If you are still here, You're not cured!!


After spending a lovely couple of weeks here, literally, I'm on the verge of getting a divorce, getting fired, being disowned, and if I'm not carefull child services may start paying me visits....and I kindda forgot about the big G. So I'm giving up sciforum cold turkey.....I'm sorry for any posts that I didn't respond to, and sorry for any cheap shots that I took at anybodies expense to lift myself.....To those that might hold a grudge against me, don't worry, your grudge has been permanently recorded in one of my proportions, and I must deal with it eventually, so you're taken care of.

I learned a lot here....but I'm afraid Sciforum is replacing my old wooden crutch with a golden one ....I wish I could take Spookz with me, but oh well, politically impossible...Thanks Vienna for the new ideas and better English lessons.....Thanks for the physics and math lessons. Thanks to all....As whatsupyall says....I think my mission here is done but I wish for one last challenge before I leave.... I want some good old insults, jokes, ect on my behalf if you wish, make it good, and if you also get the chance can you point to me the way to the AA room for sciforum.
I'm afraid there is no way to leave sciforums. People here only take vacations from sciforums, some short some long. Your registration here is for eternity. You are trapped.

So bye for now.

Best of luck sorting out your life though. Sounds like a real challenge.
Well........you're still here.

When exactly will you be going. This is the second time you said you were leaving...................................................but didn't.

Not to worry, I don't believe a word you say anyway.
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