If the Bible were the word of God


Registered Senior Member
Wouldn't it be protected by him to insure that the message remains in tact? (i.e. that no words were changed so the meaning remains the same) Frankly, this is not even remotely the case. I recently ran into a website that mentioned the "Wicked Bible" an edition printed in 1631 that left the word "not" out of one of the commandments, so that it read "Thou shalt commit adultery." With this information I find it even harder than I did before to believe the bible is the uncorrupted word of any god, much less an all powerful one who influences everyday events.



Well, that is an argument I have heard from Christians on here as to why the bible is the same now as it was when it was written, so if it is whimpy, take it up with them. :D
Well, yeah... it's sad that the bible is not like 'a treasure from the heaven', therfore some even value it as 'just another book'
No Book is from heaven

I just would like to add that every Religion on this earth is Man made and there is no such Book from Heaven. If GOD wanted us to follow his Rules he would have had Created a Wall of Titanium or which would not rust and list down his Laws ..He did not so let us stick to a simple Rule of not hurting anyone.

And is very Meloramatic when different religions make their "God" as center of Heavenly Creation ... Wake up ... Smell the Lies as aptly Put by Medicine Woman Some where on this Forum

Originally posted by Tyrell
Wouldn't it be protected by him to insure that the message remains in tact? (i.e. that no words were changed so the meaning remains the same) Frankly, this is not even remotely the case. I recently ran into a website that mentioned the "Wicked Bible" an edition printed in 1631 that left the word "not" out of one of the commandments, so that it read "Thou shalt commit adultery." With this information I find it even harder than I did before to believe the bible is the uncorrupted word of any god, much less an all powerful one who influences everyday events.
Having posted this, would you tell me whether the message has since changed to "thou shalt commit adultery", or whether it has remained intact? In other words, what is the final conclusion?

Meaning does not lie in words alone. If your contention that "no words were changed" was really enforced, no translation would have been possible anywhere in the world. In fact, the Bible would have become extinct along with the first language it was written in. The result would be that your salvation would depend on your language, education or literacy. As you can see this is not the case.
actually, there was for a while a sect which took this printing mistake as a holy change in the word of God, and started a poligamist-type culture around it. I don't think they are around anymore, though they were for a while.
That just goes to show what happens when you link the "Word of God" to the text - the translation and the literal letters - in isolation. The error only occurred in Exodus. They just ignored the one in Deuteronomy, along with at least 2000 years of history. (Obviously, this is not an isolated case.)