I'm in love!!!


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I met him by accident when I was surfing (channel surfing), and I couldn't believe my eyes! They call him "The Pharaoh," and he lives up to everything his archeological fellows fear about him! His name is Dr. Hawi Zawass, and I love to watch him giving his students a hard time every week!

You can watch him, too, on the History Channel in Chasing Mummies or read about him at:


Now... if I could just meet him in person! He's my kinda guy!
Dr. Zawass has been on my radar for years. What I like most about him is his passion for archeology.

You should check out Dr. Tyson- he is equally admirable.
I don't know, ever since I saw him ogle a Fox bimbo posing as a New Reporter I've been ... meh. I felt a bit sorry for the woman, as they had her crawling through a "never seen before mummy chamber" in a tiny little skirt, and of course, ladies first :) He was tripping over his tongue and couldn't have been more obvious. It was a little embarrassing for him as well. You could see he was like, 50 maybe 60 head of ox for this chick... hmmmmm..Fair enough, I couldn't keep my eyes off her hot little tot either, so, on reflection, yeah, he's OK :D
hahaha...I found it on the Comedy Central!
Headlines - Two Guys, a Girl and a Giza Place

Yeah, Suzy probably had a pretty tight body back in the day :p