im new:)


Wanderer of the Wastes
Registered Senior Member
i found this forum on a page with a link to it...just thought i would introduce myself. im currently 15 years of age and go to high-school(sophomore) I live in Anchorage,Alaska nice cold,and dry:) . I read alot of science fiction,lots of stuff about nuclear war or at least things related to it. I draw plans and designs for things at school in my freetime. figure out how things would work and the likes.-Acerbus
Awesome. Welcome to the forums, Acerbus. I must admit, I've always wanted to move to Alaska. I'm thinking of doing some university study up there at the U of A, but I'd probably be destined for Fairbanks. What's life like up there? Do you really get a few days of total darkness during the year?
lol not this far south in alaska. right now though we get like 5 hours of real daylight a day though before the sun starts setting and the sky and clouds look like something out of a religious movie glowing and everything. In the summer, at night, it is like dusk with no sun. bright enough to see outside and walk around. The problem with that is, is that i cant use my telescope in the stars:( and in the winter its that bright cold type view of the stars and the moon is about the size of a silver dollar. Like i said though its cold,dry and well cold. I like it:pi guess im just used to the cold,i go outside in my t-shirts and the cold doesnt bother me:)
Welcome Acerbus!

Do you have polar bears as pets?...just kidding.
I ´m from the north of Sweden, where it´s also very cold most of the time, and get that question a lot. :D

Hope you will enjoy the nutty conversations here. :)

Welcome to the Sciforums Acerbus.
I know youll enjoy talking to all the members on this board. Everyone is quite friendly :)
Just so everybody knows...

The professor is the same person as Howard Stern, he just told me in a pm. :( So he´s not dead.

Be honest now, how many of you play several characters here?

Hi Acerbus...

Interesting to hear about other places in the world, and Alaska has always sounded to me like a super place to grow up, starless nights notwithstanding.

Took a look at your profile. What kind of inventions? --If you don't mind sharing? Pretty cool for someone your age to be actively tinkering. :)




their are different things that I have thought up and "tinkered" with or that I have just figured out in my head a way that a thing might have worked:) I usually know a bit about whatever it is im makeing or thinking of a steam engine,crossbow,a type of baloon that runs on steam (from a steamkettle) and a small electric motor on a lego boat with it supported under the "gas" bag. I think about stuff that mostly interests me:) well I have to go to school now:)
Acerbus, be very welcome at Sciforums. It really is the nicest and biggest Forums I know and always good to hang around here.

I love Alaska, want to go there and take a good look around. Guess Nature and all is awesome out there.

Do you wear sunglasses if they Snow is blinding you? I would love to go there.
Same for Canada....don't have the money to do so. (sigh!);)

Hope you will enjoy Sciforums, can't be a problem...
I dont wear sunglasses since I am used to it but my mom does (her and my dad are from n.carolina) the snow is pretty bright if the sun is out. hehe, you would think we would like clear days for the sun? its colder when it is clear. when their are clouds then it is "warm" alaska is my favorite state, ive lived in Tennessee for a summer 2 years ago it was hot bright and humid :mad: most of canada in one word is: flat.(no offense) the areas bordering alaska are mountainous then its just undulating fields of dry yellow grass nothingness. oh and they have weird monuments: a giant easter egg made of wrought iron and aluminum panels(i think) and this big buffalo "sculpture" thing. the ppl though are pretty nice:)
Acerbus, now I really want to go to Alaska.:)

I envy you that you can see all this Sun upon the Snow and the beauty of Nature there. Have a great time living there. Can't be that hard to do.

As far as the cold concerns, I can't care less. I love the Sun in the Winter, shining on the Snow and love to walk in the Woods then.
I love the Woods any how and every where though, in what weather or what condition what so ever.:p

Have a nice time posting at Sciforums.
Welcome to Sciforums Acerbus,

your like me , I'm 15 too, and I live in a fairly cold and dry place, Calgary. But right now its nice and snowy. Almost time for skiing again.

Anyway, this place is addicting, if you stay here for a month or so, you'll never leave. Believe me. I stumbled across this page on a search for some physics info. Its hard to go a day without posting.

Just like drugs. the good kind.

I've spent time in Calgary, its nice. The Olympic park is pretty cool to, not to mention the Rodeo that they have.

I prefer the Elkan hwy through the Banff Rocky Mountains west.

Its so beautiful. I like the Yukon and Northwest Territories to. I spent time there in several places. The Dempster hwy North of Dawson was a nice adventure on a 300mile dirt road. Arctic Red river is very strange in the 98 days of 24hr sun, and silent except for the strange hum? The black flies and mosquitos are the unpleasant part. We lived in Fairbanks for awhile, I really liked it there. I didn't care much for Anchorage. We went down to Homer on the West side of the Prince William sound once. The sea and Marine life was spectacular. The Tanna, and Nanna river valleys are beautiful in the summers. The 24 hr sun is weird!

We had reindeer sausage at Denny's in Fairbanks, its very uneventful to say the least. The collage in Fairbanks is nice.

Lots of Bears, Caribou, Moose, and other large Mammals.

We went to the town Northwest of Fairbanks called Mentos, its a Athabaskan village. When we got fuel the whole town came to the store to see us. Very remote!

The Army Base in Fairbanks(FTWAINWRIGHT) is the home of the 171 snow division of the special forces. Talk about a rough training area?

exit mundi of course:) its the best site I have found so far for end of world scenarios you can find it at: exit mundi

well thanks everytone for welcomeing me to sciforums! this place rocks i can test my theories here and sound you guys out on idea:)
Now I've read the reply of Bobby Lee, I want to go immediately to Alaska. Right away if possible.

I want to see all these places and I want to go in the Snow and look at all Animals there and of course I am very curious how it is to live in a 24 hours Sun and you have 24 hours nights also. Isn't that right?

Tell me about that please, I am curious how it is to live that way.:)

What about the Aurora Light? You have that too over there?

Information please. ;)
farther north their is like 10 months of solid night then full daylight for the other months the sun never sets just goes in a circle:) ive never experienced it myself since i live farther south then that. Ive seen the aurora it has something to do with waves of radiation reacting with the upper ionosphere its really cool looking and you can only see it when its COLD outside. banshee how old are you btw? If you did come up here and came to anchorage we could meet or something.
Welcome Acerbus!

I think everyone here wants to go and visit you, I hope you have a huge place!

Just kidding,
sok, i dont think i could fit all of you in my house but theirs plenty of hotels up here:)