im a gay muslim i am victimised????

gay muslim

well im gay and im muslim

and i am victimised by muslim men
islam is so anti-gay
death to homosexuals they say yet there are millions of gay muslims
just wanting to break out of there underwear

i mean would you not be gay in a society were the women are covered from head to toe
how can a man be turned on by a pair of eyelashes or eyes
because once they got those burkhas on they are so ugly

but a muslim man with his bombs, ak47, etc are so masculine
you can see why i am so horny for them

whats a boy to do

have a gay day
HI. i'm Gay too, but not Muslim
you talk sense! i have real pobs with women having to wear those sleeping bags too....dont mean to offend though..burkas..hehe

i mean in tha HEAT. it must be awful for them. and black which draws IN the heat. what is real sad is when some claim they like it, or choose to do so. though it is their freedom to

where we dont agree is thinking idiots who
use bombs is sexy. the results cerinaly aren't sexy. children's entrails and mothers screaming in agonized despair is NOT sexy at all
well gay muslim

dont worry there are many many too many to mention here muslim gays
in the same position as you
us muslim men have a proud history of having sex with the underage be it boy are girls
and legally too in some cases

as for being victimised
join the queue the whole world is being victimised by muslims now why just because you are a homo should you recieve special consideration

i have been tossing over yor predicament all day and after wiping this tossing away with some kleenex, i have cum prematurely or to this conclusion , that is the koran is full of suggestions of taking young men as playthings or for pleasure, so we sorry i mean you have nothing to be ashamed of.
(Nameless Pointless?)

but a muslim man with his bombs, ak47, etc are so masculine
you can see why i am so horny for them

You'll find, as the culture around you begins dealing more directly with its own sexuality that butch machismo so concentrated and fixated as the muscular soldier type is generally rooted in massive personal insecurity somehow tied to an internal perception of one's sexual prowess. That's why all the best boys are in the Navy.
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shallow, frivolous. 'ironic' can one talk with integrity here. you know takin the piss, clever racism, etc

can any of yuos stop hidin behind yer masks and be stright up--real?
schizophrenic muslim said:
one of my multiple personalities is gay too
and another one is a lesbian
..and another one is psychiatrist. The lesbian has not posted so far. Why ? Do that also.
Goshy-gee, Path, lighten up. People are in a good mood for once. I mean, hey ... whaddaya know? Everneo and I agree on something, a rarity of late:

Everneo said:

The lesbian has not posted so far. Why ? Do that also.

I would love to know what the international versions of, "So one time, at band camp ...," involve. Not necessarily the gory details, either. But what, for instance, equals, "You're pulling my leg!" in other cultures? I'm as sure as I can be that my ninth-grade Spanish textbook included the phrase, "Stop poking my eye!"

(What? That was the last of the public school years.)

Indeed, watching someone trying to pull off psychotically-repressed lesbian trapped in a Muslim's body ... that could very possibly become one of the most legendary performances of all time.

And besides, Path, think about it: not only are the Navy boys cuter, it leaves the guys with the bombs and AK-47's with fewer fans therefore fewer reasons to be impressed with themselves.

Get on the trolley. Be jolly. Everything be irie, mon!.

tiassa said:
Goshy-gee, Path, lighten up. People are in a good mood for once. I mean, hey ... whaddaya know? Everneo and I agree on something, a rarity of late:

I would love to know what the international versions of, "So one time, at band camp ...," involve. Not necessarily the gory details, either. But what, for instance, equals, "You're pulling my leg!" in other cultures? I'm as sure as I can be that my ninth-grade Spanish textbook included the phrase, "Stop poking my eye!"

(What? That was the last of the public school years.)

Indeed, watching someone trying to pull off psychotically-repressed lesbian trapped in a Muslim's body ... that could very possibly become one of the most legendary performances of all time.

And besides, Path, think about it: not only are the Navy boys cuter, it leaves the guys with the bombs and AK-47's with fewer fans therefore fewer reasons to be impressed with themselves.

Get on the trolley. Be jolly. Everything be irie, mon!.


It was errr..... a joke. If I got any lighter I would lift off. Goshy-gee? shouldn't that be Golly-gee.
Goshy-gee? shouldn't that be Golly-gee.

Depends on where in the country and what theatrical style you're applying. In all honesty I can't remember exactly where I picked it up, though I have a sneaking suspicion it was the occasion that my brother tried to impress a chick by dragging us all out to see the play her sister was starring in, a high-school production of Li'l Abner. I do know it's from the theatre.
The last time I checked it appeared that even in the strictest Islamic Communities, babies were still being born.

Also, in light of your comments, it would be expected that men would not wish to marry even one wife. But many Muslims keep entire stables of wives. I can't imagine that it is only because so much help is needed in the kitchen and with the laundry.