be nessisary to remind someone of their mortality? Was anyone here suddenly seeming as if maybe they'd forgotten?

All that's happening here is that you're getting angry, and quite amusingly petty, typing out funny little hostile fantasies where we are made to bow down before you, or at very least validate that anything you say has some worth- because frankly you're too incompitent to make such an impression in the real world. . . maybe if you just embrased what was right in front of you, though. . .

Obviously mystech does not know how to talk to people like me because he is not in touch with himself.

Haha, don't worry I assure you I'm quite in touch with myself, and more importantly I'm in touch with REALITY, and that is presicely why I have trouble talking with people like you. Remember that every little thing that pops into your head isn't some mystical vision, and it certainly isn't truth.

Yes most people cannot accept the merging of duality and the realization that there is no duality, however I have. It's not a pleasent or exactly HAPPY and FUN light hearted experience. There is much trauma and pain with it. It's in recognizing your own imperfection and mortality, and feeling that crushing blow destroy the ego you know, that you will emerge as one combined.

Haha, what the fuck are you talking about? Duality both is and isn't? Let me let you in on an ancient bit of wisdom that most of the world understands, because you seem to be in that sad majority that doesn't quite get it. Contradiction can NOT exist, something can not be and not be at the same time. This "Trauma and pain" of yours is quite likely just the result of trying to live with trying to hold conflicting ideas in your mind, they have a term for it, it's called insanity! Do a little thinking before you go pulling stuff out of your ass, and you know what? I'm SERIOUS, go take some sort of critical analysis, or logic class, or something, or studdy Arostotle on your own, or something, you're a person who seems as if they could benefit GREATLY from it! Learn how to think, or you'll ruin it for all the crazies, soon we'll have to have a licence to own a brain, haha!

Look up information on shamanism, although that term is awfully, well... I would rather SPEAK and not have to point people to look up factual information in order that I may validate myself.

Haha, ok, wait, let me get this straight, because you aren't too clear here. You don't want to back up what you're saying with facts, instead you'd rather just keep talking and hope someone will take what you say in good faith? Ha ha, or is it that you suddenly realized that if someone were to do as you say and look up information on shamanism they'd realize there isn't really anything there that can solidly support anything, and they get to see the flimsy foundation of your argument? Just need a little clarification.

Hmmm, on second thought maybe it isn't best to call what you're saying an argument, you don't seem to have much of a point or direction, I sure as hell can't tell what your position is just yet, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though and hope that you're building up to something.

You think setting a trap and getting a laugh out of one person's 'misfortune' on here is any different than laughing at someone's misfortune in real life? Or are you going to be relative here and hop around on me?

Haha, laughing at someone's misfortune? Come again? Look, you've agreed with just about everything I said in that first post, already, so where does the misfortune part come in? Are you starting to see your own views as the downfall that they are, and that your line of thinking is unfortunately riddled with holes and unworkable? In that sence, yes I suppose you are unfortunate, but I sure as hell didn't expect you to see it that way, very good, it seems you may be more enlightend than I thought, I should let up a bit, haha!

This was intended as a clever way of rooting out those I'd REALLY want to argue with, those who's beleifes run pretty much along exact opposite lines as mine, and here you are, you unfortunate thing, curse your luck, right? Haha!

The baby statement was only trying to show that when comparing the lesser of two wrongs, you're still dealing with wrongs.

Haha, ok, now PLEASE do elaborate this one, what exactly are you talking about? Lesser of two evils, baby stabbing. . . I don't get it! How does this fit in? Are you sure you're not reading another post and responding to this one?

Anyway, untill next time, Oh spiritualy enlightend one, may my soul grow and learn just from being in your presence!
explain this

Did you ever take a class called:

Science, Art, and Spirituality?

Art and the Individual?

Do you think shamanism, wiccan religions, and native american medicine men are simply, hocus pokus fools that were revered as wise men in the tribe..WHY? Oh no reason...

contradiction cannot exist?

I think this very contradiction is what lets you see the world:


A wave and a particle.

Seems like a paradox to me. Perhaps it reflects life. Perhaps faith is believing in contradiction.
Another paradox for you

Dreaming occurs during REM sleep, the "paradoxical" sleep stage. Curiously, the ascending acetylcholinergic system actually turns on - it is as though the brain wakes up internally. Yet for some reason the person remains unconscious and unaware. Dreams generally do not make it to conscious memory unless the dreamer is awakened from the dream itself.

Perhaps interpolating this to a higher perspective, you're still a sleepy head! WAKE UP!
And yet another paradox

Quantum. Quanta. On and Off. Yes and No. 1 and 0.

Yin and Yang.

In a quantum state, something can be both 1 and 0.

That seems like a paradox.

So, put into perspective... Looks again like paradoxes and contradiction can exist, something can BE and NOT be.

You are in the SAD MAJORITY who does not accept this.

I know talking about the science of sleep and dreams, quantum states, and light is not...concrete enough for you, interms of logical things to point at in the world which give us a paradox.

There is an area of the mind which could be called unsane, beyond sanity, yet not insane. Think of a circle with a fine split in it. At one end is INSANITY, you go around the circle to SANITY, and on the other end of the circle, close to insanity, but not insanity, is UNSANITY.

I am firmly rooted with a job, school, peer who respect me, and people who tell me 'thanks' when I help them with their problems.

I can be logical as I want, but I'm not constrained to that, I'm also able to think abstractly. This is something you lack. When combined the power is great.
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Hate to break it to you but nothing you listed there is a contradiction. Also, I challenge you to find a single principal or device which takes advantage of "quantum physics" fact is that there isn't, because it's just that, theory, groundless, really. Also, it doesn't state that something both is and isn't, just that something either is, and perhaps it could have been 'not' not both simultaniously. I don't see that light being a particle that moves in a wave as a contradiction, explain that one to me, and how exactly is dreaming a paradox? Other than that, everything else you listed (light dark, yin yan, and all that) are opposites, not contradictory. Go get yourself a dictionary, I understand if big words confuse you.

By the way, were all very impressed by your job and peers, sort of reminds me of that saturday night live skit with will farrel "I DRIVE A DODGE STRATUS! I'M IN CHARGE OF 5 PEOPLE! PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF ME!" hehe. Yes dear, we're all very proud of you.

As for sanity, I guess you're right. It's a one trick poney: Rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, the sky is the limit!
...last one for your weak soul

If things are opposites, they seem to contradict eachother.
It is in viewing them as a whole, they are one. Looked at one sided, for instance, your opinion of me, is not complete, but one-sided, biased, and full of personal unbased judgements which you form based off your life-experiences.

Quantum may just be a theory but even Einstien accepted it when his own theory of relativity was used to prove that such states existed. Why would people be talking about it so much these days and why would scientists and universities be trying to create quantum computers? If you call quantum just a theory, you must call all of science is JUST a theory, as science birthed the idea of quantum. And in turn, to call all sciences a theory, perhaps reality is just a theory. Your words validate all my points. Thank you. That was a great saturday night live skit, I CAN DO 20 PUSHUPS! :) hehe.. Actually I drive a neon.. and you forgot to response to the part where I said "when I help people they say thank you to me".. thats the only part that matters, helping people. I never said anyone is affraid of me. Everyone I know enjoys my company and are able to let down their guard and laugh and talk about life..

The future belongs to those who believe in the power of their dreams

are yours for world peace? An end to war, to treating everyone as your brother and your sister. To harmony on earth, both between humans and with humans and the environment they live in (nature).

Thats my dream

Hope you have a good life--MAY GOD BLESS YOUR PRECIOUS SELF!!! :)