If you could make up your own religion


Militant wiseguy
Registered Senior Member
OK you decide your neighbors are ripe for some unifying and guidance and you believe you can convince them that god is talking directly to you. Ethics be damned what would you put in your new holy text?

1)Who would you say ultimate authority resides with here among mortal men?
What would he say about your dissenters or political adversaries, Who refuse to believe you?

2)Who's side would god take in a dispute with your detractors? What boundaries would you claim god set for you when dealing with your enemies, who you can't convince ie would your invented deity restrain you from acheiving your goals through whatever means neccessary?

3)What sort of limit would god set for you as far as sexual partners goes? What about for your followers who may be in competition with you (remember you need to give them something to keep them happy ;) ?

4)What about the ill gotten wealth of your flock (taken from your adversaries)? Would god command them to share it with you or could they just keep it?

Go on, remember YOU are GOD speaking anything goes. Leave your morals at the door thanks :p
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1)Who would you say ultimate authority resides with here among mortal men?
2)Who's side would god take in a dispute with your detractors?

What would he say about your dissenters or political adversaries?
I'd try to change their mind...
3)What sort of limit would god set for you as far as sexual partners goes?
Sacrificing virgin women to the great Persol.
What about for your followers who may be in competition with you?
All the guys would have to be gay... to err... prevent anybody except the most pure from reproducing.
)What about the ill gotten wealth of your flock? Would god command them to share it with you or could they just keep it?
Ill gotten... they'd have to give back. It's have to be fair after all:)
)Who would you say ultimate authority resides with here among mortal men?
What would he say about your dissenters or political adversaries, Who refuse to believe you?

1)I am the sole authority. God speaks to me. How can anyone refute me? Dissenters must be in the service of the Devil. Otherwise they would recognise me as God's prophet.

2)Who's side would god take in a dispute with your detractors? What boundaries would you claim god set for you when dealing with your enemies, who you can't convince ie would your invented deity restrain you from acheiving your goals through whatever means neccessary?

2)God is on my side as Bob Zimmerman said. Though he said it long after I said it. God sets no boundaries. How can he. He is God. I am His spokesman therefore there are no boundaries on what I can do.

3)What sort of limit would god set for you as far as sexual partners goes? What about for your followers who may be in competition with you (remember you need to give them something to keep them happy ?

3)How can there be a limit on God's representative. I should have as many partners as I wish. And if I desired a 6yr old then who is to dispute it.
My followers can have one wife. Maybe two. OK three wives but no more. Only God's prophet can have more than three.

4)What about the ill gotten wealth of your flock (taken from your adversaries)? Would god command them to share it with you or could they just keep it?

4)Robbing & looting is despicable and not allowed. Unless of course it is from anyone who disputes my position as God's prophet. Then it is OK. Providing you give me 20% of the takings.

This is my religion. I believe in it and wouldn't it be great if I could convince other people to follow me. But surely no-one is so stupid as to believe this and follow me? Are they?
sol13 said:
)Who would you say ultimate authority resides with here among mortal men?
What would he say about your dissenters or political adversaries, Who refuse to believe you?

1)I am the sole authority. God speaks to me. How can anyone refute me? Dissenters must be in the service of the Devil. Otherwise they would recognise me as God's prophet.

2)Who's side would god take in a dispute with your detractors? What boundaries would you claim god set for you when dealing with your enemies, who you can't convince ie would your invented deity restrain you from acheiving your goals through whatever means neccessary?

2)God is on my side as Bob Zimmerman said. Though he said it long after I said it. God sets no boundaries. How can he. He is God. I am His spokesman therefore there are no boundaries on what I can do.

3)What sort of limit would god set for you as far as sexual partners goes? What about for your followers who may be in competition with you (remember you need to give them something to keep them happy ?

3)How can there be a limit on God's representative. I should have as many partners as I wish. And if I desired a 6yr old then who is to dispute it.
My followers can have one wife. Maybe two. OK three wives but no more. Only God's prophet can have more than three

4)What about the ill gotten wealth of your flock (taken from your adversaries)? Would god command them to share it with you or could they just keep it?

4)Robbing & looting is despicable and not allowed. Unless of course it is from anyone who disputes my position as God's prophet. Then it is OK. Providing you give me 20% of the takings.

This is my religion. I believe in it and wouldn't it be great if I could convince other people to follow me. But surely no-one is so stupid as to believe this and follow me? Are they?

Surely not that is so obviously written by you for your own benefit but after all this is purely hypothetical, isn't it? ;)
1)Who would you say ultimate authority resides with here among mortal men?
What would he say about your dissenters or political adversaries, Who refuse to believe you? One warning only

2)Who's side would god take in a dispute with your detractors? What boundaries would you claim god set for you when dealing with your enemies, who you can't convince ie would your invented deity restrain you from acheiving your goals through whatever means neccessary? make them an offer they cant refuse
3)What sort of limit would god set for you as far as sexual partners goes? What about for your followers who may be in competition with you (remember you need to give them something to keep them happy ;) ? to have any and all,what ever there persuasion.
4)What about the ill gotten wealth of your flock (taken from your adversaries)? Would god command them to share it with you or could they just keep it? I'd get 50%
path said:
god is talking directly to you.
Ok, stop right there. The big-ass problem with the Abrahamic religions, and the reason that they have always done more harm than good, is that they tell us there is only one god.

This flies in the face of thousands of years of human tradition. Polytheistic religions abounded everywhere, and they turned out to have much in common. Jung and his popularizer, Joseph Campbell, shows us that for the most part they all had the same gods, that we consistenly identify something like 23 distinct vectors in the human spirit, and the same images ("archetypes") turn up in all cultures in all eras. Even Shakespeare had the same set of characters as the Greek pantheon.

Having one god compresses our study of the human spirit into a sterile model that is useless for understanding ourselves and each other. You're either with god (who, by some amazing coincidence, always has a penis) or with Satan (who also has one because only men matter in monotheism). Everything you experience, everything you dream, everything that's ever happened falls somewhere on a one-dimensional scale of good at this end and evil at the other.

It's like the universe is a giant binary matrix invented by some computer programmer.

So there's absolutely no point in you trying to found your own religion if you're going to make the same idiotic mistake that Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed did, which is to perpetuate patriarchal monotheism. The world will still be totally screwed up and the members of your religion will, sooner or later, end up killing the members of other religions, or each other if nobody else is handy. Because you're giving them a model that simply does not fit.

(Matriarchal monotheism won't be any better. It may take longer, but men will become second-class citizens. If you think you can create a sexless god, I doubt it. But even if you do you've still got the problem that one isn't enough.)
Ethics be damned what would you put in your new holy text?

Drugs, Sex & Rock n' Roll for everyone. Each person would be required to learn an instrument (music sucks these days due to the low % of musicians, having more musicians means more music meaning the probability of better music). Respect for others would also be an important thing.

1)Who would you say ultimate authority resides with here among mortal men?

Ummmm, me I guess and the Music Gods.....

What would he say about your dissenters or political adversaries, Who refuse to believe you?


2)Who's side would god take in a dispute with your detractors?

That would depend on several factors.

What boundaries would you claim god set for you when dealing with your enemies, who you can't convince ie would your invented deity restrain you from acheiving your goals through whatever means neccessary?

I wouldn't try to force people into my religion. They would come freely. we would advertise our ideals but we won't try to convert anyone.

3)What sort of limit would god set for you as far as sexual partners goes?

Anyone can have sex with anyone. Anyone with an STD would be required to get it healed and/or get their ahem... reproductive organs removed.

What about for your followers who may be in competition with you (remember you need to give them something to keep them happy ;) ?

I would give them a school/work system. I would pay for their schooling and they will later gove a small percent of their wage to the religion so that we can educate others. There would be a kind of communism system set into place in our compounds. I won't get into details, but everyone will be respected and equal in almost every aspect of life. The children will be genetically enhanced to a certain degree so that there will be no inferior and superior. There will also be extensive research into cures for diseases that is fueled by others' needs and not buisness. Anyone that is part of my religion will. get full services. Really, it's more of a political system than a religion, but since many ethical issues are part of this system, then it kind of becomes a religion.

4)What about the ill gotten wealth of your flock (taken from your adversaries)? Would god command them to share it with you or could they just keep it?

I think I explained it well in the last question.

Go on, remember YOU are GOD speaking anything goes. Leave your morals at the door thanks :p

ANy questions?

Damn religion. I don't really like religions but if I HAD to make one, it would be something like what I stated.
Fraggle Rocker said:
Ok, stop right there. The big-ass problem with the Abrahamic religions, and the reason that they have always done more harm than good, is that they tell us there is only one god.

This flies in the face of thousands of years of human tradition. Polytheistic religions abounded everywhere, and they turned out to have much in common. Jung and his popularizer, Joseph Campbell, shows us that for the most part they all had the same gods, that we consistenly identify something like 23 distinct vectors in the human spirit, and the same images ("archetypes") turn up in all cultures in all eras. Even Shakespeare had the same set of characters as the Greek pantheon.

Having one god compresses our study of the human spirit into a sterile model that is useless for understanding ourselves and each other. You're either with god (who, by some amazing coincidence, always has a penis) or with Satan (who also has one because only men matter in monotheism). Everything you experience, everything you dream, everything that's ever happened falls somewhere on a one-dimensional scale of good at this end and evil at the other.

It's like the universe is a giant binary matrix invented by some computer programmer.

So there's absolutely no point in you trying to found your own religion if you're going to make the same idiotic mistake that Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed did, which is to perpetuate patriarchal monotheism. The world will still be totally screwed up and the members of your religion will, sooner or later, end up killing the members of other religions, or each other if nobody else is handy. Because you're giving them a model that simply does not fit.

(Matriarchal monotheism won't be any better. It may take longer, but men will become second-class citizens. If you think you can create a sexless god, I doubt it. But even if you do you've still got the problem that one isn't enough.)

Did I say anywhere that I condone this line of thinking? I agree with you 100% that is the point of this thread let's find the fingerprint of a man on a supposedly divine belief. If there was actually A god would he/she/it include these sorts of inanities in a holy book of divine wisdom? Next I want to take some passages and compare to these.
And no I won't stop right there ;)
path said:
Did I say anywhere that I condone this line of thinking? I agree with you 100% that is the point of this thread let's find the fingerprint of a man on a supposedly divine belief. If there was actually A god would he/she/it include these sorts of inanities in a holy book of divine wisdom? Next I want to take some passages and compare to these. And no I won't stop right there
Every post before mine spoke of "god" in the singular. I didn't think it was coincidence. I believe that almost all of these people have been so brainwashed (spiritwashed?) by four or five thousand years of monotheism that they can't think outside that box.
Of course there is only one God, because there is only one ME!!!!!

Oops, was I thinking out loud again!
Fraggle Rocker said:
Every post before mine spoke of "god" in the singular. I didn't think it was coincidence. I believe that almost all of these people have been so brainwashed (spiritwashed?) by four or five thousand years of monotheism that they can't think outside that box.

That is an assumption, why don't you ask the posters?
If I were called in
To construct a religion
I would make use of water.

Going to church
Would entail a fording
To dry, different clothes.

My litany would employ
Litanies of sousing:
A devout furious drench.

And I should raise in the east
A glass of water
Where many angled light
Would congregate endlessly.

- Philip Larkin