If you had a Chance to Kill God, would You do it?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Not sure if it's possible, so forget about the omni-everythings and religion for a moment and ponder this.... If you knew some godlike entity was about to destroy you, your family or friends would you kill it in self defence if you had the chance, or kill it after the fact as a result of a trial or for revenge if there was a way? Do we have the right to kill a God if we knew that the god was about to do us in? Does eye for an eye apply?
I asked this earlier. Yes, I'd do it. For fun. And Laugh. A lot.
nah. i mean, think about it. killing god would probably mean unmaking existence, if indeed such an entity existed. i'm not sure how you would go about it exactly, but that is neither here nor there. moreover, if indeed there were a god, and had i found out about it prior to being smited or whatnot, i probably wouldn't care that i was leaving the world of the living since it would probably mean my spirit would continue on in the world of the dead. :m:
Hapsburg said:
I asked this earlier. Yes, I'd do it. For fun. And Laugh. A lot.

Sorry, didn't know. The credit is all yours. God will smite you first then, and me second.
Nisus said:
You guys are dumb, i'd kill you all first.
Why? Why pass up a chance to bring that arrogant, self-absorbed asshole down for good.
Of course I wouldn't kill it right away...I'd bring it to trial before a secular international tribunal, have him tried for Crimes Against Humanity, and have him executed by rope-bound crucifixion (deja vu, Big Gee).
but if you killed god,wouldnt everything stop existing.unless his powers passed onto you in a highlander-esque way.
So many could kill god with a single thought. That's all it would take. We'd all still be here.
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