if you believe that God created all


Registered Senior Member
if you believe that God created everything,the Universe and all in it,
wouldn't then we all be His children?
why would someone like Jesus or prophet M be special,different from us?

We are his childern is not suppose to be taken in literal sense where as Jesus "supposedly" was HIS child. They are different because they lawfully get the title of God's child, the rest of us heathens (oh you know you are sinner) get the title out of love but not literally.

God created everything- supposedly he did but he created life forms which reproduced on their own. Like a programmer who makes a simple AI which keeps producing different numbers on its own as it grows. The programmer provided the intial sets of commands and integers to begin with, the rest AI did on its own except the two numbers which the programmer put in on his own later.
Why are my serious replies always deleted?! Whoever does that STOP IT! Anyway, to repeat what I said before. Yes, we are all his children and equal. HOWEVER: Jesus IS special because he died on the cross to save us from vengeful non-forgiving god. no-one else has done that. Mohammed was a prophet through who which god communicated to humanity. Not everyone has done that either. Therefore they are special.
Is this ... I'm sorry, but is this a serious topic?
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Mohammed was a prophet through who which god communicated to humanity. Not everyone has done that either. Therefore they are special.
doesnt God comunicate with all who believe in him?

btw how do you know its god who speaks to you and not Satan?after all God had at times told people to kill others,even children,and women.
so how can you differentiate between these two?
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Yes, we are all his children and equal.

HOWEVER: Jesus IS special because he died on the cross to save us from vengeful non-forgiving god.
ok so God/Jesus/holly ghost aka trinity comes to earth to die on the cross,basicaly sacrificing himself to himself !

and you dont see any contradiction in this story? :rolleyes:

Q25 said:
ok so God/Jesus/holly ghost aka trinity comes to earth to die on the cross,basicaly sacrificing himself to himself !

and you dont see any contradiction in this story? :rolleyes:


No contradiction at all.

God withdrew his presence and deliverance from Jesus as he bore the curse of God upon himself.

Luke 22:41-44 And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

He was hanging upon the cross, God had forsaken Him. There was to be no deliverance from God. He was left all alone.

Jesus was forsaken by God and man.

Philippians 2:8-11 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
So God created a universe with an initial setting and probabilistic nature that allowed for His own incarnation to be beaten and nailed to a tree, this occurrence lending itself to an inexplicable series of heavenly events gauranteeing that a small minority of the inferior creations, humans, could exist in uninterrupted felicity for eternity, whereas the majority would be utterly obliterated?

This is a tad cliched, but what other reason had God to set this scheme up other than boredom?

Is God just spontaneous "reality-generator" that capriciously produces celestial schematics, blue-prints of circumstance and stoyline, implementing them with no greater purpose?

Is God the Id of the Cosmos?
Vienna said:
No contradiction at all.

God withdrew his presence and deliverance from Jesus as he bore the curse of God upon himself.
how could it be not contradictory?

the bible describes God/Jesus/holly ghost as ONE entity,(of course its ilogical imo unless you believe in fantasy)therefore Jesus was God in a human form,
or do you not believe in this holy Trinity?
Jesus was forsaken by God and man.
so Jesus was sent by God(asuming he was not part of the holly Trinity as mentioned,) who than forsaken him,why?

how could his dying save man from sin is beyond my comprehension.
not to mention God created sin in the first place ;)
every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
so now you say Jesus is Lord/God again,the Trinity!
so he was God and he did sacrifice himself to himself.

oh what a tangled web you weave...

the whole story is so incredibly stupid and illogical I cant figure how can anyone believe it being true or that it realy happened.
Vienna said:
To seperate man from sin.

God invented sin and man. Why'd he combine them, then separate them?

Boredom, or spontaneity, is the only explanation.

That is, if He exist to begin with. I would normally contend that He doesn't, but I'll go with the flow for now.
Rappaccini said:
God invented sin and man. Why'd he combine them, then separate them?

Boredom, or spontaneity, is the only explanation.

That is, if He exist to begin with. I would normally contend that He doesn't, but I'll go with the flow for now.

If God exists or not is immaterial to the idea of man and sin, man exists and sin exists. Basically, you ask how Christians can believe such a story. The fact is that if they didn't, then they would not be Christian.

It is so easy to scoff at such ideas because it cannot be proven as factual. I can see both sides of the argument and I wonder if that puts me in a better position to argue about it rather than you.

You wish to believe the explanation is due to "boredom, or spontaneity" and you say this the only explanation. Then so be it.

It is boredom, or spontaneity.
Q25 said:
The whole story is so incredibly stupid and illogical I cant figure how can anyone believe it being true or that it realy happened.

If thats your attitude on the subject there's not much else to be said then. I'm not asking you to believe in God, I was merely explaining the idea.
The trinity is one of those mysteries that we poor humans may never understand. How can one entity be three separate distinct people? I don't understand because I am not a god. What I understand is God made humans free to make mistakes even horrible ones because he did not want a bunch of slaves. God came down from a place that was better than anything we could imagine in order to allowing people to hang him on a cross. He did this to show us the standards he expected of us. That is why Jesus is special. The rest of the prophets are special because they have spoken to god and been chosen for special missions.
How many tons of iron ore does it take to make a ton of iron? How many souls fail perish that some may live forever?
laughing weasel said:
The trinity is one of those mysteries that we poor humans may never understand. How can one entity be three separate distinct people? I don't understand because I am not a god.
its no mystery,
its a made up story kinda like a fairy tale,the mystery is how can some humans mind accept beliefs in supernatural,spirits,gods,devils etc without having any evidence for these.
isnt it same like believing in tooth fairy,leprechauns,or santa claus?
www.atheists.org click on atheism,spirits,souls,mind
The rest of the prophets are special because they have spoken to god and been chosen for special missions.
doesnt everyone who prays/believes, talk to god?

wasnt there a woman recently who believed that God told her to kill her children?and she did.
scary stuff this blind faith aint it?
when you talk to god youre a believer,when gods talk to you,
youre a most likely schizophrenic