If you knew...


Who turned out the lights?!?!
Registered Senior Member
If one day, a person came up to you and said, "I know who god is going to let into heaven and who he is going to send to hell, and I know how he determins who goes were." would you want to know if you were doing the right stuff or not?
but it has already happened. countless people, children, getting bible bashing telling them whose gonna go to heaven and to hell....! if they dont do the do, they go to everlasting damnation by this cult that preahes 'love' ...and if a sheep to some borin heaven with smug so and sos

if you mean that this person told you the EXACT pre-determined guest and get list. then i am sure if you was on the latter, you could let loose....haha
But what if the list was not predetermined, a person was jugded based on their actions
Enigma'07: If one day, a person came up to you and said, "I know who god is going to let into heaven and who he is going to send to hell, and I know how he determins who goes were." would you want to know if you were doing the right stuff or not?
M*W: No, not from this individual or any individual. It's none of their business, in the first place and, secondly, they're probably on drugs.
but isn't that what biblical indoctrination is all about? the carrot and the stick?....that if your actions suit the 'God' then that means the carrot and if not thestick 'Devil'?

in the East they have the doctrine of 'karma'
If you are judged on what you do, then he couldn't already know who would get into heaven and hell. Therefore, I would say the criteria isn't based on what you do, therefore there is no free will, and no redemption, so it would be irrelevant to know what the "right stuff" is, it would make no difference.
But what if the list was not predetermined, a person was jugded based on their actions
Whoops, I missed this.

Would I want to know what actions I would be sent to hell for? ...presumably so I could not do them? I think it's already pretty clear what actions for which one would recieve eternal judgement. I mean, you know when you are doing something really bad, unless you are insane. I don't think God would penalize me permanently for petty crimes. I wouldn't want to know about them, because it's like having a cop inside your brain. I'll just do what I'm going to do, and accept the consequences, God's judgement is said to be fair and perfect, I can live with that.