If there's a place where chemtrails....


Registered Senior Member
If there's a place where chemtrails arent please tell me because I'd like to go there. I haven't seen a clear blue sky or the stars at night in an extremely long time and it's upsetting. Is there anyone on here that lives in a place where they don't spray chemtrails over where you live every 2 hours?
***Moderator Note***
Conspiracy theories belong in the pseudoscience subforum.
A conspiracy theory that just won't die

I live a few minutes outside Seattle. I see the stars regularly, except when there are clouds. And even with Boeing and at least four military bases in the Seattle-Tacoma corridor, we have no chemtrail conspiracy theories running amok up here.

Indeed, on those occasions that I come across the chemtrail conspiracy, I wonder why it hasn't died yet.

Like when I first encountered the idea over a decade ago, all I could think was, "Why?" I mean, okay, sure. So an airplane flies over leaving a contrail, and a couple days later someone finds what looks like a cross between fiberglass insulation and wet cotton candy in the dirt near a road. Two questions occur to me:

• How can we be sure the mysterious substance is the chemtrail?

• What is the purpose of a chemtrail?​

The one has vaguely interesting implications, e.g., a particular laboratory could not identify the substance. But that doesn't mean it's actually the chemtrail.

The other, though, is a completely open question. I've never heard a useful answer to it.
Lol, no that isn't what this is. I didn't mean to start a conspiracy theory thread. Actually it's a fact that jets fly over my city everyday and create a fog that blocks out the sun and sky. It was done just this morning on my way to school. The sky is completely bland. I just wanted to know if there's anywhere this doesn't happen. I'm not even interested in what they're dropping. I'm in NY by the way.
Lol, no that isn't what this is. I didn't mean to start a conspiracy theory thread. Actually it's a fact that jets fly over my city everyday and create a fog that blocks out the sun and sky. It was done just this morning on my way to school. The sky is completely bland. I just wanted to know if there's anywhere this doesn't happen. I'm not even interested in what they're dropping. I'm in NY by the way.

Seems to me that the problem you've created here is a result of not knowing the difference between chem-trails and contrails. Apparently that led you to choose the wrong one to talk about.
Seems to me that the problem you've created here is a result of not knowing the difference between chem-trails and contrails. Apparently that led you to choose the wrong one to talk about.

I get the difference. Contrails are way shorter, they don't expand, and the duration for them is not as long as chemtrails. Not only that but they wont leave clouds behind to block everything out. I've been reading about them, and while I don't believe in the conspiracies and that it's unhealthy physically, not seeing the sun for so long can be unhealthy mentally.
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I get the difference.
Apparently not.

Contrails are way shorter, they don't expand, and the duration for them is not as long as chemtrails.
Shorter than what?
Contrails DO expand. And they last a fair while.

Not only that but they wont leave clouds behind to block everything out. I've been reading about them, and while I don't believe in the conspiracies and that it's unhealthy physically, not seeing the sun for so long can be unhealthy mentally.
So what exactly is a chemtrail if it isn't the conspiracy nut thing?
Apparently not.

Shorter than what?
Contrails DO expand. And they last a fair while.

So what exactly is a chemtrail if it isn't the conspiracy nut thing?

Wow really? Contrails dissapate way faster than chemtrails, not only that but they don't stretch for miles genius; also the only reason I called it a chemtrail is because that's what they're known as. That's like asking an athiest why they use the word god just because they don't believe in it, so while I don't believe in the conspiracies I do see the clouds left behind. I'll finish after I'm in my next class.
Wow really? Contrails dissapate way faster than chemtrails, not only that but they don't stretch for miles
Er no.
Contrails can stretch for miles and last hours.

Nice of you to notice.

also the only reason I called it a chemtrail is because that's what they're known as.
Again, no.
A chemtrail is the conspiracy nut name, otherwise it's a plain old contrail.

Contrails exist, chemtrails don't.
Apparently not.

Shorter than what?
Contrails DO expand. And they last a fair while.

So what exactly is a chemtrail if it isn't the conspiracy nut thing?

You are correct. Not only does he apparently NOT know the difference, it's strikingly obvious that he has no clue.

And yes, contrails DO expand and have a varible endurance - it depends entirely on altitude, temperature and humidity.

But there really are chemtrails - they are very common in agricultural crop dusting operations. They are also VERY low level (altitude) and because of that, they have a very short duration. The only non-civilian use that I'm aware of was their employment in Viet Nam when Agent Orange was sprayed - again at a very low altitude - for the purpose of defoliating heavy vegetative growth.

And that's pretty much the end of the whole story, except that he's seeing just ordinary contrails.
Wrong again, I do see them daily. They cross eachothers paths and none of the trails last less than a few hours. The jets also fly extremely low here. So please don't tell me what I'm seeing. I never said they couldn't last for hours I said that chemtrails lasted longer. The fact that you say they don't exist elliminates you from being able to dispute the difference. Thanks though.
You could move to an remote island that doesn't have an airport, probably no contrails there.

I wouldn't use the term "chemtrail" though. It's a buzzword used by CT'ers to describe commericial jets spraying mysterious chemicals on the public on behalf of the NWO/Illuminate/etc, and is grade A prime Woo.
You could move to an remote island that doesn't have an airport, probably no contrails there.

I wouldn't use the term "chemtrail" though. It's a buzzword used by CT'ers to describe commericial jets spraying mysterious chemicals on the public on behalf of the NWO/Illuminate/etc, and is grade A prime Woo.

Yeah lol a private island, I kinda don't want to be isolated but thanks. I should've just said "the clouds jets leave behind", but then no one would've know what I was talking about, and it was moved to this section just because of the word chemtrails.s
Wrong again, I do see them daily.
So do I.

They cross eachothers paths
That would be because the aircraft cross each others' paths.

So please don't tell me what I'm seeing.
Somebody needs to.

I never said they couldn't last for hours I said that chemtrails lasted longer.
But you don't have ANY evidence that they aren't contrails, merely supposition.

The fact that you say they don't exist elliminates you from being able to dispute the difference.
The fact that you're ignorant about the difference - contrails: real/ chemtrails: woo woo (apart from crop sprayers as Read Only mentioned) and have NO EVIDENCE should eliminate you from being able to say anything at all.

Fact: Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.
Fact: There is no such thing as a "Chemtrail". Contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon.
Fact: The National Airspace System of the United States is orientated in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000 foot increments of elevation. Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails
Yeah lol a private island, I kinda don't want to be isolated but thanks. I should've just said "the clouds jets leave behind", but then no one would've know what I was talking about, and it was moved to this section just because of the word chemtrails.s

So that brings us right back to what I said earlier. You do NOT know the difference and chose the wrong one to start talking about.

Incidentally, there's nowhere in the US - or many other parts of the world - where they're not common. And as I told you, their persistence depends strictly on environmental conditions.
So do I.

That would be because the aircraft cross each others' paths.

Somebody needs to.

But you don't have ANY evidence that they aren't contrails, merely supposition.

The fact that you're ignorant about the difference - contrails: real/ chemtrails: woo woo (apart from crop sprayers as Read Only mentioned) and have NO EVIDENCE should eliminate you from being able to say anything at all.


Lol what I still don't get is, why are you trying to convince me that I believe in the chemtrail conspiracy theory. I started off with this wanting to know of a place without these clouds. Ok guess what I'll do just for you since your words are annoying me. Because you're stretching it by arguing over a word, because if you wanted to tell me whatever word it was you wanted me to use you would've said it in a more informative matter instead of an arrogant one. But anyway, what I'll do is after school I'll look out for one and if I see one I'll take a video for you. Untill then go pick a fight with someone else please.
So that brings us right back to what I said earlier. You do NOT know the difference and chose the wrong one to start talking about.

Incidentally, there's nowhere in the US - or many other parts of the world - where they're not common. And as I told you, their persistence depends strictly on environmental conditions.

No... god I hate that please don't try to switch my words on me. They wouldn't have know what I was talking about BECAUSE they would've thought it was the common contrails.
Lol what I still don't get is, why are you trying to convince me that I believe in the chemtrail conspiracy theory.
Because you used the word "chemtrail" and not "contrail".
And you also claimed
Is there anyone on here that lives in a place where they don't spray chemtrails over where you live every 2 hours?

Contrails are a natural resultant of engine exhausts, a concomitant. They aren't "sprayed" as such.
And they're wherever aircraft fly and the atmospheric conditions are right: in other words most of the world.
No... god I hate that please don't try to switch my words on me. They wouldn't have know what I was talking about BECAUSE they would've thought it was the common contrails.

Silly, silly kid! I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt by saying you chose the wrong term out of two. But now you ARE starting to talk like a nut because they ARE just common contrails!! They're EVERYWHERE!!

You'll get no more help or sympathy from me, you little dummy!:mad:
Ladicius, stop using conpsiracy nut terminilogy, and we'll take you more seriously. It's that simple.

Here's a nice pic showing contrails being produced by the tops of a propeller;


Not exhaust, but merely because the air is quite saturated with water vapour, and the disturbance of the prop causes some droplets to form. Nothing 'chem' about it. Water vapour. Simply water vapour, that was already there.