I'm 18 now


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
He he, today is my 18th birthday.
[serves drinks to everybody]

Intersting, but I have no special feelings,
just an ordinary day. I'm a very reserved person and tht drives some of my friends mad.
I even didn't make a birthday party.
I said them tht I will make a party when I feel right to have one.
But tht was a lie. I don't like big parties at all.
I'm going to go to seaside on Sunday and I know tht tht is the best birthday present I can give myself( haven't been outa city for 5 months , though it is cold as "hell":) in here(-25 celsium). My parents say tht I will feel sorry later tht I didn't make a party, but somehow I think they are wrong at this.

How were your 18th birthday experiences? Have any special memories or smthing?

Good for you. Of course real life doesn't start until you are at least 40.
Welcome to the 'Adult' world!

Bit of a warning: you just keep feeling older and older from here on in!
"Adult", Yeah right:D!

These are only stupid laws 18 or 21 no difference,
Time is a very relative and "adult" time for every person is different. I have met many adults in inet and "real" life who jugging by their behavior and logic should learn in kindergarten.
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Good show, Avatar

On my 18th birthday, I learned to smoke pot ... from a hookah in a bomb shelter beneath a dormitory at an unnamed, prestigious, west-coast (US) university while visiting my brother.

As far as big parties go ... don't bother if it's not the best thing for your mood. For mine, there was four of us, under a fake blacklight, listening to Floyd's Wish You Were Here on an Emerson boom-box. (This last detail is only significant because when the batteries died, the CD started skipping between random segments of sound that it could transmit; it sounded like a cross between whalesong and, frankly, Momentary Lapse of Reason. In other words, the last detail is only significant because it was exceptionally trippy :D )

take care,
Tiassa :cool:
Congratulations Avatar! Hope your birthday was satisfactory and that you now feel like an "adult" , whatever that means.
To be responsible for your life, I guess.
I have no recollection of my 18th birthday at all, none whatsoever, must have repressed it or something. It must have been extremely boring.
I was a very shy and quiet person at 18, a nerd , so not much happened. :)

My 18th birthday was very exciting for me because on that day I was given a conditional offer of employment on a newspaper at a time when I considered journalism the best path towards a life of creative writing. It didn't take long for me to realize I was on the wrong road... but I stayed with it for 20 years. Given similar conditions today, I would probably do the same thing.
Happy Birthday Avatar,

One thing to note is that wisdom does not automatically come with age. I've met ignorant and brilliant people of all ages.

And remember, at age 18 a year is 1/18 of your life. At age 40, a year is only 1/40th of your life. The most common complaint I hear from guys my age is that life passes too quickly. It scares us how quickly a year can pass.

Yesterday I read a nice passage in a book titled, Affluenza, by DeGraff, Wann, and Naylor;

"When your time comes and your whole life flashes before you, will it hold your interest? How much of the story will be about moments of clarity and grace, kindness and caring? Will the main character - you - appear as large and noble as life itself, or as tiny and absurd as a cartoon figure, darting frantically among mountains of stuff?"

I hope you enjoy your trip to the coast! Best wishes to you for a good life ahead.

I remember a bit of my 18th, My father decided to have a party for me, where he invited the whole extended family.

Being as I was then, needing to de-attach myself from family, I mustered some funding from everyone there and bought a really big bottle of Southern Comfort and pretty much can't remember the rest of the night, just I wasn't at the part.. or at all very sober :D

That was my step towards Adulthood... well drunkardness.

Well Happy Birthday to you, and don't get too serious on us ;)

Yes, there is always hope...even for you. ;)
My change became gradually after I left my parents home and started at high-school, and was exposed to a much more friendly environment, which opened me up quite a bit, but I still consider myself to be slightly reserved.
But maybe that´s just me...yesterday. :p

Happy B-day! :)

18 eh? *rubs beard thoughtfully* That was ages ago.. I was but a wee lad and cannot remember it.. I bet I was very drunk and acted out all my "fear disguised as rage" as usual. Too scared to live, too drunk to care :D

Life is fun. Wow, dig that crazy space! :D
I had a bit of a "do" for my 18th but i spose to most 18yo people, it didnt really count as it was mostly teachers and 40yo friends. I dont care! they had made the biggest impact on my life to date and i really wanted to share that milestone with them.
I had a ball that night, it was one to remember, and i am not a 'party person'.

Enjoy yourself, go to the beach, eat yummy food and wander into a pub, just so you can say you have!:D
happy birthday

Happy birthday avatar, but dont forget just because you have turned 18 and are an adult/ that age is only a number,act as you want to act, i am ? but act like an 18 year old.;)
An 18th bithday is just another day, same as 21 40 16 50 100, doesn't matter. MY 18th was the same as every other day, I try to live everyday like it's my birthday, so it wasn't any different.

I don't know if I'll be alive a week from now, so I don't consider any day any less special than the others.
Originally posted by Pzzaboy
An 18th bithday is just another day, same as 21 40 16 50 100, doesn't matter.

exactly my thoughts

and thank you all for your replyes.