Immortality or delusion?


Registered Senior Member
I am immortal until proven mortal!

I choose to look upon life as a interactive movie in which I myself is the main character in my movie. I also choose to believe that I am immortal until proven mortal.

Free thoughts?
a free thought

Well, you asked for it.
Really I have smth in common with your idea of life.
I am immortal until proven mortal
this is smth like "you are not quilty till proven guilty" :)

The thought that you are immortal takes away a lot of worries from you. my nick is avatar - it by itself explains a lot.;)
I have always dreamed about living in deep future, and to have witnessed the ancient times of our civilization. But I don't want to say anything bad about the time we live in. We have witnessed the most rapid progress of our civilization in recorded history.
I'm glad I live now and not in 18th or 15th century.
But that doesn't mean that I don't want more.
The thought for immortality is one of the earliest dreams of mankind. Egyptian mummification and ancient Shumer eposs(excuse for lng. mistakes) Gilgamesh. And men have always wanted to fulfill it. [The search for the Holy Grail for instance] have you read a Robert Holdstocks book Mythago Wood? I would even be pleased of that kind of immortality. The most real immortality that we can hope today of is either deep freeze, a miracle or the ability to remember previous lives, if you belive in reincarnation.
And of course I think that there will be a possibility to copy all information of the brain to a hard drive connected to the inet. But I duno if it is the best way to gain immortality.

I myself am the main character in my movie
But answer me, if there was a meteor, which destroys earth and you with it, wouldn't it play the most important role in your life or it is just a side effect of your movie?
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The only way, I guess, to become immortal in <i> this </i> dimension would be to do something incredible and have people remember your name forever. Jesus, Einstein, Elvis, Hitler, anything. You yourself will be dead but your thoughts and statements will live on either positively or negatively for generations to come, maybe forever.

Think of it like a stream with rocks in it. The water is the human race and we are the pebbles inside it. When you become famous and get yourself into the minds of a good deal of people your pebble enlarges itself to become a rock, and if you become more famous you turn into a boulder, which leaves large impressions on the generations downstream, downtime.
have you read a Robert Holdstocks book mythago forest?

No! but I will look it up as soon as I get the time.

if there was a meteor, which destroys earth and you with it, wouldn't it play the most important role in your life or it is just a side effect of your movie?

Well that meteor would be a real bad decision from the directors or authors side. It would play a great part in the movie, because such an event would definitely prove whether I was immortal or not. But the next question would be:

- Would I myself be convinced I was mortal if I died in that fashion. Perhaps I'm just walking around, proud to be immortal, and the meteor hits from out of nowhere. I die in the matter of nanoseconds and I don't have the time to be convinced I am mortal while I die. The meteor has then proved to all outsiders that I am mortal, but I will not know about it since I'm dead.

One thing is for sure though, it would hurt like h...ll! I choose to believe I'm immortal until proven mortal, but I know that injuring myself can hurt bad.

A while ago I was into skydiving and I had an accident which gave me an injury. This incident did not prove my mortality, but it proved some things can hurt bad!

Think of it like a stream with rocks in it. The water is the human race and we are the pebbles inside it. When you become famous and get yourself into the minds of a good deal of people your pebble enlarges itself to become a rock, and if you become more famous you turn into a boulder, which leaves large impressions on the generations downstream, downtime.

Your analogy of time and flowing water reminds me of the old Egyptian way of looking on time.

The Egyptian language has a word that means both behind and future. This is because they saw the humans standing in a stream facing downstream. The time was the water flowing past them and therefore the now would be at their feet, easy to see, and the past would slowly disappear into the horizon. The future could not be seen because it was behind you (upstream).
In my oppinion we all are immortal.

Everything is made out of small small particles. The particles creates cells that joined together creates a human brain. These particles will live forever. Because of this every human brain consists of a little part of some other brains from way back in history. When one person dies and are buried in the soil on one place on the earth, the soil takes the particles from the corpse and creates food for the remaining living beings on that place. These living beings often becomes food for OTHER living beings, often humans since we are positiones quite high on the food chain.

Thus if some particles manages to stick together as a cell, and if this cell contains some memory, every human can remember some parts of history as if they themself had been there to witness it. And in fact, they have. This of course includes memories from animals as well :p The fact that we only use about 20 percent of our braincapacity may be the reason why we dont know about these memories. If we could use the absolute max of our brains i am sure that the humans are of a single mind with about the same memories and thoughts. The reason why our thoughts are so different is just a result from the fact that we use different 20 percent of our brains. As time goes by we will become more and more of a single mind until, some time in the future, we are.

Well thats about it. Summary: We are all immortals, we all are connected(and that includes EVERYTHING on earth), and nothing that we may do are going to change this fact. If someone are positively sure that i am wrong, that the small small particles can NOT hold memories, if together, for a very long time and so on, please feel free to enlighten me. Until then i will live my life to the fullest and do as i please, because i am truly immortal. :D
Sure the matter is all connected but what about the consciousness?

Do you like my saying about immortality? Maybe I was an egyptian in a past life.
There's a school of thought known as Pragmatism; it says (approximately) that because absolute belief is impossible, you might as well choose your beliefs. It's an old philosophy, so its main proponents are long dead and their works are therefore out of copyright. If you're interested, look up William James on Project Gutenberg. If you want to read a modern book, I commend to all The Metaphysical Club by Louis Menand.

Holdstock's book was Mythago Wood, btw. Great stuff.
I agree with Babelina, if you think that life stops in these fragile bodies. Then you need open your mind to something other than what you were indoctrinated into.
A thought

You will never even begin to live until you have the courage to reach into the dark closet of uncertainty and retrieve the coat of mortality and wear it on a hot summer day.
(cough) not likely your quote (cough ATCHOO) weird saying but nice way to (cough) put it.
Amazingly enough...

Uh..yeah it is MY quote. If it was not I would readily provide the source.