I'm Leaving Sciforums !!!

It is tricksyyyyyyyyyy my precious.... ( said in golem-esque voice) :D
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btw, what is you avatar of? It looks exceedingly dodgy. :bugeye: And does it move!?
It appears to be a classical statue of some kind. And it does seem to move near the base.:bugeye:
and it kinda looks like a statue of a guy hugging a large doll.. or a really skinny well dressed woman?

Isn't this statue by that French guy with the beard? (forgot his name)

He did a Divine Comedy gate statue and lots of erotic statues and I think he did the "Thinking Man" statue.
at first glance it looks like 'the thinking man' except for that other thing he (??)'s holding...
i dont know.. i just rememeber thhat little saying about the thinking man is trying to find his clothes, and mona lisa has that funny smile cuz she knows where they're hidden.
oh i miss those easy classes... humanities was the best. once.. we had to paint like michaelangelo in the sistine chapel..... (i think i have the right person).. so we taped paper under our desk and layed on the floor drawing pictures... (we used crayons however) but it was alot of fun.. much harder than youd think.

You would most likely become a bumbling mass of insecurity. :D

I funny thing happened on the way to my java...