immortality [old]

Not me. Just think how bored you would be after millions of years, after everyone is dead, and you've done everything.

In fact I pity God, he got so bored he created us losers to entertain himself.
Not me. Just think how bored you would be after millions of years, after everyone is dead, and you've done everything.
Millions of years? No ones seriously talking about millions of years. Right now we're lucky to get 100, and the last thirty or forty of those probably suck ass.

What if you could get 1000 years, and your body would stay the way it was when you were 19?

Then women could really "have it all". They could whore around for forty or fifty years (let's hope a cure for STD's comes along with immortality), then have a career, then have a family.

Same thing for us dudes. You could get married, raise a family, then go off an become a NASCAR driver or whatever the fuck you wanted to do aferwards. Become a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaught, whatever. I don't think I'd be bored for quite a while.

Another bonus, all the chicks would stay hot. No sagging boobs, cottage cheese thighs, etc. So hot chicks for everyone.:)
Come on at least you would have a choice. If you don't like you can kill yourself. Immortality deos not mean you will live after you are thorn into million pieces.
Not me. Just think how bored you would be after millions of years, after everyone is dead, and you've done everything.

In fact I pity God, he got so bored he created us losers to entertain himself.

if i had a memory to match my immortality and i could stay healthy and always improve i would want it.

aslong as i can remember things and could still train and become stronger i would want immortality,

yes thats exactly why i think we are here. god was bored.

It might interest you to know that the current oldest man in the world is an Pakistani who is 138. He looks not a day over 100.
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Yeah, what I was wondering, the population would definitely rise...
has anyone heard anything else on this?

p.s. was this moved? or did i originally put it here :confused:
Don't worry with only a human brain capacity you won't remember to much of it'll remember all the old stuff, but once your long term memory is full the new stuff won't stick. A billion years of senility won't be very fun.
New stuff will stick. Human brain has ability to forget old stuff and stuff new stuff. Otherwise you can use some advanced technology to iron it out.
What implications do you guys suppose this would have on human reproduction rates and wars?
Minimal. I'm sure it would be expensive. It would probably simply allow first world countries to hold their own in terms of population since most of them already don't reproduce (I'm talking to you, Europe. )
New stuff will stick. Human brain has ability to forget old stuff and stuff new stuff. Otherwise you can use some advanced technology to iron it out.

That's true, but there's no evidence that the new stuff will just "push" the old stuff out. The process of forgetting is a long one, so memory would come available slowly, likely not second by second.

Then again, I'd imagine finding the secret to immortality would be harder than finding the secret to "forgetting on command."
would be fun though if people find a way to better store their memory's and dumb stupid things to make more room avaible... altough the civilisation wouldn't be entirly human anymore and I'm sure people would get the urge to bleach their hair and walk around in bathrobes or wear inapropiate leather with capes or even that awful stuff that star trek is working with