immortality and religion


Registered Senior Member
Once science achieves immortality and our bodies and brain will never die then what good would religion be? If we can escape death then who needs an afterlife? Maybe one day we will be sucked up into a giant computer (ever see the movie "lawnmower man"?) or just kept alive thru mechanical, chemical or rejuvenation techniques. Would you want to live forever?
Would you want to live forever?
No. You would get soooo bored. A thousand years would be interesting though. Or maybe going to 'sleep' then 'waking up' when something interesting happened. Might be alright.

I have never seen the allure of heaven anyway. It would be eternal boredom (immortality would be close to eternal boredom except depressing as well). Nothing by which we live our lives and derive excitement from exist in heaven, how would we ever get an adrenalin rush? And it's here I want to point out something about the 14 virgins in heaven you get after you die if you subscribe to islam. Wouldn't you
a) get bored of them because it is eternity after all;
b) rather have experienced lovers rather than virgins all the time?
and wouldn't that;
c) be a hellishly retarded belief-> "Welcome to heaven, to pick up you're 14 virgins please go cloud 13...". I mean, if our 'soul' has gone 'up', the animal instinct to reproduce would be left behind in our dead biological bodies. Therefore what the hell would we do with 14 virgins? What the hell would you do in heaven anyway?

I don't think immortality will or would rule out religion. Only good education (which therefore includes the truth of evolution) and growing up in neutral households can succeed in doing that. If human's weren't brought up believing in a religion it wouldn't exist because no one would know about it (obviously you might say). Hopefully this will happen some day. It is quite easy to have morals and not be religious. All of my class mates thought I was christian in '98/'99 just because I was good. In reality I had no idea about christianity or it's beliefs.