If you had a Time Machine...


The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Registered Senior Member
If you had a Time Machine, where is the first places you would go?

My first trip would be to observe Jesus, and my second would be to go a week in the future so I can get the winning lottery numbers.:D
17 000 years ago

and year 15 000 maybe, but I'd feel strange I think- so much ahead in the future. maybe because I am afraid of what I might see
I would go and meet Jesus. Then Boedha.

Call that order racism if you like.
what is it about Yeshua with everyone

that is alternative spelling for Jesus, right?

He is very very very important for our culture. You can not underestimate his influence. Everything that happened from his preachings til now has something to do with him.

But aside from his importance, I want to ask him a few questions.
Yeshua is presumably his real name. Jesus just means saviour or smth like that in aramic or greek (christ also)

simple people didn't have surnames. they were called by the place they lived, were born.

Yeshua from Nazareth could be his real name.
um.... i would like to go back in my ownlife...but as for any time..... hm.... i think id like to look at my family tree.... but it all depends if i would have to bcome a part of that time while i was there.... there are alot of time periods i would like to visit, but would not like to be a part of since im a woman.....
Isn't Yeshua the Hebrew word for prophet? I think so!
Jesus is the Latin form of the Greek word Lesus I believe, which was the Greek translation for Hebrew Yeshua (or, Jeshua). Christ means 'the savior'.

First thing I'd do if I had a time machine would be to go back to the early 1900s, buy a TON of cheap, legal pot and bring it back home and sell/enjoy.
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not sure about the Yeshua, but when we discussed it here at sciforums it was the closest name to the original anyone could get. maybe it in reality was different, but then it is not known to us.
I would return to the time of the original Library of Alexandria, Egypt, prior to its destruction, and bring back to the present all its scrolls to the current Alexandria library.
That's a pretty cool idea, G.

Ummmm... i would go back several million years ago and watch our ancestors from a distance.

And then i would go back 67 million years ago and watch some dinosaurs.

Among other things. I like the Alexandria idea. I like the Yeshua idea. I like the Siddhartha idea.
I'd go back and make sure I get the patent in for the machine before someone else does :p

As for the whole "going back to observe people" This has some harrowing points about it:

Where you might go back to observe someone, someone lese might be a complete chaose theorist and want to seek changes through parallel complexities, so they would do an assassination.

This would change the worlds beliefs at this point in time in parallel to this universe, imagine a world whre someone survived and more information was known to prove that religion was a farce. What sort of differences would be made?

I think, if you managed to make a time machine, then you'd find yourself getting a visit from some future cops, just before you get too carried away.
"I think, if you managed to make a time machine, then you'd find yourself getting a visit from some future cops, just before you get too carried away".

Too true, or you could really stir up some trouble.

It could be like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, gambolling throughout time checking out the bods that float your own particular boat. Not sure about the phone box though.

You could be behind the grassy knoll, in the Pont de l'alma tunnel, (briefly) in the cockpit of a hijacked jet, at a Bilderberg meeting. The possibilities...

But if time travel only takes you forward or backward to another dimension, parallel/baby universe, (basically anywhere but where you came from) then there would be hardly any point going would there, other than for idle curiosity?

That to me seems more likely, if only because it removes the problem of the consequences of accidentally killing your own ancestors, or becoming your own grandfather. Travel as a read-only experience, and then into a world the only thing you can be sure of is that it is NOT identical to the one you just left.

I'd still like to look though. Shit, maybe there's a place where my footie team are half decent?

if i had a time machine i'll just destroy it, it because you will alter the time so if do i just one thing.

Don't make a move
I'd go back 2 minutes and stop myself from dropping that cookie. It was nice.
If you were to make a time machine, you'd also have to make some sort of cloaking device for yourself, one that would not allow people to see you or bump into you. A device that rendered you into a sort of a ghost-like thing.