I'm going to see spider man tonight.

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Just thought I'd let everyone know. This friday is turning out to be really awsome for me. Is anyone else doing anything interesting or uninteresting? It's too bad because I'm probably not going to be able to check up on sciforums after five minutes from now because I won't have acces to a computer. Weep for me. I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning.
...a somewhat negative review of Spider-man

Fair warning in case you haven’t seen the movie yet, minor spoilers ahead, but this film is rather predictable so I wouldn’t be too worried about spoiling anything. If you’d like to skip the review and head straight to the bottom line: It’s worth eight bucks and two hours of your time, but just barely.

The effects were just passable, in general they worked, but at times they were really stretching the concept of suspended disbelief. For example the scene where Spidey is first learning his wall crawling ability, they use a 3D rendered Tobey Maguire, and it looked absurd, like they cut a scene from Toy Story into a live action film and tried to pass it off as the real thing. The effects in Battlestar Galactica were more consistent. It might not bother you as much as it did me, but my feeling is if you can't make it look real on a computer, then don't do it on a computer. Also, I wasn’t happy with the Green Goblin costume, it looked good from a distance but up close it looked cheap and poorly made, the ribbed, iridescent green material on the arms and legs looked like something they picked up at Home Depot. Spidey’s costume however looked great; it was faithful to the books and still looked sleek and modern.

As for the story, it wasn’t bad per se, just incredibly predictable, virtually nothing happens that myself and most of the audience didn’t expect far in advance. Nothing that made the theater gasp out loud or burst out laughing. Chuckles and a few faint oohs were about it, and Spider-Man was lucky to get that. To tell the truth, I was amazed to find that the most redeeming aspect of this movie was the Maryjane/ Peter Parker romance. From what I’ve heard from others Kirstin Dunst and Tobey Maguire are an acquired taste, but neither of them did anything to make me cringe – although Maguire should work on his crying skills. I thought they were both well cast and performed ably; I really felt the connection between those two. And in case your wondering I am among those who still find Kirstin adorable despite the odd shaped head and bad teeth, she has such a sweet personality. J. Jonah Jameson was also very well done. He was a page right out of the comics, perpetually irritated and self obsessed, you could almost say that his 10 minutes of screen time stole the show.

Willem Dafoe did well with the part of the Goblin, his character was a typical homicidal, schizophrenic, multiple personality lunatic (if such a thing can be typical). He took a bad drug, it made him hear voices that tell him to kill people that get in his way, so he kills people that get in his way. It seemed somewhat stale and basic. Not at all like Nicholson’s hilarious and richly psychotic Joker, or Hackman’s devious and egomaniacal Lex Luthor, or even Ian Holms driven and principle-bound Magneto. I don’t think the Green Goblin will be going down as one of the great super hero villains on the silver screen. Maybe they’ll do a better job with Doc Octopus or Venom.

All in all it was a decent movie, just not the captivating, edge of my seat, thriller I was expecting.

Well personally i enjoyed Spider-man and Attack of the Clones. Maybe i'm just not as picky as some people are.

pick pick pick