Immortality ?

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If we were to put all humans physical bodies into a "craft" moving at the speed of light and plugged everyone into a virtual reality type world, we would never die ? We could live in a pseudo-world similiar to the matrix. This also brings up another question, can the human body function or does it operate when no time passes ?
If you moved at the speed of light time would stop for you. It would be about the same as dying but minus the afterlife.

Its impossible anyway due to the fact your mass would increase the faster you got to 100%.
Yeah your mass increases as you get to the speed of light, but in order to actually reach it, you'd have an infinite mass, and therefore would be required to have infinite energy.
just go with copying are minds into computer @#$% the body it never does you any good anyways!
Time ?

If we assume "Time" as the incapability of the human understanding, which hinders him on his way of being one with the universe, can't we beat time to be immortals ?
yes your theory does not require the speed of light thingy. If and when we are able to transfer our minds to computer, we will all be immortal. We can just upload onto our computer and live in that virtual realit world of which you speak. Unfortunately if all humans die there will be no more new minds, just us, we might get bored of each other, i doubt it though:)
Brain in not enough ?

Why do we have to bend to the computer for everything? The information about the universe is out there, not inside the computer. Its just a machine like any other tool we use, its our brain within which the thoughts reside, about everything, which we assume we know. So I think we need to train our brain and ourselves to store the whole chunk of information. I think the upgrade is required for our own brain, this is very easy also I think. We need to practice like a weight lifter first we need to take small load and then slowly increase till be achieve the maximum. And I think with the brain and our thoughts there is nothing like maximum, as these two stand to be the fastest things in this universe.

If you define brain as a mediator between sensors and motors, then every cell in your body has a brain. The cells act like cellular automata. It is all a machine. Get rid of your body and you have no brain.
The brain and a computer, what is the difference? Ones Analog others Digital... hum well at a fundamental level there both the same thing! They both processes information and can calculate at a yet unmeasured complexity. So copying your soul (personality and memories) into a computer won’t be that bad or that much of a leap. All we need is a computer powerful enough to mimic a human brain and machines capable of scanning all the pathways of a brain.
A computer is a simple linear machine that has no brain. It uses a cycle of linear registers, which must be filled with program. A fetch machine reads that and sends it to a decoder. The equation is:
Decoder = fetch. ; which is a machine that has no feedback and is always heading to crash.

We have been carried away with the computer from the beginning when it was a Giant Brain. It is nothing.

A brain is a set of neural functions. There is no clock here, everything works at the same time all the time.

We have to get over this computer worship. A computer program cannot get out of the computer.

Well, I have made enough people mad.

LOL Imagine this:
Hey Joe how's your new computer brain?
Ah just fine...
uhihfgt.. Joe has caused an Illegal Operation.... BOOM!


Yes well are brains do have many differences from a PC!, but we do have unsynchronized neural networking processors on the market... ever heard of a FPGA? And yes to simulate a human brain we are going to need specialized hardware as well as special software. It is not that computers are so great it is that the human brain is not so mysterious and complicated that we cannot replicate it functions.

No ColdFusion: analog computers do not crash when they make errors like we do… they do the same thing we do: they make mistakes. When a digital computer with no error correction makes an error it crashes!
Originally posted by ColdFusion
LOL Imagine this:
Hey Joe how's your new computer brain?
Ah just fine...
uhihfgt.. Joe has caused an Illegal Operation.... BOOM!



I would like to be immortal just to see that....

mmm exploding brains.....

We have never reached the speed of light. So we really don't know if time stops. So who knows if what you say is true. Now about the computer thing. plugging our minds in to the main-frame could be possible. There is a down side to your little "saying". We could die. You see our mind is in this "virtual" world not our bodies. So we still age. As time goes by we get older. even if we are hitting the speed of light. Maybe, it's possible that time could slow down. Now this is a hypothesis. So I don't really know if it's possible so who knows. So basically this question can't be answered.

Before I scream out that what you said was crap I going to ask a even more necessary question: What? Repeat!, Clarify! Its not that there are any grammar or spelling errors I just don’t follow!
Who's Living Forever?

Living for a long time by using a computer to generate a world for you to live in. Possible. Leaving the body and living as a program forever in a computer- Impossible. These cloning guys are talking about cloning themselves and then copying their brains into the new bodies to live for ever...but I don't think they're going to get the deal they bargained for. It's like this: I have a file I want to give to change, but I have to leave. So I copy the file onto a disk and take the disk to another computer when I get there. I open it and edit it, then save it. The two files are different, and the original file didn't gain anything from the whole ordeal. It's the same as copying a brain to another body, you don't live forever, a copy of you will develop more and then move on to be copied and replaced. You die, the copy lives on. I don't think that's what living forever was meant to be.
To REALLY live for ever you'd just have to hardwire you brain into the computer...but the brain will eventually die. You can't live for ever using a computer no matter how you look at it.
Maybe it's just my definition of living forever.
Welcome BigWill,

Physically you cannot live forever: that impossible, but if all that you are (your personality and memories) can be retain even if it is copied it is the same as living forever! Your body and mind its self is not static it’s changing: the you you were a few years ago is not the you now both mentally and physically: this is a normal process of change. A copy made of you just before you die would just be a copy but it would also have the same personality and memories of you and if you ask the copy who it was it would say its you… and since you are die there is nothing to refute this. The copy of you would of course continue the process of changing and development that you have gone through.

What I’m trying to say is that continuing to exist as a copy of a long dead original is the same as the normal process of development and aging.

Thanks! I'm extremely excited about this place...I've been printing forums off all day.

You're right WellCookedFetus, I hadn't considered that. But I still question the process. Like you said, we are all dying slowly- our skin, our cells, all being replaced. The difference between that and this idea of copying a brain to a computer, I think, is that our natural growth doesn't happen all at once. We don't molt all of our cells every month and become someone new, it's a gradual process that is needed to move from one stage to another (that's why at 12 we don't grow 3 inches in a minute, it happens over the course of a year). But when transfered to a computer memories are transfered to another medium all at once.. They aren't 'grown' into a system. A person would instantly become someone new, not themselves. Would that actually be them since nothing of the original old stuff exists to work witht the new? Because the change is mental and not physical like my example with height, what are the consequences of such a leap? If the intergration was a slow process the human element would grow into it's new form, retaining the human quality, and without the damaging effects...and learn about it's change. the same as one might take a while to get adjusted to an artificial leg.

Thank you for brining that to my attention, I hadn't considered it. I understant the possibility now, and it seems more real to me than it had.
BigWill you are the nicest must giving person on earth!!! I have never meet a single person on a forum that was blessed with lack of human stubbornness and ill will toward others that try to argue against them! I wish others on the theology forums were as understanding as you!

I would advice the movie “Ghost In The Shell” for this subject. You can download it for free off KazaA… made the rip my self!
What we’re talking about is consciousness. Every individual has a single and unique consciousness. Is this self-awareness contained in our brain and is it transferable? I doubt it can be copied. It’s difficult to imagine a being having 2 or more.
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