If you were to do a quiz to someone you know, what would it be about?

Peter Griffin

Registered Senior Member
If you were to do a quiz to someone you know, what would it be about?
It has to be 10 questions though what questions would you choose, it could be about anything, about you, friends, music, sport, anything.
List your 10 questions below to give me some ideas.
You are all beautiful and special people, espically Thor.
Man, do you have a crush on Thor or something? :D

Here's a survey I got from a chain letter:
>Full Name:
>Color of eyes:
>Shoe size:
>Age of brothers/sisters:
>Who lives with you:
>When is your bedtime:

********Have you ever********
>Been so drunk you blacked out:
>Put a body part on fire for amusement:
>Been in a car accident:
>Been hurt emotionally:
>Kept a secret from everyone:
>Had an imaginary friend:
>Cried during a movie:
>Had a crush on a teacher:
>Ever thought an animated character was hot:
>Had a New Kids on the Block tape:
>Been on stage:
>Cut your hair:

>-On-line smilies:
>Fave Food:
>Fave Movie:
>Fave ice cream:
>Fave Subject:
>Fave Drink:
>Fave Person to talk to online:

********Right Now********
>Hair is:
>I'm feeling:
>Thinking about:
>Listening to:

*******In the last 24 hourz*********
>Worn a skirt:
>Met someone new:
>Done laundry:
>Driven a car:

********Do you believe in********
>Your friends:
>Santa Claus:
>Tooth Fairy:
>Are you just saying yes to everything?

>Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:
>Who have you known the longest of your friends:
>The loudest:
>Who's the shyest:
>Who's the weirdest:
>Who do you go to for advice:
>Who do you cry with:
>When did you cry the most:
>Who will respond to this email the fastest:
>Who did (will) *cough cough* you send this to who won't respond:
>Who sent this to you:
>Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back :
Oh, I have the worlds longest questionnaire somewhere, if you want it, but that can hardly be called a quiz. :p

Otherwise, well, it depends what my friendship wth the poepl is like. Some might just be about a TV show, others might be flirty, others might be about their character... loads of possibilities.
Quizical Quizzing

1. What is a quiz? _________
a. An eccentric person
b. A practical joke
c. A short oral or written test
d. A mocking of someone
e. All of the above

2. What is the most common type of quiz? _________
a. Mulitple choice
b. Essay
c. Unannouncced
d. Oral
e. Show

3. What is the main purpose of a quiz? _________
a. To frighten students.
b. To make students feel inadequate.
c. To measure progress in achieving some goal.
d. To give paper a purpose in life.
e. To give the teacher time for a cup of coffee.

4. Where does one usually take a quiz? _________
a. From the teacher's briefcase, just before class.
b. School
c. Living room, in front of the tv.
d. The side of the road, as part of a sobriety check.
e. In the bushes, at a kegger.

5. How many tries does it take to pass a quiz?
a. If you are absent that day? _________
b. If you know all the answers? _________
c. If you know none of the answers? _________
d. If you eat it? _________
e. If it's in traffic and is in the slow lane? _________

6. Is one quiz as good as another? _________
a. No. They all suck.
b. Yes. They all suck.
c. Yes. If I pass it.
d. No. Funny ones are better.
e. On which planet?

7. Who invented the first quiz? _________
a. Zeus
b. aliens
c. Machiavelli
d. Marquess de Sade
e. Mary, riding Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem?

8. Are quizzes better than tests? _________
a. Yes. Fewer questions.
b. Yes. Easier questions.
C. Yes. Quizzes earns more points in Scrabble.
d. No. Not if they're airplane quality assurance quizzes.
e. Yes. Less grading work for the teacher.

9. How long should it take to finish a quiz? _________
a. Until the day after the school year ends.
b. Two minutes would be nice.
c. Until you've all ten questions for a ten-question quiz.
d. About as long as it takes to copy the answers of the person beside you.
e. Who cares? I ain't takin' no stupid quiz.

10. What are the unspoken/unwritten questions at the end of every quiz? _________
a. Ya feel lucky today? Well do ya, punk?
b. Did you re-check your answers?
c. Ya need to change those shorts?
d. Have you written your name in the upper-right corner?
e. Would you like to go for double-or-nothing?

--Mr. G ;)
i'll say to peter

1.are you a alien
2.are you just a queer person
3. have you got a crush on Thor

if all correct you are a sad, sad, sad boy
