I'm above organised religion


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
during some years of discussions (not only Sciforums) I have concluded that there are better options of what to discuss and put my time into rather than religion.

It's just a pure product of people imagination and religion is only interesting if it is watched through the prizm of history to get behind them and see what tinkered some events or what made those beliefs arise in the first place.

Discussions about some particular gods and organised religions are just laughable and a waste of time.
Why?- because it is purely imaginative and has no effect neither on your evolution or on the evolution of humankind.

what my feelings are that, there are so much more fascinating things- Talking about the many faces of Jahve is the same to me as to a genetic doing autophsy to frogs.

Human psychology is still interesting though.
the most useless "science" - theology

just my oppinion

(Avatar stands strong to throw back all attacks, but is afraid of being bibled to death. Bibles are heavy)
true dat.

my personal belief structure is an ammalgamate of scattered paganistic beliefs.

i tried to organize them, but the more i tried to staple dogma to my beliefs, the less i believed.

but thats just me
Oh Avatar you like getting naughty with the Bible, why else would you post something like you did in here?!

I say keep an open mind, when you start to tell yourself to believe/not believe something, you are creating a strong bias that will be with you always. Science nor religion can't explain everything, just take in that fact. You don't have to have a strong opinion on everything.

It's just a pure product of people imagination

Example: You don't believe that there might have been a man named Jesus that helped people? You don't believe there was a man named Muhammad? Keep an open mind about it. Religion might be a story that got exagerated, it might be entirely true.

Discussions about some particular gods and organised religions are just laughable and a waste of time. Why?- because it is purely imaginative and has no effect neither on your evolution or on the evolution of humankind.
Mind telling me what we can do that has an effect on our evolution and our evolution as a species other than congregate many people together to work and live in the same manner? I don't see how discussing something else can lead to the developement of our species. When science is able to change our bodies to make them "evolved," we might not be able to perfect it and it could lead to the de-evolution of our species, or the extinction of it. Technology is moving faster than it has in the past and it very well could do extraordinary things for us. Don't you think that there will be some point where we will have learned so much or too much? While scientists try to figure out how matter for the universe got there, they don't look into the future and ask when is the point where we will be satisfied with what we know? If the answer is a definate never then what will happen to society? It will have to become all informational and all agricultural and industry will be replaced by labs and robots. How is that evolving the human species?

I'm glad you laugh sometimes though, it's never good to be uptight. Religion brings wars which affects our species, and it brings people together (when people work together, things can be accomplished). Religions can create an idea where people would see others as the same and not a different pigment molecule in their skin or some genetic defect.

I hope you don't feel "above religion" just because you want to devote your life to new and current things and you don't want anything to do with old, controversial ideas. One controversial idea is religion vs science...hmmm.

BTW, saying your above something is very arrogant, arrogance is something worse than religion.

That's my opinion :)

So hang out in the "Free Thoughts" section, Avatar. Things will be fine here. Don't worry.

grazzhoppa, I'll answer only to the first part now- I've got to get up in 2.5 hours and go to a big history test.

xample: You don't believe that there might have been a man named Jesus that helped people? You don't believe there was a man named Muhammad? Keep an open mind about it. Religion might be a story that got exagerated, it might be entirely true.
nah- Yeshua and Mahmud existed (Mahmud- 100%), I'm talking here about Jahve as christians know him. Maybe he was an alien, maybe a descendant of Atlantis civilization, maybe imagination, maybe a god- who knows- but till more evidence is found any speculation on this matter is useless and just doesn't give any satisfaction, because you can never be sure

sorry- I'm tired and falling asleep as I write- I'll continue on tomorrow.

As for you Ekimclaw- I'm still interested in humans behind their imagination.

cya and g'night
Speculation may give an individual comfort, and satisfaction...I guess that's the part of religion you are still interested in, the human psychology part of it.
I agree.

I have seen too many religious people who are stubbornly ignorant about science and seem to have a completely different frame of mind than ours: one that focuses on feeling rather than proof.

If religion makes you happy, thats great. But happieness isn't what makes the world go round. Ever since people started questioning things, our civilization has progressed increasingly rapidly. So if you can be happy without religion, your not only happy, but your helping the world progress.

Ill keep an open mind, but until there is one speck of evidence for the existance of god or genisis, I think ill look down on those following religion litarally.
Originally posted by grazzhoppa

Mind telling me what we can do that has an effect on our evolution and our evolution as a species other than congregate many people together to work and live in the same manner?

I was thinking that we might ourselves quide our evolution.
I don't think genetic engeneering would be the answer- too much you could mess up. I propose nanotechnology and many others also.
The idea is to develop technologies that will boost our evolution for thousands of hundreds of years
Technology is moving faster than it has in the past and it very well could do extraordinary things for us. Don't you think that there will be some point where we will have learned so much or too much? While scientists try to figure out how matter for the universe got there, they don't look into the future and ask when is the point where we will be satisfied with what we know? If the answer is a definate never then what will happen to society? It will have to become all informational and all agricultural and industry will be replaced by labs and robots. How is that evolving the human species?
not you or I know what will become of human race, but I believe that we will sort it out somehow, someway :grins:
You have read/seen Star Wars, Aliens, Dune.
there will always be new problems, and we will always have to defeat them somehow.
I don't think that humanity will ever suffer from a lack of goal in life.
How is that evolving the human species?
maybe it isn't , but it would certainly make our life easyer.
I'm glad you laugh sometimes though, it's never good to be uptight. Religion brings wars which affects our species, and it brings people together (when people work together, things can be accomplished). Religions can create an idea where people would see others as the same and not a different pigment molecule in their skin or some genetic defect.
I think that when we will discover spaceflight humanity for some time will be united as never before.

And about religion uniting- I think and hope that we will evolve such that we won't need any third factor uniting us. That we will understand that we are one against all galaxy/universe and that if we want to survive in it for a good period of time we must unite our forces.
I hope you don't feel "above religion" just because you want to devote your life to new and current things and you don't want anything to do with old, controversial ideas. One controversial idea is religion vs science...hmmm.
actually I'm thinking of devoting my life to myself. It's too valuable to give it away for ideas that lack proof or anything.
BTW, saying your above something is very arrogant, arrogance is something worse than religion.
I know- but exactly this title made you read this;):D
anyways- I'm not saying that I think that all religious folk is not better than apes- I just say that I don't want to waste my time on them. And my time is my property.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Look in the mirror and you will see evidence that God loves your exist.

Mike Janmusclemandena
*Avatar looks in a mirror, smiles to himself and thinks that he knows he loves himself
not you or I know what will become of human race, but I believe that we will sort it out somehow, someway. You have read/seen Star Wars, Aliens, Dune.

Very true, anything could happen. Hehe...I've seen Star Wars and Aliens and have Dune, but haven't read it yet, I heard it's great.

And about religion uniting- I think and hope that we will evolve such that we won't need any third factor uniting us. That we will understand that we are one against all galaxy/universe and that if we want to survive in it for a good period of time we must unite our forces.
Amen to that :D
We would need to take everyone in a space flight and let them see how "small" our world is.

actually I'm thinking of devoting my life to myself. It's too valuable to give it away for ideas that lack proof or anything
I envy you if you can do that. For me it's too hard to let go of the idea of a supreme being...as I mention in another thread that's why I'm looking into Taoism. hehehe, lack of proof....trying to blend scientific concepts of proving something with religious concepts of just believing is hard, religion is something that's inside your head...it's hard to prove that. That discussion is for other threads though.

Glad your "arrogance" is just in the title.