If you could do anything...

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
...but only one thing, what would you do?

There are no limits. You could find the cure for cancer, be as rich as Bill Gates, travel to the corona of the universe. Anything. But only one thing. The only thing you can't do is be able to make your 'wish' twice.

I'll have to think about this question meeself.
(insert ad-voice here) Now you can be god-With BLACK AND WHITE

Just kidding. That's a pc game.

Catcha later.
you see tht in every my post

I want to be an AVATAR of an ancient God.
BTW, while I was in shower about two weeks ago I heard one song[radio],
I very liked it but forgot the words, so I thought of new ones.
Lucky I wrote them down later.[I have forgotten tht melody too now] :)

[Ancient God Of Rome]
I'm an ancient God of Rome,
arising through the time.
No chance of survival,
against my own power.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
you're mortal and I live forever.
My slaves for whole your lifetime,
and longer if I wish to.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
and no ones gona help you.
You're trapped here forever,
don't try to run away now.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
living through the chaos.
Watching mortal plane with laughter,
I joy when you have sorrow.

I'm an ancient God of Rome,
and I'm in charge of you.
Whole world is in my hands,
can squeeze it whenever I want.

I would have to say that I would travel back in time and tell Eve not to eat the stupid fruit.
Or I would just step on the serpent and get rid of temptation and sin all together......hm....I'll have to think about that one :)
!!!!!!!!!! that's your wish??????????

quote-I would have to say that I would travel back in time and tell Eve not to eat the stupid fruit.

I'm somehow dissapointed.
Eve ate from the tree of all knowledge. Knowledge is one of the best things a man can aquire. Do you think that living in perfect harmony and doing nothing for aeons of years would be good or interesting.
Knowledge about blood groups has saved many many many lives, knowledge of the universe around us(not complete though) has given our minds an ability to fly, aquiring knowledge makes us to evolve. AND YOU THINK THAT IT IS BAD.
But I feel rather safe about your wish, because if you would have done that in future, I couldn't have writen this simply because I would not be able to write.
Nah, I'm sure God had big plans for those two...

My doing would be to lucid dream for the rest of eternity. I'd cross the bounds of time and space and embark on endless adventures with endless possibilites and endless imagination. I'd create a universe out of pure thought.
No boundaries whatsoever?

That's easy, I would want to explore the entire universe.

Teri :)
What I would do.

I would feel the Jurassic mud as it squished through the toes of my bare feet. I would stand and gaze across the wind swept savannahs while grasping my titanium spear. I run after animals both great and small and watch the sun glint off of my metal spear as it arcs.....A T-rex slumps and hits the ground with a wet thud...I would pull the flesh off the bone with my teeth and revel as I turn under the darkening purple sky and scream for lightning to strike as I dance and dance some more....Thats what I would do.
Good luck finding t-rex in the jurassic. He existed in the creatacius. I wish I could spell that word. Still considering mine.