Immediate Relase: "Score one for the Devil" - Catholic abuse cover-up revealed

How deep runs the revulsion?

  • Skin deep

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  • Probably shouldn't dive, even in the deep end

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  • 20,000 leagues under the sea

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  • Unfathomable

    Votes: 5 100.0%

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Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member

For Immediate Release

"Score one for the Devil"

Following the not-entirely shocking revelation that the Catholic Church has acted, with orders from the papacy, to officially cover up child sexual abuse by priests, The Office of the Tiassa hereby expresses its full disgust and revulsion.

The discovered document, a 1962 Vatican instruction bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII, calls for the strictest secrecy in dealing with abuse allegations, and threatens violators of the secrecy instruction with excommunication.

The Church, of course, points to technicalities: the document pertains primarily to priests who propositioned adult congregants during confession, and has not been enforced for years. Furthermore, the Church notes that the document "had no bearing on civil law", and accuses attorney Daniel Shea of misrepresenting the context.

Document excerpts provided by the BBC show a ludicrous farce aimed at protecting the Church against the conduct of its members. It even goes so far as to prescribe a "formula for taking an oath to exercise one's office faithfully and to observe the secret of the Holy Office": I promise sacredly, vow and swear, to observe inviolably the secret in all matters and details which will take place in exercising the aforesaid duty.

While the Office of the Tiassa has, for years, advised that Catholicism works in a manner detrimental to society, this latest demonstration of that fact leaves little cause for triumph. The first nail has been driven, and Catholicism, in any logical Universe, ought to see its influence wane considerably here in the US and also abroad. It is our hope that Catholics everywhere will pause to consider the balance between their faith in Jesus Christ and their faith in the Church institution.

The Catholic Church is officially admitted to Tiassa's Sinister List, something approximately akin to the American "terrorist-sponsor list". This List indicates those organizations which this office considers detrimental or countervalent to the human endeavor, which threaten life, liberty, sanctity, or the quest for progress (evolution both social and physiological).

As one educated by Jesuits, the Tiassa admits the sting of sadness. Much respect for many good individuals working to find some positive result of Catholic faith becomes obscured behind the necessity of protecting humanity from this most malevolent force.

Who would have guessed that the Seventh-Day Adventists were right? The Pope is the Devil, and today the Devil laughs in triumph. It is said that the Devil cannot be completely evil, else it would destroy itself. Nor is the Devil wholly reviled by God. For today, for whatever purpose, the hellish choir howls its praise: the Dark Prince has scored a minor victory.

To our Christian neighbors we can only say, This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Strange how that works, ain't it?
Born to an air of apathy
Indifference shapes a fragile mind.
Questions formed at an early age
beg answers unasked

Silent cries
Behind curious eyes
Resides a child who cannot speak.

(Fates Warning, "Silent Cries")

Further reading:

- BBC: Vatican "ordered abuse cover-up", August 17, 2003. see -
- BBC: Excerpts: Vatican document. August 17, 2003. see -

Tiassa :cool:
Funny that is always has to be the catholic`s and not the
Protestants or the Baptists
True 'nuff

Indeed, Judas. Protestants like to keep it in the family a little more.

You know, the neighbors might think bad things if they found out. It's not like they don't already think so or even know, so ....

But Protestant faiths being apostasies, anyway, Protestants tend to be more tolerant of ... oh, who the hell am I kidding?

Tiassa :cool:
Nope, we "protested" against the way of the catholic`s:D

and the baptists....they seam straight up fundemental.
True 'nuff

True 'nuff. But I've personally observed conditions which equate "honor thy father and thy mother" with not telling anyone the really important dirt. Abuse survivors living years without telling anyone ... like I said, they keep it more in the family and don't rely on the priests as much to do either the abusing or suppressing.

As to the Baptists ... I'm not a fan of the SBC at all, and I've known very few Northern Baptists.

The strength of "Protestant" versus "Catholic" is that "Protestant" is a larger umbrella and has more liberty to evade responsibility for the actions of its individual sects.

As to the "protest"? It still equals an apostasy. If I'm not mistaken, God expects one church in his name, and ecumenicalism is well and fine but it's just a façade against those occasions that diversity serves to weaken the communication of faith.

Of course, being raised according to Protestant influences before spending three years at Catholic school, it would not surprise me at all if the Protestants have instructed me wrongly.

Tiassa :cool:
The Xian-created Hell

Originally posted by Judas
Funny that is always has to be the catholic`s and not the
Protestants or the Baptists

Oh, it happens in the Protestant sects, too. Just look at Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker, for example, and what about that couple on the religion channel, Jan with the titanic blonde wig, and her husband Jim whose the preacher. Jan cries and her black eye make-up runs down her cheeks ala Tammy Fay. Makes me sick! Every so often we hear of stories about preachers like Jimmy Swaggart who are caught with prostitutes, yet Jimmy can go on TV and cry like a baby while thumping his bible about sin. Makes me sick! Usually the local brand of preachers when they sin just get local coverage unless, of course, they attempt to kill their wife like the preacher in Dallas a few years ago. Of course, the RCC is the source of all Xianity, so its no wonder child molestation is rampant with a bunch of not-really celebate priests assert their power and control over children because they, themselves, are sexually repressed. Mark my words...if one's sexuality is repressed, it will emerge as a perversion. The RCC has suppressed the truth about Xianity and has condoned massive child molestation cases through their sexually repressed priests. I for one am refreshed to see an honest homosexual in a high church position. I suspect the perverted priests sought out their vocation willing and knowingly to cover-up their repressed perversions.
it is the bad experiences as well as the good that make up our phyche, and the created world has us howling over all sorts of damages our thin little ego's have to contend with. bad things can become good things, but the world teaches us we need years of counselling to recover from our shame and grief.
jesus overcomes the world with joy, and the mud can become beauty.
be not fooled by the ignorance of the darkened world, which is full of mind-set.
Re: The Xian-created Hell

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Oh, it happens in the Protestant sects, too. Just look at Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker, for example, and what about that couple on the religion channel, Jan with the titanic blonde wig, and her husband Jim who’s the preacher. Jan cries and her black eye make-up runs down her cheeks ala Tammy Fay. Makes me sick! Every so often we hear of stories about preachers like Jimmy Swaggart who are caught with prostitutes, yet Jimmy can go on TV and cry like a baby while thumping his bible about sin. Makes me sick! Usually the local brand of preachers when they sin just get local coverage unless, of course, they attempt to kill their wife like the preacher in Dallas a few years ago. Of course, the RCC is the source of all Xianity, so its no wonder child molestation is rampant with a bunch of not-really celebate priests assert their power and control over children because they, themselves, are sexually repressed. Mark my words...if one's sexuality is repressed, it will emerge as a perversion. The RCC has suppressed the truth about Xianity and has condoned massive child molestation cases through their sexually repressed priests. I for one am refreshed to see an honest homosexual in a high church position. I suspect the perverted priests sought out their vocation willing and knowingly to cover-up their repressed perversions.

These are mostly single, isolated cases. While the Catholics (LOL)seam to hide it, and let theirs priests pleasure their
Sick cravings.The protestant church, which really isn’t a part of
the popes "hiarchy".We recognise the pope as the
"Christian supreme master" if you will". But our beliefs are not based opun the approval of others. Jesus preached about this, that’s amongst one of the things we base our