

World Wanderer
Registered Senior Member
I am doing an experiment in reverse psychology. Now I can say "hahahahaha it worked!" and you can say whatever you want. You can even turn it into a story thread if you want.
Damn, I fell right into the trap! :mad: It's all good :D

Another really cool thing, I found it in a Terry Pratcett book:

Turn Left==>>>

hehehe :) Not really reverse pyschology, but interesting as well. Turn left or go right? :eek: :D
What can i say? i am curious! :p

Next follows the story of the Curious&Deadcalm, simply shortcutted to C&D.

C&D walked up into the room where suddenly everyone fell silent by it's entrance. C&D whistled a happy tune while walking down the room to the corner in the back, left of it. It looked at the Music collection that was available, took it's choice out and started to wriggle open the CD player.

Till that particular moment it had been so busy with itself, that it only by now, finally realised, everybody was staring at it. Nervously it looked at all the precenses in the room and decided to first turn on some Music, so the screaming silence would be broken anyhow.

Heavy, thundering guitars filled the room and C&D tip toed to the drink department, where a big shape was "painted" in the smokey surroundings behind the bar...

(feel free to pick up and add your thoughts please)
lol!@Goofyfish! :D

Heavy, thundering guitars filled the room and C&D tip toed to the drink department, where a big shape was "painted" in the smokey surroundings behind the bar...

"Don't Eat Here" said the sign. C&D gave a shrug, and ordered the lobster. Upon cracking open the tail with relish...