I'm right! If you don't agree....!

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Baron Max

Registered Senior Member
I'm right. If you don't agree with me, then you're wrong. That's it, plain and simple.

It's really as simple as that. I don't need any big words with ambiquous meanings or long, drawn-out sentences with hidden meanings, nor links to some other Internet website somewhere as proof. I've thought about the issue, read about it, checked on some facts and made up my mind about it. It's that simple. I've made up my mind. Nothing you can say will change my mind -- I'm right about the issue and if you don't agree with me, then you're wrong. It's that simple.

Now the way I feel about the issue might offend some people, but it's only because they don't agree with me. And not agreeing with me automatically makes them wrong. So see, it doesn't matter if they're offended or not. In fact, people who are wrong about the issue SHOULD be offended ...because they're wrong! Why should I give one single turd about someone who is wrong? Well, I shouldn't and I don't.

Really, it might be a global issue to some, but that doesn't matter either. If there are some people who live in mud huts in some shithole country on the other side of the world who are offended by my opinion, then to hell with them. They're wrong anyway. I don't care about people who are wrong - they're probably too stupid to know what's right anyway. Stupid people aren't worth any effort or concern.

Nope, after much consideration, and indepth thinking and logical reasoning, I've decided on the issue and that's that. I'm done - no more thinking about the issue. It's plain and simple ....I've made my decision on the issue and I'm right. Don't bother trying to confuse me with additional facts, it won't change my mind. If you don't agree with me, then you're simply wrong, that's all. You need to accept that judgement. Accept that you're wrong, hang your head in shame and just go away.

Now if you'll pardon me, I have to go make a decision on another new, major issue.

Baron Max
You are so smart, I wish I could have thought of something so clear, so patriotic and true. God bless you Buffalo Roam, you are a great American.
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat — That went well

Thread merged, closed.

I applaud the underlying performance art of this one, but it's not really going anywhere.
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