I'm not sure whether to study biochemistry or biotechnology


Registered Member
Ever since I've started uni I noticed that I had a much greater interest in bacteria. I do enjoy learning about cells,DNA and genetics but chemistry I've come to notice does not make me get all excited. I'm really confused since I don't want to limit myself in future employment. Even though its still year one at uni this is bugging me a lot. :shrug:

I would love some direction from people who have worked as either of these (or any other scientist too!) to help me decide. Is it true that in industry it's very multidisciplinary anyway?
biochemistry is quite interesting, after all it is part of biotechnology itself.
and well, leaving any of it will restrict your field possibilities
but however if u look down in the deep of the "bugging" subject you'll find it quite interesting, trust me cause im the one pursuing it for two years
Ever since I've started uni I noticed that I had a much greater interest in bacteria. I do enjoy learning about cells,DNA and genetics but chemistry I've come to notice does not make me get all excited. I'm really confused since I don't want to limit myself in future employment. Even though its still year one at uni this is bugging me a lot. :shrug:

I would love some direction from people who have worked as either of these (or any other scientist too!) to help me decide. Is it true that in industry it's very multidisciplinary anyway?

Every thing that is alive is chemistry
Bacteriology relies on chemistry: inorganic, organic and biochem. You'll need to understand qualitative and quantitative chemical analytical techniques. Molecular biology has also become critical for working effectively with bacteria. The biology will give you fascinating problems to work on -- the chemistry will get you a job. Dive deep into both.

I work in the biotech industry, my doctorate was in cyanobacteriology, and I've undergrad degrees in both chemistry and biology. I work on biological problems every day, but I could not do this work without a broad chemistry background.
Ever since I've started uni I noticed that I had a much greater interest in bacteria. I do enjoy learning about cells,DNA and genetics but chemistry I've come to notice does not make me get all excited. I'm really confused since I don't want to limit myself in future employment. Even though its still year one at uni this is bugging me a lot. :shrug:

I would love some direction from people who have worked as either of these (or any other scientist too!) to help me decide. Is it true that in industry it's very multidisciplinary anyway?

I would say Jon Moulton has the right idea here. The biotech industry is where a lot of future money will be made, and you will need advanced degrees, so it will very much help if you can develop a passion for all things biotech.
Bacteriology relies on chemistry: inorganic, organic and biochem. You'll need to understand qualitative and quantitative chemical analytical techniques. Molecular biology has also become critical for working effectively with bacteria. The biology will give you fascinating problems to work on -- the chemistry will get you a job. Dive deep into both.

I work in the biotech industry, my doctorate was in cyanobacteriology, and I've undergrad degrees in both chemistry and biology. I work on biological problems every day, but I could not do this work without a broad chemistry background.

I was also considering molecular biology:rolleyes:
But, as well as enjoying my job I do wish to make money.
So does that made that I need to develop a keen interest in chemistry?:bawl:
I mean the amount that they teach in organic chemistry is very overwelming, like with the armomatic benzene and all this inductive and ring activators...grrrr!
So I was just thinking of talking an easier chemistry option. I mean when would I ever need to know radioactive chemistry?:bugeye:

If I understood you right this is your first year at university? So whether you go into biochem or biotech you'll probably be taking the same basic courses for the next few semesters regardless. In that time you might want to look into each career.

At least at my university there's an elective course that focuses on career and major/minor options. So you take some tests to find out your interests and skill sets, along with doing research on various fields and what all they encompass, including salaries. And since it is a course you have a professor to give you pointers and advice, and if they can't answer your questions or concerns they can point you in the right direction or set you up with someone who can. So you might want to search for a course like that at your university, I suspect that a lot of them have similar courses available.

You can also go and talk to your regular professors, as they often have areas of research they conduct themselves. I've found that professors love to talk to students, especially when they show enthusiasm and interest. In my experience most undergraduates don't talk to their professors, so you'll be like the only one in their office during office hours.

Anyways, it looks like you have time to figure out what you want to do, and who knows what will captivate your interest in the next few years. I myself never thought anatomy and physiology would be interesting until one of my professors taught it in terms of taxonomy/cladistics across the animal kingdom.