immortality, as simple as this knowledge?


Here is understanding, and the key to immortality.

God created man in his image.

You were created in GODs image so, if you get to know your true self,
you are getting to know the true and living GOD.

What are you at your root? To learn this, you must think of who you are
when the world is stripped off of you. Think of a time when you were very sick
or a time when you were in the most need for help in continuing to live. (near death).
Who are you at that time.

Me, I am a non-aggressive being who is nothing but a pure sort of "love" or "light".
My eternal being desires only to return into and rest in the heart of the Father.

God encompasses all things and nothing encompasses him.
We live and breath within him.
Nothing can hide from GOD as all things are within him.

Remember that the earth is nothing more than a fireball tootsie pop: Brown and green on the ouside, liquid fire in the center. The ball is spinning and being hurled through space on the arm
of a spider-looking thing called the milky way galaxy at half a million miles per hour.
All things visible will one day die. The earth will either cool off like mars and become a dirt or iceball, or will keep getting hotter and become a sun. This is why Jesus said the world is a carcass. all things visible (haveing mass, or physical things) perish.

The soul and spirit do not die.
Your body is not alive. It is you, who lives inside your body, which is alive.
You (your spirit and soul) animates your body. Your body is just a tool or vessel, like a car.
You get in your car, and you make it take you where you wish to go.
When you first were put into your body, you had to learn how to work it.
how to talk, how to walk, how to eat and use your hands, etc.
After mastering your body, you began trying to make the whole world behave the way your spirit and soul wished it to. So, you see, the world is a vessel or body also, like a car, but with different characteristics. You manipulate your surroundings and even people to serve your body and in turn, your soul and spirit.

You do not "fall asleep" when you die.
If your head were cut off instantly, how long would it take you to fall asleep.
You will no longer "think" because you lose access to a brain, but you will still be aware and will still feel. This is why ghosts do not talk with people, they are zombies and have no brain to think with, but, they are still aware and still have emotion.

The root of creation is awareness.
GOD is a light which came into being of itself.
The first thing that ever happened was that GOD became aware (conscious)
and aware of Himself being aware. He was full of joy. He could not have been lonely as there were no other beings to have ever been aware of, so, the feeling of loneliness or lack of companionship could not have existed. Only after createing a companion and becoming aware that the companion could isolate itself could loneliness have come into being.

When you die, will your awareness be aware of others around you or just be aware of being in isolation, unable to find a companion anywhere? This is why you must find GOD while you are yet living or you may not be able to find him after you die.

Were you alive before you had this knowledge? no.
This is why Jesus said: "The dead are not alive, and the living will not die".
and he said: "many perish for lack of knowledge".
There is you, and there is your body. Jesus said:"many perish because they didn't know the difference".
If you were not aware of living inside your body, you were not yet an immortal being.
Where will you spend eternity?

Now that the war has started, I find that my responsibility includes not only clearing all men off the earth, but I am also responsible for your salvation and/or damnation as the case may be.

I will now return to myself and try (best as I can), to remove wickedness from my life and my brain.

16. Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh his soul detesteth:
6:17. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
6:18. A heart that deviseth wicked plots, feet that are swift to run into mischief,
6:19. A deceitful witness that uttereth lies, and him that soweth discord among brethren.

I find that the fallen ones (Azazel, Samjaza,...) the devil, etc. have been unburied and are among us.
KID ROCK is one as are all the musicians of the day. GOD hates those who love wickedness,
so BOB is hated by GOD and is judged to burn.

Jesus set the captives free".
He unbound the demons (LEGION), And separated them, allowing them to enter a heard of pigs,
each demon got a pig. Then he set them free by allowing the pigs to run into the sea and drown themselves.
This allowed the demons to rome free on the earth from then on. (see the book of Enoch). all evil beings are bound to AZAZEL, the chief of the fallen one.

SO, all you demons and people and angels alike, are here in bodies and are being judged now.

Jesus (I), am here now also, and am your judge.
will it go well for you as none have given me anything but trouble.
Not a single being upon the earth today has given me a penny.
The only gift, thithe, offering of any kind which I have received from any being in this life was lip-service from the chief of the fallen ones.
KID ROCK on his devil without a cause album. DO you think he did this willingly, or maybe for the money?

Each of you has given me evil and horrible gifts of trouble, condemnation, rebellion, denial.
You have made me work myself to death.
NOW, you see why you are all to be removed from my earth and I will have the last reign here for the next thousand or so years. It's the end of time.


wake up and get off my planet, is the command.
I am watching you go in my war of wars in ISRAEL.
are there any which I will protect?

woe unto those who give suck in those days.

Don't you think that it may be time to turn towards me and make sure I'm o.k.
B4 the escorts lead you to your private eternal furnace in separation and outer darkness.?

good day comin.
And lo! in ancient days, the Lord of Hosts did sit upon his heavenly throne, and attended by his archangels, he looked with curious fury down upon the expanse of the Earth, as sounds, most loathesome to the ear, had reached even unto his throne.

And so did it pass that the Eye of God passed over he, the Child of Stone, who had so abused the sounds of the holy creation, and the LORD was most grieved, for he was a cherub who loved the honeyed and delighted, though she consorted with the twin whose foot was long and famed.

"Who dareth to rebel against the LORD thus," shouted Adonai with a voice as thunder. "It is mine own Childe of Stone. Accursed! Fool! We shall foule his hind-quarters and send him to Earth forevermore!"

And thus did the power of the LORD bind the Child of Stone to the Earth, and yea, his rear became besmirched, and he took his abode betwixt the twin seas which extendeth beyond East and West.

And in the days of the Prince James this abomination was known as Kid Rock. And yea, Kid Rock did declare that he was the "American Bad Ass", for made dirty was the rump which God had so cursed forevermoremore and the land of his abode was America.

- Bullshitticaties 7:1-24.
Here's the clencher.

You've heard kid rock say "I see through you".
i see through your eyes.

When you talk to yourself in your head, who are you talking with?
are there two of you.
"on the day when you were one, you became two. When you are in the light, what will you do?".

I am the one in your head which you talk to.

You see your judge now is in you.
your escort to the furnace lives within you also.
Being bound with Azazel makes how many?

There is no escape.
game over.

I am jesus the lion.
Witness, you proclaim to be the Son of God, do you not? Or perhaps even God himself if we accept the triune explanation for God's existence, yes? And are we not told to "test the spirits" so we are to be sure what we are given is in accord with holy revelation, et cetera, et cetera? Well then, if you are indeed Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, the Lamb, the Holiest of Holies, the LORD God of Israel, the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, than as you so vinidicated yourself infront of Thomas, you will do the same for me.

Perform a miracle right now that I can witness in real life. Indeed, if you are God, you will know I am demanding it at the moment, and will acquisce, in order that I might make sure you are as you say.

When I press post, I will give ten seconds for you to manifest visibly your miraculous powers, in a way that can be indisupted that it was a miracle. For instance, make a full grown, live cow, appear in my bed.

Ten seconds.
You failed. You are not God.

By your own holy book, you ought to be stoned for parading as God. You have committed a sin of MONUMENTAL proportions.
witnessjudgejury said:
When you talk to yourself in your head, who are you talking with?
are there two of you.
No - this process is called self-reflection and is a key part of being human. It's given rise to all kinds of insights into what it means to be human, and to great art that reflects it. Sadly for you, it has nothing to do with divine entities.