III. The Blessings of Hadhrat Isa ( Jesus ) (A.S )!

Mohammed Hamza

Registered Member
The Blessings of Hadhrat Isa ( Jesus ) (A.S )

1. Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will descend and stay on earth.
2. His descension will be in the last era of the Ummat.
3. He will be a just ruler and a fair judge.
4. His ummat will be the Khalifa (deputies) of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
5. He will act himself and instruct others on the Qur'an and Hadith (Shariat/Tradition of Islam).
6. He will lead people in Salaat (Prayer).
7. He will stay on earth for a period of 40 years after descending. The will be the best era of the Ummat after the first era of Islam.
8. Allah will protect his companions from Jahannam.
9. Those who will save the Deen of Islam by associating themselves with Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will be amongst the most loved by Allah Ta'ala.
10. During this period all other religions and mazhabs besides Islam will perish, hence there will be no kuffaars (non-believers) in the world.
11. Jihad will be stopped.
12. No Khiraaj will be taken.
13. Nor Jizya (protection tax) money from the kafirs (non-believers)
14. Wealth and property will be in surplus to such an extent that there will be no one to accept the wealth of the other (everyone will be independent).
15. Receiving Zakaat (Alms-giving, Charity to poor) and Saadaqa will be discarded (as there will be no poor to receive them!).
16. The people will love the sajda (prostration to God) more than the world and what it consists of.
17. All types of Deeni (religious) and worldly blessings will descend on earth (many halaal (lawful) things will be created).
18. There will be peace, harmony and tranquility during the time of Hadhrat Isa (A.S.)'s stay in the world.
19. There will be no animosity for a period of seven years, even between two persons.
20. All hearts will be free from miserliness, envy, hatred, malice and jealousy.
21. For a period of forty years no one will fall ill or die.
22. Venom will be taken out of all venomous animals.
23. Snakes and scorpions will not harm anyone to the extent that if a child put his hand in its mouth, he will not be harmed.
24. Will animals will not harm anyone.
25. If a man will pass a lion, he will not be troubled or harmed, or even if any girl will open its mouth to test if it will do anything.
26. The camels will graze among lions, cheetahs with cattle and the jackals with goats.
27. The fertility of the land will increase to such an extent that even if a seed is planted in a hard rock, it will sprout.
28. A pomegranate will be so huge that a jamaat will be able to eat it and the people will use its peel as shade.
29. There will be so much barakaat (blessing) in milk that a camel will suffice for a huge jamaat, a cow for a tribe and a goat for a family.
30. In short, life will be most pleasant after the descension of Jesus (A.S.).

His Marriage, Death and Deputies:

After his descension on earth, Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will marry. He will have children, and he will remain on earth 19 years after marriage. He will pass away and Muslims will perform his Janaza Salaat and bury him net to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). (Tirmidhi)

from: Hadhrat Esa (Alaihis Salaam): The Truth Revealed
and Major Signs of Qiyamat
by Mufti Afzal Hoosein Elias (May Allah reward him for his work in producing these kitaabs, aameen.)
from the original (with references): "Aalalaat-e-Qiyyamat aur Nuzul-e-Eesa."
Go through the first part of this post... and u will come to know when it all going to happen...the anti christ will be destroyed by Jesus (isaa) A.S.
I think your vision is great but the evidence for your belief that a jamaat will be able to eat a huge pomegranate seems to me to be lacking.

What is the physical process that would produce such a large pomegranate that it would be satisfying for a jamaat?

On what date does the last era of the Ummat begin?
The Blessings of Hadhrat Isa ( Jesus ) (A.S )

I take it that 'Hadhrat Isa' is Arabic. What does it mean, exactly? And what do the letters 'A.S.' mean?

from: Hadhrat Esa (Alaihis Salaam): The Truth Revealed
and Major Signs of Qiyamat
by Mufti Afzal Hoosein Elias (May Allah reward him for his work in producing these kitaabs, aameen.)
from the original (with references): "Aalalaat-e-Qiyyamat aur Nuzul-e-Eesa."

Is the material that you are posting orthodox mainstream Islam that Muslims everywhere accept, or are these more heterodox and sectarian ideas?

1. Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will descend and stay on earth.
2. His descension will be in the last era of the Ummat.

Is 'Ummat' a reference to the Muslim community?

3. He will be a just ruler and a fair judge.
4. His ummat will be the Khalifa (deputies) of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

That needs a great deal of explanation. Hadhrat Isa's 'ummat' is different than the 'ummat' in #2 in whose last days he descends? Who is 'Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)'? Who are this individual's 'deputies' and how are they recognized? Are they already here on Earth?

5. He will act himself and instruct others on the Qur'an and Hadith (Shariat/Tradition of Islam).
6. He will lead people in Salaat (Prayer).
7. He will stay on earth for a period of 40 years after descending. The will be the best era of the Ummat after the first era of Islam.
8. Allah will protect his companions from Jahannam.

What is 'Jahannam'?

9. Those who will save the Deen of Islam by associating themselves with Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will be amongst the most loved by Allah Ta'ala.

That needs explanation.

10. During this period all other religions and mazhabs besides Islam will perish, hence there will be no kuffaars (non-believers) in the world.

How is that supposed to take place? Will it come about through the voluntary conversion of everyone to Islam, or does it suggest that all non-Muslims will be exterminated?

11. Jihad will be stopped.
12. No Khiraaj will be taken.
13. Nor Jizya (protection tax) money from the kafirs (non-believers)

Well, sure. If all non-Muslims have 'perished', there would no longer be any need to enforce Muslim supremacy over the now-nonexistent kafirs like myself.
Its an inability of ur intelligence to clarify what is truth!!!
Then let's apply our intelligence to the pursuit of truth.

How about a little history to explain how the legend of Jesus ended up alongside the legend of Mohammad.

What was the religious makeup of the folks living in Arabia just before Islam apppeared? Who were the Nestorians?

When`s it all going to happen?
Evidently when drinking camel's milk becomes joyful. Until then it will be emblematic of abject misery.

Also, when genetic engineering furnishes barley with roots capable of fracking, until then the seeds will still not take root in rocks.

Also, when the rate of carbon sequestration exceeds the rate of human emission and temperatures on the Arabian peninsula drop below dew point so that it blooms with lush vegetation. Until then desertification will follow deforestation as average temps continue to rise in the tropics and the ecosystems of the Amazon begin to resemble those of the Sahara.

Also, when that silly jet pack goes into production at bargain basement prices, probably after cold fusion is solved. Until then Jesus will be descending on Arabia via the redeye out of Bolivia, perhaps to sweeten a deal with the cartel by throwing in a surplus of llama milk.

Also, when the lions become extinct. Until then they will continue to make mincemeat out of any lamb within their radar, much less the brain damaged ones that would lie down with them.

Also, when a prion experiment runs amok, releasing a mutant killer bee into the wild with 7 heads, each head having 7 eyes, which not only is harmless, but which leads to interspecies genetic damage of all toxin producing organs. Rush Limbaugh will reengineer himself, touring the country covering Simon and Garfunkel tunes. Shawn Hannity will be Garfunkel. CNN will exclusively show the muppets and PBS/BBC productions on evolution, stem cell research, and global warming. Until then antivenom serum funding will continue to compete with other activities, like the cost of litigating Climategate.

And so on. It would take 40 days and 40 nights of Sheherezade telling her unending tale, covering 40 years of back issues of Nature, just to cover that litany of omens in the OP.

By then all the superstitious folks who think Nature is less than its own god will be thoroughly bored and fast asleep. By the time they wake up this will be recorded in the history books as the Second Dark Age, marked by the glorification of ignorance.